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Nick Grimshawe

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 10:01:47 PM
Hi Joe,

Thank you for your thoughtful response. I ordered the Little Blue Book.

There have been nay sayers in my life, but I have never paid them much mind.
But it is right to be ware of dream robbers , they are out there.

My biggest opportunity is to be careful of my own internal critic who can do more damage than anything some one else can say to me.

And from all this come something extraordinarily good, a whole series of article I want to write on some of the subjects we many people gapple with.

As I walked out of the woods today, I was evaluating my concept of time. In my head were tumbling relativity theroy, Quatum Mechanics, The obsever effect and more as I wrestled with concepts of time.

Many people have the view of time as scarcity, which was my thoughts at the beginning of the day, until I realized time is abundant as anything else in the universe.


Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 10:10:09 PM
Hi Thomas,

We may disagree about our ideas of what "God" means, but I agree with everything else you wrote. Wayne w Dyer calls it being "In Spirit: I tend to use "The Source"
but it really is all the same thing.

I have separated out one part of me . Is it any wonder than I am having issues.

So I have resolved to bring everything back into the source or God.

Unto that "Source" you need to place yourself in trust.

We can make it complex, but you are right in the end it is really simple.


Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 11:27:31 PM

Hillbilly here. I feel your pain, but one thing Hillbilly's got is "bull headedness" and an unwillingness to give up. Now don't get me wrong here. While sometimes this can be a virtue, often it can be a snake. Ready to bite you for not keeping your head on a swivel and an open mind. I have found a common trait among many here that at first I thought was a problem that was mine alone, and that is a lack of focus. Here in the Ozarks we have a quaint but true saying - "if you chase two rabits, you'll loose them both". What I'm saying and what I'm trying to employ in my own endeavors is to work a deal to its logical conclusion. Then and only then - change trains if it becomes neccessary!

Everything we as humans do requires a certain amount of time to mature. Look around at those here for instance. There are those who jump from one "deal" to the next and never realize their dream. Eventually they will either get it and settle down to really focus on one thing that will work for them or they will get frustrated and fall by the wayside. Then there are those who have realized that there are principles of business that have remained unchanged since man began conducting business. It takes time to build a business and it requires constant attention and massaging to grow it to where they wish it to be. Many of these (and perhaps myself included) will realize that the deal is not going to become what we wish or need it to be and will make a change. But along the way, they are constantly evaluating, modifying and massaging that one idea to get it to a point where they can make an honest evaluation of its worthiness of effort.

Along the way there will be set backs and pitfalls, but it is and shall always remain true that any business built fast and without  much work will equally fast fall. "Wealth easily gained is just as easily lost" is a truism that is as much a part of man as the breath in his lungs. These are truths that are as old as humanity itself and I believe that to believe otherwise is the height of folly and brazeness. While it is true that there will from time time come one who will be an odity and "fluke" who will be a seemingly "overnight success" and keep it. But I personally am not Knieve enough to believe I am one, Therefore I will continue to work my tail off, continually evaluate and question and make adjustments as neccessary. Just the thoughts of a "Hillbilly".

the "Hillbilly Gardener"
Lyndell (Jerry) Miller
(417) 777-2285
the "Hillbilly Gardener"
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/27/2007 1:51:39 AM

Hi Nick,

Great thoughtful forum, there again, with folk like your friends here it couldn't be better.

You certainly attract the right people with positive views. I'm happy to say that I'm here so the rest is already said about me. I am attracted by positive.

I am a conduit for energy and enjoy the interaction.

How about this for a title?






Arthur Webster

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/27/2007 2:58:02 AM

Hi, Nick,

I wasn't going to respond to this forum because I know that my brand of common sense does not meet with much approval.

Forget the law of attraction! It is codswallop and designed only to make a lot of money for the perpetrators. The secret is that I did not 'manifest' the deaths of three wives, I did not 'manifest' the deaths of two children, nor did I 'manifest' a life time of pain with various forms of cancer.

What I did do was help my parents overcome their own physical disabilities, I did all that I could do in a day to ensure that everybody that I knew needed help got it. I became the man that I am and, guess what, (and do think about this very carefully) I cannot change my basic personality any more than you can decide to grow wings and fly.

You say that you feel that you are one of the happiest people you know - for crying out loud, Nick, don't you know that happiness is the one result everybody aspires to - and you have achieved it!

So, what can you be doing wrong?

Too much introspection?

Too much 'looking over the fence into the other man's yard and covetting his posessions?

Too little pride in what you have achieved?

Too little self respect?

Too little self confidence?

Too much attention to what others are telling the population in general and not listening to your own small voice that talks to you specifically?

Another thing for you to think about is that many miserable people are that way because they have worked at it all their lives - and succeeded. Yes - they are successes!

Nick, nobody on this earth can tell you what or if you are doing anything wrong but if you think that way and spend time looking for your errors, your life will slip away from you and you will never be sure that you turned over enough stones to find the maggott eating away at you.

Happy is a great start - don't spoil it.

Only you know what's best for you - that's why you are a big boy now!

The Old Coot 



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