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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/6/2007 5:38:06 PM
Deborah, My state of mind???? Really it is quite questionable when I post such a plan as staying in a motel long term. That's ok, I have fun what ever my state of mind. "What me worry?" is my motto.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/6/2007 5:42:18 PM
Hi Chuck, Thanks for backing me on the theory that our generation bought a bad deal. I never mentioned the credit card situation. This generation is in for a shocker as they realize that furniture, clothes and necessities can run up a credit card to the point that they can not pay any more than the interest. Finally they can't even handle the interest and go bankrupt. So, we have to keep our sense of humor. I am looking for more good advice to pass on here.
Chuck Bartok

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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/6/2007 7:34:19 PM

What a Wonderful Opportunity some of Us Grey Hairs(or white in my Case) to go forth and outskirts.

It is flat out amazing how easy it is to build a business, with a good Plan, a strong Master Mind and the desire to succeed. It is not a matter of Money..

The Opportunities are available to everyone regardless of Current Income, they just have ti be willing to "Lean into the wind" a little for a short while.

Those in their fifties and sixties can easily put themselves into a $,000-$6,000 investment Deposit a month, after a year  or so.

The Income comes in steadily if the business is structured well and a New Asset Base is created.

Just think developing a little part time Income of $4,000 a month is equivalent to having $1,000, 000 working in safety.
And if you re-invest that while you are still working to pay current Necessity expenses, ... the number are fantastic.

No need to worry about who leaves the light on....

How did My Grandfather & Grandmother, never earning more than $1.75 hour, retire in 1955, had all they wanted, didn't spend Social Security (Grandpa thought he better save it, after they paid him more than he put in) He learned at age 76 it was Ok to spend it.

Of course they only had a short Mortgage on their first house, paid it of quickly and moved on up from there always paying CASH.. The KING of Business!!!

Grandma would never touch an envelope that had money to transfer if another was empty...

You just did without.. Oh Gee

They only allocated 50% of Take Home pay for the necessities, FOOD CLOTHING & SHELTER. the rest was put in envelopes to allocate Longterm Saving, short term saving (we call it depreciation account), Charity, education and relaxation.

Funny, people have no problem spending $500-700 month Car Payment, but won't set aside the money to go buy one. if they can make the payments, why can't they make the deposits.

I know someone will say they can't wait that long.....

Old age is along Time, today....

By The way one of the wealthiest Billionaire I used to hang with NEVER paid more than $500 for an Automobile... Drove 'em till they dropped and bought another..

He was the laughing stock of the Neighborhood, but sure built a lot of Boys Clubs

REAL businesses set aside Depreciation for Replacement. Not go out and go on Installmnent and pay the Dummy Tax interest.

 The problem is .....

Most will spend it, Oh well 

Let's Just Have FUN and enjoy all we are afforded in these Dynamic Times.

Their are Fortunes on every Street Corner..

One just needs the ENERGY to stoop down and pick Them up...

Happy Easter

Chuck & Shirley Bartok Northern California 530-798-0245
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/7/2007 6:05:12 AM
Hi Chuck, Wow, lots to think about here. In a discussion with some young people, they were lamenting that lay-a-way was being replaced with a credit card at one of our local stores. When I tried to explain the "save til you have the money" theory, they thought I was crazy. You have brought up many serious thoughts here and I am trying to stay light on the subject of retirement. In a couple of weeks, I am retiring for the second time. I am doing so with fear and trepidation. Not that I didn't plan but that the unknown might catch me off guard and I don't have that extra income coming in each month to cover. I know I haven't got all the bases covered!
Edward Pena

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Re: Planning for Retirement Years Ahead
4/7/2007 11:30:37 AM
I have heard cruise ships are a great alternative also.
