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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 2:14:07 PM
Jim, The pop ups forum caused me more problems than I want to reveal here. After some feeling sorry for myself when my panda was kidnapped. I realized that the action affected many of my good business associates here also. What might have been intended for me became a situation to be reckeoned with by others here also. The forum is still there and you can go there and complain all you want. You will probably be talking to yourself but you are welcome to go OR we can go on and learn to ignore them. Turn them off or whatever. Think it wise that it become a dead issue. I will leave it there as a reminder of the good and the bad. After a pity party attended by many hurt people, sympathizers, and those who disagreeded, its time to move on. This forum is for me and so it is shared with the community here.
Jill Bachman

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 3:28:43 PM
Hi Mary, Boy, that was great advice.......and I remember the 1st of February well. It was devastating, and your forum was a very welcome support! :-) Thank you and bless you, Jill
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 3:58:22 PM
Hi Jill, I don't remember too much about Feb. as I was not one of the people who got hurt. I remember feeling like something was going to happen to people who were all jumping on board to make the big bucks. At that time, forums were filled with bragging about all the money they were making. The famous reply then was "I'm already in" "I'm joing right now." It was a hayday before the bust. I felt for those who lost and so started posting motivational forums. It was good but very lonley as you can see. The others coming, were no better....1 or 2 responders posted.
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 6:04:57 PM
Hi, Following that George Patton quote I remembered an old story. Here's the shortened version. A man, out for a late night stroll decided to take a shorter route home through a cemetry. In the dark he failed to see the open grave and fell in. This was a big family sized grave, deep and wide. He shouted for some time then tried to climb out, but the soil was too soft and the hole too deep. ''Oh well'' he said and settled into a corner with his coat over his head to stop the crumbs of soil getting to him. There he sat for some time until he heard drunken singing followed by a lot of loose soil and then a large thump. The drunken man spent quite a while trying to climb out, cursing and shouting but with no luck. He had just about given up when from the other side of the grave a voice said ''you'll never get out of here buddy''....... do you know? HE DID. Roger
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Bounce Back Ability
7/3/2006 6:09:36 PM
Hi Roger, Good illustration. We can do it if we need to. There are many stories of war heros who altho wounded themselves, carried a comrade for many miles. Ever hear of someone lifting a car to have a person removed from underneath. The mind allows us to do things when motivated to do so. Glad you stopped in and for sure you were not on my friends list when this was first posted here.