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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Adlandpro Community Volunteers---A Salute
4/21/2007 3:56:28 PM


Great to hear of your involvement with the Red Cross.  There is so much  with which  a volunteer can assist.  It can be on a scheduled basis or during times of emergency.  Where would our nation be if we didn't have the Red Cross  volunteer reaching out to those in need.

One can be a Red Cross volunteer by taking their life saving courses.  Then you become a volunteer immediately at the scene of an emergency til the rescue squad arrives.  So many lives have been saved by volunteers who took the Red Cross courses.

Volunteering at a nursing home is an easy thing to do.  For most just being there and taking a moment  to stop and talk brings sunshine into a lonley elderly person.  Structured activites as you mentioned add to the quality of life for those in nursing homes.

Proud of you for reaching out in your community.


Mary Hofstetter

3481 Posts
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Re: Adlandpro Community Volunteers---A Salute
5/1/2007 12:13:43 PM

Volunteer recognition week may be over but it seems  appropriate to share a most wonderful experience I had yesterday.

First let me backtrack and say that I retired for a second time last Thurs.  Yesterday seemed like the first real day of retirement as I was free to go do my own thing.

Monday was a delightful day.  I accompanied a group of senior citizens to Dayton Ohio where we visited the Dayton Art Institute.  It was neat to be free to assist those needing a little help and share conversations with people who still have clear minds who are residents of a nursing home. 


We ate lunch on a real trolley car which had been set up inside the restaurant.  Some of the trappings of the original street car were still there like the passenger straps to hold onto.   We had a lovely lunch and went on to the  Dayton Art Institue to visit the special show "Marilyn Monroe" LIFE AS A LEGEND

That was my first experience to see a legend from my era displayed as an art form.  I look forward to many more such experiences as I share my time with those who have so muchto add to the value of  our lives.
