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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/30/2018 12:27:23 AM

Be the Truth of Yourself as I Say You Are

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God said:

Beloved, down to your core, you are to be true to your heart. It makes no sense for you to hold your heart in abeyance. You understand that the truth of you must come out. You are becoming known to yourself. No longer can there be any infractions to what is now known.

You may have hidden yourself away for quite some time. You have been hiding yourself from your Self as if you must keep yourself bounded to what you once adhered to, as though you owe your loyalty to your fictitious past. You are becoming better at recognizing your true nature. No longer are you going to fool yourself that you are a downtrodden character when you are a wonder of wonders just as you are. Your subterfuge has been to associate yourself with less than the truth, as if you are supposed to make yourself less in magnitude – as if you really could not be magnificent. You have done a good job of denying yourself for naught. Truth is good reason enough to recognize yourself.

It is overdue for you to declare yourself divine. Now here, once and for all, you have been spoken for by God. I, God, have found you (you, My Self) worthy, and I insist upon declaring Our One Worth. I, God, have sworn to this before the whole congregation of Earth. You can’t wriggle out of Our One Worth now.

Truth is dawning on you. The sun always dawns. This isn’t conceit. This is acknowledging truth. Truth can no longer be hidden. Finally, it is for you to parlay truth once and for all. Don’t be shy to reveal your infinite glory.

You are My pride and joy. As you reveal yourself, you reveal Me. I am to be known, and so are you. Not one more masked ball are you to attend, Beloved. I won’t hear of it.

From now on, truth is be known right and left.

Sometimes I have wondered how you have gotten away with this disguise for so long as you have. It would be easier for you to reveal your clean slate than try to patch your disguise up. It’s easier to wear true colors than to pretend anything less. Yes, now you come into the light of wondrousness you always have been yet kept hidden in case you would be found out. No longer are you to keep your Self hidden in plain sight.

Let Us begin at the beginning. At first, a baby was born, and the whole world celebrated the baby’s birth, and the magi came, or the birth was equally celebrated in different ways in other lands and perhaps at other times. Thus began a celebration of the birth of full-blessed Oneness.

You are becoming known for the joyousness you truly are, non-negotiable.

Hark, the herald angels are singing. Hallowed be Thy name that the herald angels sing for the pure joy of.

You are beginning to get the hang of Oneness. About time I say. Time is not, yet wondrousness is, and you are wondrousness. I declare this in My Name and in thine. No longer do you keep secrets – not even from yourself. Rather, you recognize all. Now we come to the end of secrets and any occasion to pretend that you or anyone else is less than I say you are. Can you believe that, once upon a time, you tried to pretend away your Oneness? No more cover-ups. Truth is declared all over the world from the mountaintops for the pure truth and love of Oneness Supreme.

Day by day, truth shines, sun shines, and hearts circle the world in joy for all to partake of as you would a royal picnic. All are invited. All are asked to RSVP. All are asked to accept, and all are to graciously attend! Glory to God in the Highest!

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/30/2018 6:03:59 PM

The Compassion Road: Changing Fear to Courage, Love

Recently my friend, Cantor Lee Degani, had a dream about us where we met at some kind of event.

I had a script with the roles for each to play and I’d brought some food. She said I was so hungry I couldn’t wait to eat and I devoured a big piece of chicken!

Wondering what it was about I listened and saw that the work I have done with Universal Law aids in discovery of sacred purpose, “the roles we play.”

Devouring chicken: What am I chicken of, afraid of?

As we journey along our paths, there is often much fear to overcome, and we can choose to transmute fear, to overcome fear — to eat “chicken” — to face it, to change it to right alignment, to be Love.

Fear is a core issue of “I’m a disappointment” that can be changed.

We are not here to live in fear, in disappointment, in sorrow or depression.

We are here to be LOVE.


St. Theresa, who taught us the blessing and virtue of purity (1) in 2013, helps us understand fear:

“One of the most effective ways that I have dealt with fear is to connect, not only above, but with Gaia, to place my feet, my body, my energy upon this mighty beautiful planet because she is courageous, she is filled with valour and she is filled with truth and justice and balance.

“So when you anchor yourself it helps you from being buffeted by these winds of drama and allows you to stay firm; the little flower with the strong stem, the rose. Do not forget the rose also has thorns.

“So when I say to you to anchor and to be the beauty and the purity, it also means to protect your sacred self but to stay in the Love. That is the only way.

“And the fear is always future based. It is concern about what may or may not happen. So when you stay in your Now, then you are gaining strength.”


When we look directly at issues we can change, such as violence against women, gun violence, pollution, the political situation or the overdose crisis, to name a few, and face our fear that there is nothing we can do, we find we have the courage to start, to expand into the Mother’s Plan, our plan, the highest vision of LOVE.

We are eliminating all the entrenched beliefs, the false grids of the old paradigm, bigotry, hatred, limitation, control, facing our fear of change, for change into Nova Being to create Nova Earth.

St. Theresa says:

“When you move in the Now to the acceptance as the totality of yourself, what you will see is that all the lesser functions of the old paradigms fade away.

“That is why I have focused on prayer, on Love, on service, because when you are doing that, the rest fades away and the ability to let go of those momentary blips, shall we say, on the screen, of anger or fear or distain, they simply become, they come and go and you look at them like a piece of dandelion fluff just floating away from you.

“You are in the perfection of the Mother’s Design and Plan and you are in the perfection of your design and plan.

“It does not need to be altered, it needs to be recognized and embraced, and lived to the fullest.

“To practice purity does not mean that you do not sing and dance with the flowers and the fairies, it means you do, that you celebrate the beauty that you have been gifted with, and that you have chosen for this lifetime.”


We are here to be Love,
create new societies in balance that benefit everyone,
little steps to giant steps.

I Am because We Are.


With much gratitude to Cantor Lee Degani for her enlightening dream
and to Godfrey Sequeira for passing along the message about UBUNTU.


(1) “St. Theresa of Liseux Discusses the Divine Quality of Purity,” March 1, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/30/2018 6:06:10 PM

Daily Message ~ Monday July 30, 2018

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Your underlying fears that get triggered and bubble up are much like a toddler who is overwhelmed that suddenly acts out and tantrums. If you respond by being reactive, you know you only accelerate the energy. When any portion of you is at overwhelm it needs calm, consistent love and reassurance. It is looking for your empowered self to compassionately understand what is going on, to take the lead, and create a space of safety where needs can be met. This is absolutely a role you can assume just by taking a moment of exploration and awareness, to honour all parts of yourself, to shepherd and include, with your own unique wisdom and understanding. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/30/2018 6:07:48 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/29/2018

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I destroy the minds of people, so that they become simply heart - because all that is beautiful happens in the heart and all that is eternal happens in your being. Mind is just a wastepaper basket. Anything of no use you go on throwing in the mind. It has a tremendous capacity to collect... a great computer.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/30/2018 6:20:46 PM

Monday, July 30, 2018

Benjamin Fulford Update - July 30, 2018

"The secret history of the planet Earth from 2000 to 2018"

Notice to readers: For the next three weeks, barring some unprecedented news event, the reports will be pre-written as I take my annual sabbatical off the grid and off the Internet. Your understanding is appreciated.

As we prepare for what may be the final autumn offensive that finally overthrows the Khazarian mafia cabal, it’s a good time to look at the big picture to understand why a secret battle for the planet Earth has been raging all these years.

The best place to start is still the U.S. election of the year 2000, which was a coup d’état against American democracy that started the Nazi Fourth Reich headed by Fuhrer George Bush, Sr. That election was between two Western secret government factions: Faction 1—the Nazis, who wanted to kill 90% of humanity in order to “save the environment”; and Faction 2—the Global Warming faction, who said this could be accomplished by using “global warming” as an excuse to impose a carbon tax and a world government.

The Nazis won by using fraud, murders, and death threats to terrorize the U.S. establishment into handing over power. This was followed by very real attempts to murder 90% of humanity. The Nazi regime of George Bush, Jr. began spreading bioweapons like SARS, weaponized bird flu, Ebola, etc. to wipe out most of humanity. At the same time, they created starvation crises in 33 countries by paying farmers money to grow “biofuel” instead of food. They also tried multiple times to start a nuclear world war using Iran, Syria, North Korea, and other hotspots. This is important to remember and cannot be repeated often enough: these people tried to kill you and your family, and are still trying to do so.

Enter the Asian secret societies. They learned of the Nazi plans to murder 90% of humanity by successfully eavesdropping on their secret meetings, notably the Bohemian Grove gatherings. In 2003, the spreading of SARS—a bioweapon designed specifically to target only Asians—was their real call to arms.

This led to a rupture between heroin- and amphetamine-dealing East Asian underworld groups and their cocaine- and marijuana-dealing former Nazi allies. The Nazis, however, anticipated this break by moving their heroin operations from East Asia to Afghanistan during 2001–2002.

The Nazis, as they described in their report “Project for a New American Century,” also tried to cement their control of the world by seizing the oil fields of Iraq and Central Asia. They use the threat of cutting off oil to keep Asia under control.

The Asians responded by threatening to assassinate the top leadership of the Western secret government. In particular, they targeted the individuals who were members of all three of the following groups: the Bilderbergers (European cabalists), the Council on Foreign Relations (American cabalists), and the Trilateral Commission (Japanese quislings and their masters).

The Asians also looked for Western allies against the Nazis. They noted that a Western faction had been fighting desperately to expose and derail the genocidal plans of the Nazis. This can be seen, for example, in a 1997 episode of “The Simpsons” showing a book entitled Curious George and the Ebola Virus. “Curious George,” of course, refers to George Bush, Sr.

There was also the BBC reporter standing in front of the still-intact World Trade Center Building 7, saying it had collapsed.

The Asians founded a group of Western allies who became what is known as the White Dragon Society (WDS). This group includes senior people in the Pentagon, the CIA, the Russian FSB, the British Royal Family, Freemasonry, the Vatican P2 Lodge, etc.

This group attempted to bankrupt the U.S. in 2008 with the engineered Lehman shock as a way to bankrupt the U.S. Deep State—the Khazarian mafia in the U.S. The Americans were told at the time they were no longer able to buy goods from the rest of the world on credit. That is why the U.S. trade deficit went from over U.S. $696 billion in 2008 to $381 billion in 2009 after the Lehman shock.

The attempt to bankrupt the U.S. Deep State would have succeeded, too, except for the fact that the U.S. forced Middle Eastern client states to cut the price of oil they sold to the U.S., and the Chinese were fooled into supporting Communist agent Barack Obama and financing his regime. Only later did they realize he was just a Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller slave.

Also around that time, in a series of episodes never before revealed to the public, handwritten letters were sent by the WDS to the Chinese Politburo, the Vatican, and the British monarchy that…

…requested their help in stopping the genocidal faction. The result was the removal of Pope Maledict (Benedict XVI) and the abdication of the Queen of the Netherlands, the King of Spain, the King of Belgium, etc. This was the beginning of a purge of Western governments that has been trickling down ever since.

Another visible sign of change was the decision by the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, etc. to join the Chinese-led AIIB. As a result of these letters, the European-dominated Committee of 300 also authorized the disbursement of over $5 trillion for the Chinese OBOR infrastructure plan.

The other visible result was the signing by 195 nation-states of the Paris Accords in December of 2015. The Global Warming faction assumed this was total victory for their faction.

However, at this point the Gnostic Illuminati and members of the Rothschild family formed an unusual alliance to ensure the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States. Thus, on November 8th, 2016, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was summoned to an off-the-grid base in Antarctica and was informed that Hillary Clinton (Rockefeller) was not going to be elected as U.S. president. Also, on that election night, there were battles between Special Forces at the giant underground base beneath Denver International Airport that allowed the U.S. military backers of Trump to take the election-stealing machinery away from Hillary.

This was the first time since the election of President Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s that the U.S. presidency fell out of the hands of the Clinton/Bush/Rockefeller crime family.

The result was that the genocidal faction within the U.S. military-industrial complex was replaced by the “America First” group. This group is now battling full-out against the Global Warming faction. That’s why Trump announced that the U.S. was leaving the Paris Accords.

Secret negotiations between the U.S. military and Russia were also taking place prior to the Trump election, according to a source involved in these negotiations. As a result, a secret deal was reached where the Russians were to be given vastly increased influence over Western Europe and the Middle East west of the Euphrates River. The aim was to basically offer Europe to the Russians, in exchange for a military alliance between Russia and the U.S. to counter China, according to sources involved in these negotiations.

However, the Russians are fully aware that they hold the casting vote, and they plan to use this to create a more equitable, multi-polar world system, according to Russian FSB sources. They also have learned from experience not to trust the Americans, because they have a history of telling negotiating partners what they want to hear and then betraying them later, the sources note.

This autumn there will be more negotiations involving Asian secret societies, the Russians, and the U.S. military-industrial complex. The aim will be to force a final surrender of the Khazarian mafia. There will also be negotiations for an alternative to the Paris Accords as a way of reorganizing the world financial decision-making authority to reflect present-day reality.

In order for the reorganization to succeed, the key country that now needs to be included is India. India has a population roughly equal to that of China (1.34 billion versus 1.41 billion) but a much younger one. According to Wikipedia, “More than 50% of India’s population is below the age of 25. By contrast, less than 25% of China’s population is below the age of 25.” So while China’s population is rapidly aging and will soon start to shrink, India’s is young and growing.

Furthermore, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India now has competent economic management and is experiencing rapid economic growth. Clearly, then, India’s importance is rising and will rival and possibly exceed that of China if current trends continue.

However, the Paris Accords—which were supposed to be about carbon emissions but were really about percentage control of the financial system—gave 29.4% of voting rights to China and only 6.8% to India. If you look at this, it’s no wonder India is feeling a bit miffed and is reluctant to cede a dominant world financial role to China or participate in its China-centric OBOR project. Obviously, any agreement on a new world economic division of voting rights will have to do better for India than the Paris Accords could manage.

That’s why there are now secret negotiations taking place aimed at offering India a world role that more closely reflects its economic and demographic reality. If these talks go well, the long-awaited announcement of a new world financial system may finally become possible. We are reluctant to give specific dates, but if autumn negotiations go well, some sort of announcement is possible in 2019 or 2020.

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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