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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/31/2018 7:39:14 PM

An Old School Friend from the Old Days

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God said:

Beloved, the world, as you know it, is full of comparisons. You see everything bouncing off something else. Today is cold. Yesterday was colder. Or today is bleak, and yesterday was sun-filled.

If today could just be what it is without reference to another time or a more dazzling time, how much happier you would be… maybe!

You deserve Happiness. It is My Desire that you be happy. So long as you make comparisons, it’s harder for you to recognize happiness when it is right in front of you.

Once upon a time, you were young. Once upon a time, you had your whole life ahead of you. Now, you’re not sure where your life is or what is its status. You’re not even sure that your life is up and running. Not at all sure are you where you are and what you’re doing or supposed to be doing or not doing. Once your life was spelled out before you. Now it may not even be current. At the least, you’re not sure that life in the world is even adjacent to you. You’re not sure you’re a player any longer. You don’t seem to be able to put your finger on your exact life any longer. It’s a mystery where you actually hang out.

Now it may seem like life is rag-tail. It’s hard to know your connection, if any, to life in the so-called world. Did you forget where you left off? It’s possible that you are just parked somewhere in a forgotten spot. You just can’t find where you parked your car anyway. Are you possibly Rip Van Winkle from another time and space? You may be trying to catch up to yourself in Time and Space. Certainly, you used to be around. You are unsure about today or that it matters what day it is and where you are going, if anywhere, or, if you are even going somewhere or another or just to and fro.

Life may seem to be covered in fog. You wait for the Sun to come out. Are you looking in the wrong place? Are you somewhere unknown without your name tag?

Were you in the middle of counting something, but what? Does it even matter? Were you counting sheep or learning arithmetic and perhaps reciting a poem or two that wandered off across the horizon?

What are you trying to catch up to? Are you perhaps trying to start all over? You seek purpose, and you haven't quite located it. Are you too far ahead or too far behind?

What do you think you are looking for? Are you lost somewhere in time and space, or did you already say that?

Once upon a time, you were highly connected to life. You thought life was very much a part of you. You were certain you were on and on about the Universe. Now you wonder what daze you are in. Something happened or didn’t happen that was supposed to. You’re not sure what. Hmm. You don’t know what to make of it. Did someone forget to wind the clock? Was it you?

Do birds continue to sing? Do flowers blossom, and is honey sweet on the tongue? Do bees still make honey? Do grapes still grow on the vine? Where does Nature abide these days? What happened to making sense? Has it been put on a forgotten shelf? Is something amiss, or are you the only one who wonders? You can’t even find yourself. You must be looking in the wrong place. Are you misbegotten, or it is the world that has turned upside down? You wonder if it even matters at all what is what. Perhaps you will come across yourself tomorrow or the next day and meet yourself waiting at a bus stop somewhere like an old school friend you long to meet once again from long across the desert sands.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2018 5:50:12 PM

Beyond Happiness, Beyond Sadness

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How funny, consciousness reveals itself as awareness being present.

The reality is the now and all nows are present always.

I am here and the LIVING UNIVERSE is talking to me. I listen and hear what here is like, the experience of all that's happening within and around me and I am amazed at the all that's happening, REALITY. Hummmmmm, or Ommmmmm and Auuuuuuuuuummmmmm, Ahhhhhhhh the many ways of hearing the here being present.

There are so many hearing the Here they just don't know it's all NOW. LOL

Beyond happiness, beyond sadness, there is an experience so real all of Creation is built upon it and all Creation is the celebration of NOW.

YOU HAVE THE ALL, what else can you accomplish but SHARE THE ALL with Everyone present? Seems to me that's what LOVE IS, BEING SHARED, FREELY

When I open my brain I feel all sorts of things and all I FEEL IN NOW IS LOVE, BEING PRESENT, lol.

I am a right brained being, I was not so given to follow the "rules" the left brainers seek to make up just for their own benefit. lol

Yep I heard the different drum and dance to the beat of my HEART = EARTH so joy can be shared.

Well since I have the moment in HEAVEN to be in HEAVEN I will be in HEAVEN where ever I am for I AM HEAVEN ALWAYS. ❤️


Galactic Free Press Original

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2018 5:57:43 PM

Daily Message ~ Wednesday August1st, 2018

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We wish to remind you that your flow has a steering wheel. It is called gratitude. When energies are particularly intense it can be easy to become focused on your discomfort and forget to use the very important tool of gratitude, which can make you feel quite out of control.

When you choose to see what is working for you, not only do you step back into co-creation by giving vital feedback to the universe, you also shift out of resistance into acceptance, which immediately creates more comfort and peace in your present moment. You might be amazed to discover how much a simple, heartfelt prayer of thanks can soothe the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2018 6:00:14 PM

GFP Newsletter - 7/31/2018

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First drop from your head to your heart. But don't stop there; it is only an overnight stay, a caravanserai. You can have a little rest there, but it is not the goal. Drop from the heart into the being.

And this is the secret of meditation, that wherever you are - in the head, in the heart - it doesn't matter, meditation brings you from the head, from the heart, to the being. Meditation is the way to your own center of existence, where there is no question of getting stuck. You are it. Who is going to get stuck in what? There are not two things, only you - you and your absolute glory.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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8/1/2018 6:07:20 PM

Here's what you need to know about deliberate creation

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the topic of desires and dreams. We have said many times before that the Universe does not respond to wishes, nor does it respond to hopes, it responds to expectation, to focus, or more appropriately said, the Universe always responds to vibration. Each of you are vibrational beings, the reality which you exist within is made up of all sorts of vibrations. It’s what offers you the opportunity to explore duality in its fullest manifested form. Each and every one of you have dreams and desires which have not yet manifested into physical form and a question we get so very often is how can I be sure my dreams will really manifest. So this is what we would like to further elaborate upon to help clarify how manifestation actually happens.

In order to purposefully and intentionally create experiences in your life you must become deliberate enough in your thoughts and focus to find thoughts and therefore feelings that bring you into the state of alignment. You see, there is never a time that you are not in alignment with something, there is never a time that you are not in harmony with something, but what are you in harmony with?

You are always manifesting, there is never a time that you are not manifesting, but the key to manifesting more of what you want is to release your focus upon the things that are not working and focus intensely upon all the things that are. All the thoughts that bring you satisfaction, that bring you a sense of peace, or joy or love or happiness. Only then can you be assured that more will flow to you that brings you more feelings that feel good.

Manifestation has been made out to be far more complicated than it really is. It really is quite simple. Match the vibration of what pleases you by finding more thoughts that please you. We can assure you that you will become so in tune, so accustomed to feeling good that you will be incredibly aware anytime your thoughts stray from that feeling of well being and peace of mind.

You do not need to specifically focus upon your dream all day long in order for it to manifest, this often creates its own resistance because you are all too often aware that what you desire is missing. The focus of its absence can only bring more of this feeling to you by not manifesting in your reality. Focus your thoughts on what feels good more often and the universe will find ways to bring you what you seek.

All manifestations are created exactly the same way, whether it is wanted or unwanted makes no difference, everything is manifested using the same exact principals and laws. Every single dream that you have, every desire that you have has the full potential of manifesting here in the physical reality. No dream is too big, and no desire is unattainable.

Your dreams will manifest in the most surprising and delightful ways if you just will take the time to be diligent in focusing upon more of what pleases you rather than what you see as being potential problems or challenges. All that will do is magnify more problems. Magnify the good in your life and more good will come, it is a guarantee, it is with absolute certainty that we share this with you.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

CLICK HERE to download your Free 35 minute channeled message to learn “How to Manifest Anything You Desire”


You are more than welcome to browse the Angelic Guides website for all the materials generously posted for free. For more advanced practical knowledge and/or personal guidance please check our shop/store for more guidance…
– Dr. Taryn Crimi

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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