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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/28/2018 6:51:10 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday July 28, 2018

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/28/2018 6:53:06 PM

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 27, 2018

27th July 2018. Mike Quinsey.

You wonder how much longer you have to wait until events start to take place as promised. The truth is that on a higher level all is in the “now” and it is difficult to pinpoint a date for an exact happening. The most that can be said is that certain ones are destined to occur regardless of any other activity, particularly attempts by the dark Ones to prevent them happening. When the higher powers declare that certain events are to take place, you may rest assured that they will. They are beyond interference from the dark Ones, and can ensure that progress follows a path that leads to success.

Progress is not exactly held up but often concealed in such a way that knowledge of it is kept from those who would interfere with it. We know that some of you cannot understand why we tolerate such actions of the dark Ones, but bear in mind that you live on a “freewill” planet and we cannot interfere with the decisions you may make. As you might say, once you have made your mind up you have to be prepared for the outcome, for “better or worse.” Of course you are prompted in such a way that you understand the likely consequences of your actions, and hopefully you will respond to the influence to take the best action in the interests of everyone.

Regretfully, whilst a certain degree of chaos is taking place, people can be rushed into making rash decisions, and the turmoil continues. However, you are slowly leaving the old vibrations behind and with the improvements particularly through the higher vibrations, the trend will continue in a lessening of the negative activities until they will eventually cease altogether. It is all to do with your destiny, and having passed the marker there is a whole new vista ahead of you. You are already in year five of the New Age and soon you can expect to learn more about the changes that are already beginning to have an impact upon you and your Earth. Looking way ahead you are destined to enter higher vibrations in a new area of space. Some will be afraid of the “unknown” but be assured that all changes and effects of them will be to your liking.

You will no doubt be aware that some of the big national companies are in some cases struggling to keep afloat. They are having to size down to keep afloat, and some groups are reducing their numbers to also ensure they keep afloat. Clearly these are unwelcome changes, yet they cannot be avoided as there is something of a “sink or swim” situation to be faced. The changes are a sign of the times you are experiencing, and in the far future will be seen as a precursor to those changes to smaller and more manageable businesses. Of course you will see problems ahead, but in the meantime there will be gradual changes along with new technologies that will enable you to eventually become completely independent. You have a saying ”small is beautiful” and so it is, as you will eventually find out.

So what should you do whilst the changes are progressing, and the simple answer is focus more on your own needs and live up to your intent to lift up your vibrations, assuming of course you are pressing for personal Ascension. Of course you should in any event be working towards the same goal, and human nature means that you are always seeking a way to evolve more quickly. However, you will need a lot of help and guidance if you are unaware of the way your lives are set up, and organised to give you opportunities to evolve. Clearly progress is much more likely if you too are aware of how your life plan is set up to advance your spiritual progress. You have to be awakened spiritually and understand how much help is given once you have become aware of your true self. It follows that every soul eventually wakes up to their true selves, and realizes that they are much more than just their physical body, and that there is no such thing as death inasmuch that all souls are immortal.

Few people have the full story as to what is happening at present to make it possible to take a great leap forward. So much is at the ready as progress takes place and short of announcing the great changes that are held in abeyance, little information can be released until it is totally safe to do so. You have come a long way to reach this position, and no announcements will be released yet to reveal what is taking place that is positive and certain to uplift humanity. Slowly but surely those of the Light have taken over important positions that must be in their control to enable the final thrust to be made. Victory is in sight and what a joyous time that will be, and celebrations will be in order.

You who are incarnate upon Earth at this time, number amongst those who can be considered as privileged to have been chosen at such a special time. Your presence will help stabilise the Earth and at the same time help the vibrations to rise. You will undoubtedly have already lifted up your vibrations, and can help create peace and harmony through your presence. You have looked everywhere for God and it has been quite a revelation for most to know God is inside each soul, and has been there all of the time. God loves all of his creations without exception, and God’s love is all encompassing and eternal and God bears no judgment where human souls are concerned, God is the embodiment of Universal Love. God is All that Is.

The mysteries of life are too complicated for most people’s understanding at their present levels. However, each soul is enlightened according to their present needs and their Guides are always ready to advance their understanding when it is apparent that they are ready. Every care is taken not to move things forward too quickly to give time for new information to be fully understood. There is no sense of trying to rush matters, and each soul will travel their chosen path at whatever speed suits them.

It is worth bearing in mind that as you go through each incarnation, you take on many different personalities. You gain experience in as many ways that are possible, meaning that you will be a man or woman according to what best brings you the experience you need to further your evolution. Often you will incarnate with those who have been part of your family in previous lives, but not necessarily in the same roles. You are no doubt starting to realise that great care is taken to ensure that your life plan is well suited to your needs. Having agreed to one you nevertheless still have the option of exercising your freewill, but at all times will be encouraged by your Guides to fulfil your agreed plan.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/28/2018 6:54:28 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/27/2018

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Whatever you are feeling in this moment, trust that the next moment is going to be born out of it. If it is beautiful, the next moment is going to be more beautiful. If it is nourishing, the next moment is going to be more nourishing.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/28/2018 6:59:36 PM

Time and Fear Are Partners

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God said:

Hello, Beloved of My heart. Life isn’t intended to be somber. There is no need to take life so seriously. Where did this idea come from?

A day is just a day. A day isn’t a lifetime. Even when you have an acre to plow, an acre doesn’t take forever. Regardless, time isn’t real. Time is a player.

If there were not time, would there be fear? When there is fear, time is indeed a-wasting, and fear does not serve in any case.

Joy and happiness serve. Love of life serves. Fear isn’t in your best interest by a long shot. Fear is not worth the time of day.

Serve Me rather than fear. Serve peace. Serve glad tidings.

Bow not to fear. When time doesn’t exist in the first place, fear is a clear waste of time. Any way you cut it, fear is a fool’s errand.

Peace is real. Silence is true. When all is said and done, love takes the cake.

Fear is a panderer. Beloved, don’t take even a sip of fear. In truth, you can only land with Me, and with Me is where you want to be. Fear is woe-be-gone. With Me, fear doesn’t enter in. With Me, fear is a ragamuffin. With Me, fear has no admittance. Fear is a motor that doesn’t run.

Where I am, there is not even the concept of fear. Fear too often gets away with a mock-up of itself. Fear is a slip of the tongue. Give up on fear. Fear is a nonentity. Fear is naught but smoke.

Without time, you would never tremble. Fear is a joke you want to laugh at. Fear is an error.

Have second thoughts about fear. Fear seems like a menace, yet fear is truly a hypothesis.

Abandon fear. You don’t need it.

Fear can drive you to distraction. Fear makes you want to hide in a cupboard. Fear is a wild thing.

I tell you to give up fear when there is really nothing to give up. It isn’t possible to give up something that never did exist in the first place.

Fear is like an addiction, isn’t this true? Fear is an outright distraction. Steady be your heart. There is no bogeyman.

Get beyond the idea of practicing fear. You need no practice. You need no concept of fear. Who ever told you to stir up fear? Who ever told you to get skittery? Whoever convinced you to take fear at face value? Whoever locked you in a cage with a phantom tiger named fear? When is enough fear enough? Truly, there is enough bandying about with fear.

No longer chase fear. End mottled fear. Be done with it. Fear is not for you to run away from.

I tell you that fear is a rumor and nothing more. Fear has a great reputation, yet peace be praised.

Fear is but a trick you take at full value. It makes no sense to be fearful of letting go of a false image. Of course, put no false images before Me.

In truth, you are rosy-cheeked and safe. Nevertheless, you sold your heart out to danger. The world has been convinced of danger and therefore fear. Let’s come back to love. Behold the face of love. Believe in truth. Believe in Me. Believe in what I say, and believe in your Self. I believe in you. You are a bouquet of flowers I give to myself. When We hold hands, splendidness alone can befall. I give you the straight goods. We are One Presence embraced in love. Give love a chance to triumph over fear any day.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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Person Of The Week
7/29/2018 9:00:01 PM

Arcturians via Suzanne Lie ~ Visitors to the Starships

Dear Arcturians,

Why do we usually have memory loss about our visits to our Star Ships and Fifth Dimensional home worlds?

Dear Ascending Ones,

Memory loss is usually because you are having an “argument” between the part of your consciousness that wants to remember the visitations and the part of your self that does not want to believe that these visitations ever happened.

Please note that we do not use the word “abduction,” as you would NEVER be taken on a Starship without your full permission. On the other hand, there are dark forces that “abduct” humans under the guise of being “aliens,” when they are actually humans posing as aliens.

Those who were taken on a regular basis by the Zetas have been protected by them ever since. The Zetas only needed human DNA as their species was dying out, and they needed to be assisted by the implant of stronger DNA.

They found this human DNA in Earth humans, which is why they came to Earth to gain the DNA that they needed. Once they had what they wanted, they left and have NOT returned since.

We would like to tell you the date of these landings, but that is very difficult as the Zetas had a totally different concept and measurement of time than the humans. It is for this reason that the humans who visited, not abducted, as they ALL gave their permission to allow the Zetas to take small amounts of their blood, may or may not remember that event.

The blood was not taken for any nefarious reason, but because everything the Zetas needed to correct their genetic problem, which resulted in a distortion of their DNA, could be found in human DNA.

Some of you do remember being abducted, and you also remember that you were not too frightened. When you told them that it was frightening for a human to be tied down, they untied you immediately. In their reality, being “tied down” is a means of comfort and security. They wanted their “human friends” to feel secure and comfortable, so they tied them down.

The Zetas were actually very kind. They also told you not to tell everyone and not to talk the experience on the Ship, if they remembered, as others may have and likely would have judged and questioned these humans. Also, the Zetas were around after WW II and have long since returned to their own area of space.

In fact, many of the awakened ones just after WW II, realized that “being different” was not a good idea for anyone who was, in fact, VERY different from the other people that they knew. “Being different” was NOT a good idea in the era of your post WWII childhood.

Therefore, those who visited the Zeta Ships did not tell anyone about their experiences. Even now, when they tell their experiences, they only do so as if they are “just telling a good story.” We advise that they continue with this habit, as it is still is not safe to allow their secret out.

The leaders of your country, who are actually not the leaders, but the followers, have led many humans that are on the edge of evolution to sink back into the old habits and the fearful thoughts of their third dimensional self.

Our Galactic plan was to align with the humans who would be able to know the truths that have been kept as secrets since the beginning of humanity’s first visits to Earth. We have observed that when humanity gets very frightened, they often become very violent. It is for this reason that most of the UFO information has been hidden.

Only a small population of humans are able to accept this type information without being frightened. Since frightened humans can be, and usually are, quite violent, we know that we need to be careful about who we choose to communicate with.

Therefore, we start very short contacts with humans, which are primarily to discover if that person would be frightened by the “unknown of their next evolutionary NOW.” Those who were not afraid are usually those who are able to retain their fifth dimensional thinking and perceptions, even after they have a third dimensional earth vessel.

Therefore, they can perceive that another reality may be close by with a sense of wonder and enthusiasm, rather than fear and anger. The people who can easily and eagerly accept this information are usually among the Galactics who chose to be born into the third dimensional Earth reality as a third dimensional human.

These children usually had some “near death experiences” when they were infants or quite young, so that they could return to their Higher Home to check in before they returned back to their earth body.

From the third dimensional perspective, these “check ins” appeared to only be seconds. However, from the perspective of their fifth dimensional SELF, whom they visited during these inter-dimensional experiences, they were free of ALL limitations of third dimensional time.

Therefore, they do not have a time-bound, sequential experience, like the experiences that they are having on Earth. From their fifth dimensional and beyond galactic perspective, they knew that “time is an illusion of the third dimension.”

Until the third dimensional Earth humans can release their illusion of “third dimensional time,” they can NOT remember their true SELF who resonated to the fourth, fifth, and even higher dimensions of reality.

The knowledge of many different dimensions is also something that can be very frightening to one who was still attached to “only” the third/fourth dimensional format of reality. In fact, for many eons, even the concept of other worlds and dimensions was terrifying to humans. Unfortunately, this fact is also true for many, if not most, humans within your NOW.

The reason for this is that, even in your current “modern time,” many humans are only able to activate about 3% of their innate brain synaptic junctions. A “synaptic junction” is an area of your brain where different brain cells interact with each other to create an interaction between different sources of information which are stored in your brain.

Since most of humanity only uses about 2% to 10% of their full brain power, higher dimensional synaptic junctions, such as junctions that allow one to perceive fourth and fifth dimensional expressions of reality, are never activated.

A “synaptic junction” basically means that several, or many, areas of the brain are activated by a thought, emotion, decision and/or idea. There are billions of synaptic junctions in your brain at all times, but most of them are unconscious to humans.

However, when a person is consciously aware that novel information has entered their brain, and has joined this information with known information in their brain, they are assisting their brain to accept, and understand, novel information.

This conscious awareness of novel actions and thoughts creates NEW usable “synaptic junctions” within the brain. We say “usable” as many, if not most people, are unaware of any activity that is occurring in their body and/or their “inner life.”

Every time humans are conscious of a novel manner of thinking, feeling, perceiving etc., they create new “streams of consciousness.” Then, these new streams of consciousness connect with other synaptic junctions to initiate new ways of thinking, feeling, perceiving, and behaving.

At first, these new brain waves are difficult to access, as the humans are not accustomed to receiving information in that manner. However, every time that they think in a “new, and/or, multidimensional manner,” their synaptic junctions greatly expand, as well as become stronger.

This is much like learning a new skill, riding a bike, singing a song, cooking a meal etc. Each time that you consciously interact with this “new skill,” you get better at it and have more confidence to get even better.

Eventually, this “new skill” can become “normal.” This is similar to writing something on a paper and then writing on top of that sentence again. Eventually, what you have written will become wider and bolder.

In the same manner, the more you allow yourself to consciously recognize that you have had a novel, in this case a higher dimensional experience, that synaptic junction becomes wider and more easily activated.

If, in your daily life, you often drove down First Street, you would almost automatically turn to drive down First Street. In the same manner, if you often thought about new concepts, such at inter-dimensional communication with higher dimensional beings, you would have more and more of these thoughts.

Eventually, these thoughts of your wanting communication with a Higher Being would begin to manifest in your daily life. Then, all the new thoughts, which were translated into a synaptic junction by your brain, would no longer be new thoughts, but “usual thoughts.”

We say “usual thoughts”, because the synaptic junction within your brain attaches this new information with your old, often outdated information. In this manner, the old information becomes transmuted into new information, which can eventually become familiar information.

It is in this manner that humanity evolves by expanding their smaller synaptic junctions of old information into newer, wider synaptic junctions of the new, higher frequency information. Actually, expanding your synaptic junctions is the same as learning/accepting novel information into your conscious mind.

Then, when you write, talk, sing, draw, or in some manner ground this higher frequency, inter-dimensional information into your third dimensional brain, the information, which was once new, will become “normal” and part of your daily life.

When you allow this new information, especially higher dimensional information, to integrate into your conscious mind by speaking it, drawing it, singing it, writing it, etc., this “novel, higher dimensional information” merges with your third dimensional information, brain, perceptual field.

Once this higher dimensional information has been incorporated into the information of your third dimensional brain, it will begin to enter your perceptual field more and more. Then, your once new synaptic junctions, which you created with your new “novel, higher dimensional perceptions” will become normal.

Once you accept this “new-normal information” and use it in your daily life, it will become “normal information.” Once this new information is no longer frightening information, it can become “normal information.”

It is in that manner, that you overcome your fears by turning them into “important information.” It is in this manner that the “victim within” can become the “victor in daily life!” Once YOU are the master of your fears, you will no longer be frightened to the point that you are “frozen in fear.” Then what has been frightening, will become a component of your past.

When airplanes first became a “mode of transportation”, many people were terrified to go on an airplane. Now, flying in an airplane is a “normal action.” Therefore, it is no longer cloaked in fear and doubt about whether or not an airplane can stay in the sky and give you a “safe means of transformation.”

Just as a ride in a Starship may be quite frightening at first, if you travel in that manner again and again, riding in a Starship is “Normal.” It is then that your perceptions and experiences of riding in a Starship are “Normal.”

Your experience of reality is formed between the old synaptic junctions that meet and intermingle with new synaptic junctions, that create experiences and perceptions that are NEW.

That is, they are new until that NOW when you are able to consciously accept those perceptions and experiences as “normal.” Once this perception/experience is “normal,” it becomes a component of your third/fourth/fifth dimensional consciousness and your third dimensional imagination, thoughts, feelings and reality.

Again, once it was very frightening to ride via airplane. But now that it is very common to ride an airplane, so there is less fear from more people. In fact, taking a flight on an airplane is a very common thing that millions of people do every day.

In the same manner, one day, riding on a Star Ship will be just as normal as it is now to ride on an airplane. We, your Galactic Family, eagerly await the day when we can take one of our smaller ships and land in one your larger airports.

We will invite you all to join us.

Blessings from your Galactic Family

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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