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Michael Caron

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RE: Rebooting
5/3/2013 3:39:13 AM

10_1_136.gifHi David,

I have been a member of AdlandPro Community since I believe June, 2005. I believe that this is the best online community that there is anywhere. Our members are top notch in every way, and forums in AdlandPro Community are very active. I don't like to mix business with pleasure, so if I am in a social forum I like to stick with the theme. It does not always work but most times it does. I always believe in Truth, even though at times the truth can leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Also, when a person posts a forum that deals with opinions on a particular subject, that need to show a little patience if a poster's opinion does not match their own. I do my best to use the ad section to post ads, however on my own forums I will mention a new venture, but at the same time explain why it is relevent to the topic of that particular forum. My signature reads "Truth in Advertising. Friends first-business later." When I receive a PM that begins, "Dear (First name),I have a product....) actually, I have already deleted it. I have had a few rough spots along the way, however I have gotten over them. I do not care to debate about who is right or wrong on any given subject, as I feel that no matter what opinion you have, derived by information that you have received on the subject could be the correct information. A person who opposes your opinion could have come to that conclusion based on information that he or she gathered on that particular subject. I do not get involved in politics or religion {If Possible} however those are two subjects that are very difficult to avoid. I have strong convictions about UFOs, Alien Life forms and other controversal subjects which some may find interesting and others may find very irritating. I am 71 years old and in the past I have often been told to keep my opinions to myself. It doesn't matter now.

I consider AdlandPro to be my home away from home. I have gained a lot of friends over the past few years who I think of as friends, not cyber buddies. I have not made much money in any of my ventures, nor do I believe I ever will, however the friends that I have made are worth their weight in Gold. I believe that the biggest lesson that I have learned here is that if you want anyone to come into your forum threads you have to visit theirs as well. Also, out of respect, when you read a persons comment that you like, click the like button. It doesn't hurt. In conclusion, welcome back. You're going tolike the way we've cleaned up the place.



smogmeinichols3.jpgI've got to go. My ride is here.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
RE: Rebooting
5/3/2013 8:46:55 PM

smogmeinichols3.jpgI've got to go. My ride is here.


WE are going to get along just fine!

Just one question... Concerning your "ride" in the image above... Is the attraction the spaceship? or the Blonde!?! :)

David Weed President,
Michael Caron

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RE: Rebooting
5/4/2013 3:03:48 AM

smogmeinichols3.jpgI've got to go. My ride is here.


WE are going to get along just fine!

Just one question... Concerning your "ride" in the image above... Is the attraction the spaceship? or the Blonde!?! :)


10_1_136.gifHi David,

Probably a combination of both. The airship looks rather small and the Blonde looks rather nice. Once in the air there wouldn't be much room to run around and I am 71, so I don't run much. That would be perfect for me. Plus, my wife doesn't believe in aliens and she is afraid of them also. I am not sure how you can be afraid of something that you don't believe in. Therefore, I could be truthful and tell her that I had an afair with a beautiful blonde alien in a spaceship and she would not believe a word that I said. Now, where was it that she parked that thing?





I just hope her relatives don't show up.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Dave Cottrell

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RE: Rebooting
5/10/2013 3:48:56 PM
A few years back I wrote the post quoted below to hopefully get some conversation going, OK it was six years ago!. Unfortunately at that time this "forum" side of things was in it's infancy and since this thread isn't intended to promote anything except intelligent discourse it flopped.
Although shortly after this I ended up abandoning ALP for quite some time, recently at a friends urging I "took a peek", liked what I saw and decided to return to a more active role. Most of what I said in 2007 is still true so I thought I'd "reboot" this thread and see if it fares any better this time around.

From November 2007,

I've been a member of Adland for more than 6 years now and the thought occurred to me... why?

It then occurred to me... what are some of the reasons others use Adland?

So I thought... why not create a forum to answer those questions?

And here we are!

Let's start with *my* reasons for using Adland.

Simply put it makes me money. I am an Adland Affiliate and as such I get paid for traffic and sales generated by my efforts. Adland has been consistent and profitable from the beginning. It does help generate sales...even when I'm not runnning an ad. The newsletters are fun and informative. And... the community is vibrant.

Some of you may note I don't participate a great deal in the community. There is a reason for that. It has nothing to do with the structure or the membership or anything that Bogdan or any of the members could control. Simply put, If I want to get my work done and make a living I must avoid putting too much time into "forums". I've been bouncing around 'internet forums' since long before Al Gore "invented" the internet. I was one of Compuserve's first clients and was a well known denizen of many a BBS. FidoNet was my friend.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) I developed a bit of a reputation as an articulate yet strongly opinionated poster. I tended to attract posters of differing opinions who sought to "test themselves" against me. In the old days these confrontations could resemble the gunfight at the OK Corral. Eventually that kind of activity became like an addiction and it's taken many years to break it. But now it's time to try a different tack. I'd like to "give back" some of the knowledge I've acquired over the years. Share it with the good people here at Adland and maybe help a few folks to make (or at least not lose) some money.

I am not here to promote some scheme, scam, or opportunity. I'm not looking for a new one either.

For many years my nom de plume was "The Bird of Prey" (and on some forums it still is) many likened the name as fitting a dragon with a built in natural flamethrower that never runs dry. The handle was often shortened to "BOP" (which is still shown in the BBS archives as the abbreviation for Bird of Prey, google it). I still like the idea of being thought of as a dragon, though perhaps now a bit kinder and gentler than before. If you need help with just about anything relating to the internet, drop me a line. I'll be happy to do what I can.

Take Care and Be Well,

That was then. Now I'd like to add that If I can incite a giggle every so often, my day will have been made.

Who's up for Stormin' the Castle?

Well, "Bird of Prey," I come to Adlandpro partly to meet fellow Trekkies like yourself! lol!!

Adlandpro was the first social site I joined, back in 1999. Before that, I had a Commodore 64 and was not connected to the WWW.

Once online, I very quickly discovered forums, especially science forums, and got into plenty of trouble with folks who tried to spar with me. lol. I soon learned that people don't like being shown they are wrong, nor do most like "logic bombs."

It has become apparent, and I think very good for me to discover, that being a friend is far more important than being right.

God bless,

RE: Rebooting
5/12/2013 10:02:19 PM

Well, "Bird of Prey," I come to Adlandpro partly to meet fellow Trekkies like yourself! lol!!

Yep, I proudly wear my trekkie badge. But to be clear the "Bird of Prey" handle stems from my love of raptors (eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, etc.) as it does Star Trek. When I originally chose the handle (during the CB radio craze of the mid 70's) it was with raptors in mind. Only later, though still before ST III: The Search For Spock did I remember that the Romulans "paint all their ships to resemble birds of prey" (Sulu in the episode Balance of Terror.) I've always though it even more fitting since the handle has so many layers.

Quote: Adlandpro was the first social site I joined, back in 1999. Before that, I had a Commodore 64 and was not connected to the WWW.
Once online, I very quickly discovered forums, especially science forums, and got into plenty of trouble with folks who tried to spar with me. lol. I soon learned that people don't like being shown they are wrong, nor do most like "logic bombs."

Oh so true, how sad that for most people "logic" never enters the picture.

Quote: It has become apparent, and I think very good for me to discover, that being a friend is far more important than being right.

As have I my friend, as have I. Though being right comes in handy on Trivia Night at the Pizza Joint! :)

David Weed President,