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Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/8/2007 4:00:56 PM

Hi, Lorraine,

I pay much less than $100 a week now for my three bedroom apartment overlooking Valle de Azahar (I have fabulous views!) but with three major supermarkets literally across the road and the town centre a 10 minute walk away.

If I live to retire I don't think it would be dificult to find something even cheaper to live in - but retirement doesn't really hold much attraction for me.

Semi retirement?

That's the way to go!

Work a little, play a little, keep up with the world, break when you want to, sleep when you want to and still earn enough to keep body and soul together.

Certainly, in Europe, the move is towards hiring the older (60+) generation because they have a good work ethic and are aware of the value of service and customer satisfaction. Also, they speak a recognisable form of English (in my case) , can work out change without a calculator and understand why questions might be asked which could be considered 'silly'.

Pensions should have a government health warning attached to them:-


Just an Old Coot thought

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/8/2007 4:49:03 PM

Hey there Arthur,

What you describe is very much like America.  I was told by the human resources people at the wardhouse where I work that 10% of the workforce is 60+.  Some are in their 70's  which cancels out the  young workers.  Monday, you can count on low attendance because the young workers had too much partying.

Yes, retirement can be dangerous.  Inactivity of body and mind deteriates the capable who just sit and lose inspiration to make a mark in the world.  I personally have plans for staying active.

Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/8/2007 7:31:38 PM
Well Mary, see how you are? No Way am I going to live in Ohio in the winter and then come back down here for hurricane season! Let's see - snow, then tornadoes, then hurricanes to round out the year. What a deal! LOLOL Lots of people are moving out of Florida and moving into Georgia or SC or NC because the land is cheaper, housing is cheaper, and home insurance is cheaper. So who knows, I may end up back in the 'real' USA instead of staying in the tropics.
Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/8/2007 7:36:25 PM
Arthur, I wonder if the cost ends up to be the same with the different currency values our countries have? If it truly is cheaper to live there, could you send me the part of the newspaper that lists apartments for rent? Beats the heck out of what Mary's trying to sell me LOL The rest of your philosophy sounds very good to me, too! I intend on living just like that!
Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/9/2007 3:40:53 AM

Hi, Lorraine,

I have made adjustment for the dreadful state of the dollar to a certain extent, if I used the actual value of the dollar, today, I would be paying less that $70 a week!!

The best newspaper for apartment lets is "La Tribuna" but the on line version does not show the classified pages.

Incidentally, if you work the system properly, you can probably use the time share marketing system within Europe to have 5*, self catering accommodation for free for up to three moonths of the year (Well, you wouldnt want to abuse the system, now, would you?).

Another growing industry is 'house sitting'. I know a few retired couples who do not have a home of their own, they simply travel around Europe being paid to live in the houses of people who are on vacation but do not want their property to be left empty because the plants might die or because they do not want to take their pets with them.

One couple has so many regular clients they actually hire other couples to cover for them if they are double booked!!

The world is full of opportunities and we older folk are starting to be appreciated for the value we can offer.

The Old Coot
