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Mary Hofstetter

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Bounce Back Ability
2/5/2006 6:02:34 AM
Hello Everyone, "I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits the bottom" - George Patton Many things have happened in the past few days that leave us wondering what is happening. Some question, some sit down and lament. Some decide to leave their businesse endevors, some build feelings of distrust, some have a "wait and see" attitude, some are eaten up inside with anger, some have moved on with a change in course. What is your reaction? How you react will affect your business, those around you, and yes YOUR HEALTH. Unhealthy stress causes ILLNESS. Mary build your mailing list
Re: Bounce Back Ability
2/8/2006 5:21:50 AM
Hi Mary :) thanks for sharing, some good advice there! Have a great day!!!:)
Leon Horton

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 9:27:13 AM
Hi Mary, Life is full of choices. Every day we wake up and are faced with all kinds of things that offer us choices. We can choose to be positive or negative about a particular influence or we might have other inputs that spur a choice. Overall, the reactions to a particular influence in our lives gives rise to a choice. With the past history of the payment processor fiascos, we can see, retrospectively, that multitudes of people were faced with opportunities to make a choice. Many people did what you said in your post... several options were evident at the time and people made choices based upon the information presented at the time. Even if some made poor choices, it is never too late to turn around and go a different direction. And, too, we should never beat ourselves up over a choice that we made. Good or bad, we made those choices based upon the information we had at the time, right? Peace, Leon
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 10:33:07 AM
Hi Leon, You have learned to endure the good, the bad, the ugly. That's why you have endured. Hope things are going good with your promotions. Took you long enough to get here lol. The original post was Feb. Better late than never.
James Max

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 1:45:22 PM
Hey Mary, You Drive A Hard Bargain, Young Lady!! The Last Time I Checked I Was Still Having Fun At Happylanding, except for those darn pop-ups - you just can't get rid of them permanently. LOL HAVE A HAPPY 4TH - And stick with your winning formula: "Find Something To Gripe About - And They Will Come!" I even have members griping about me - but, then again, I am not perfect. With Love From Vegas, max
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