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5/2/2013 4:03:31 AM
A few years back I wrote the post quoted below to hopefully get some conversation going, OK it was six years ago!. Unfortunately at that time this "forum" side of things was in it's infancy and since this thread isn't intended to promote anything except intelligent discourse it flopped.
Although shortly after this I ended up abandoning ALP for quite some time, recently at a friends urging I "took a peek", liked what I saw and decided to return to a more active role. Most of what I said in 2007 is still true so I thought I'd "reboot" this thread and see if it fares any better this time around.

From November 2007,

I've been a member of Adland for more than 6 years now and the thought occurred to me... why?

It then occurred to me... what are some of the reasons others use Adland?

So I thought... why not create a forum to answer those questions?

And here we are!

Let's start with *my* reasons for using Adland.

Simply put it makes me money. I am an Adland Affiliate and as such I get paid for traffic and sales generated by my efforts. Adland has been consistent and profitable from the beginning. It does help generate sales...even when I'm not runnning an ad. The newsletters are fun and informative. And... the community is vibrant.

Some of you may note I don't participate a great deal in the community. There is a reason for that. It has nothing to do with the structure or the membership or anything that Bogdan or any of the members could control. Simply put, If I want to get my work done and make a living I must avoid putting too much time into "forums". I've been bouncing around 'internet forums' since long before Al Gore "invented" the internet. I was one of Compuserve's first clients and was a well known denizen of many a BBS. FidoNet was my friend.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) I developed a bit of a reputation as an articulate yet strongly opinionated poster. I tended to attract posters of differing opinions who sought to "test themselves" against me. In the old days these confrontations could resemble the gunfight at the OK Corral. Eventually that kind of activity became like an addiction and it's taken many years to break it. But now it's time to try a different tack. I'd like to "give back" some of the knowledge I've acquired over the years. Share it with the good people here at Adland and maybe help a few folks to make (or at least not lose) some money.

I am not here to promote some scheme, scam, or opportunity. I'm not looking for a new one either.

For many years my nom de plume was "The Bird of Prey" (and on some forums it still is) many likened the name as fitting a dragon with a built in natural flamethrower that never runs dry. The handle was often shortened to "BOP" (which is still shown in the BBS archives as the abbreviation for Bird of Prey, google it). I still like the idea of being thought of as a dragon, though perhaps now a bit kinder and gentler than before. If you need help with just about anything relating to the internet, drop me a line. I'll be happy to do what I can.

Take Care and Be Well,

That was then. Now I'd like to add that If I can incite a giggle every so often, my day will have been made.

Who's up for Stormin' the Castle?

David Weed President,
Branka Babic

1352 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 4:34:48 AM
Good morning David,

I really really enjoyed reading your words.

My first 6 AdlandPro years started when your first 6 AdlandPro years ended :). That 2007 was very important in my life.

Now to quote this part:

"I tended to attract posters of differing opinions who sought to "test themselves" against me. In the old days these confrontations could resemble the gunfight at the OK Corral. Eventually that kind of activity became like an addiction and it's taken many years to break it. But now it's time to try a different tack. I'd like to "give back" some of the knowledge I've acquired over the years. Share it with the good people here at Adland and maybe help a few folks to make (or at least not lose) some money."

I am looking forward to come here often.
It is nice opportunity to learn more about you, thank you.
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 9:21:39 AM

Hello David

Welcome back to Adland. I, for one, will probably be picking your brain from time to time.

I am bookmarking your page because I may need your suggestions regarding websites when mine is finished . My daughter is building a website for me but I will be wanting to add and/or subtract from it from time to time and etc., and may have some questions. My daughter isn't always available.

I hope I can be of help to you as well. Sometimes, instead of help coming back to us when we give it, it goes around and comes back to us from someone else.

I came to Adland because I saw it as an opportunity to promote health products that I sell. Oops, "sell" is one of those 4-letter words even here at Adland :)). So I find it somewhat strange when a forum or event says "no advertising" ...but I also recognize why it is necessary. A lot of advertising from all over the place could really mess up a forum. I do love to talk and share so I find I am also enjoying some of the forums ...a little too much :)) No wonder I am not making any money.

I used to debate people about MLM and I got very good at it. I won most arguments/debates but I found it was not a great way to gain a friend so I changed my tactics. I am still looking for ways to let them win at least some of the time or to at least let them think they won :))


Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 2:48:30 PM

I am looking forward to come here often.
It is nice opportunity to learn more about you, thank you.

Welcome Branka! I too am looking forward to learning more about you and hopefully many others here at ALP.

David Weed President,
RE: Rebooting
5/2/2013 3:08:39 PM

Hello David

Welcome back to Adland. I, for one, will probably be picking your brain from time to time.

Well, pick away, just don't be surprised if I pick back! :) WE ALL know something that someone else doesn't.

I am bookmarking your page because I may need your suggestions regarding websites when mine is finished . My daughter is building a website for me but I will be wanting to add and/or subtract from it from time to time and etc., and may have some questions. My daughter isn't always available.

I'd be happy to help however I can. I know though that even when cash is tight, it's better to have a professional "build" a site every single time. I have seen some good amateur efforts, but there is so much more to building a site than just what it "looks like".

I hope I can be of help to you as well. Sometimes, instead of help coming back to us when we give it, it goes around and comes back to us from someone else.

It certainly does! and sometimes from the strangest places too!

I came to Adland because I saw it as an opportunity to promote health products that I sell. Oops, "sell" is one of those 4-letter words even here at Adland :)). So I find it somewhat strange when a forum or event says "no advertising" ...but I also recognize why it is necessary. A lot of advertising from all over the place could really mess up a forum. I do love to talk and share so I find I am also enjoying some of the forums ...a little too much :)) No wonder I am not making any money.

Ahhhh! The dreaded 4 letter word "sell". It's a shame so many rookies and professional spammers ruin it for everyone. But there is a way to "sell" your products/services/self/brand online, even here at ALP that doesn't come across as "selling". I've been doing it for more than 20 years, I am doing it now. Can you tell? ;)

I used to debate people about MLM and I got very good at it. I won most arguments/debates but I found it was not a great way to gain a friend so I changed my tactics. I am still looking for ways to let them win at least some of the time or to at least let them think they won :))


Oh my does that bring back memories (I've drawn circles and stood on the chairs literally and virtually). A long time ago though I reached a conclusion. If you have to push/convince/argue/bribe/whatever to get them into your "program", they probably aren't going to do well or become such a pain that they won't be worth the effort to push/convince/argue/bribe/whatever to get them into your "program".

I still work a "network marketing/MLM program", the same program for almost 14 years now. I don't cast a wide net for a boat load of "little fish" hoping to find one big fish every so often. I have my sniper rifle ready and I'll take my shot at the big fish whenever the opportunity presents itself. Over the years I've found this approach much more successful. So much so that, I find big fish
like the Aisan Carp, trying to jump in my boat as I pass by!

Smile! It makes everyone wonder what you're up to!
David Weed President,