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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2018 9:24:01 PM
St. Germaine via Natalie Glasson ~ Responsibility: Your Gateway to Ascension

Audio version. Video version.

Those ready can step up and embody the new wave of energy which symbolizes embodying responsibility of your ascension process. For some, the thoughts of taking responsibility for their own spiritual evolution can be a daunting process that causes greater insecurity and confusion. This is due to a lack of trust in themselves and the presence of the Creator within and around them.

To take responsibility doesn’t mean that you have to guide your own spiritual pathway or achieve your ascension on your own, these understandings are born from the ego’s belief in separation with the Creator. Taking responsibility for your ascension is to open and surrender yourself to the Universe of the Creator and allowing yourself to be guided, trusting that all will be well and fulfilling.

Opening yourself to the Universe of the Creator allows you to be steered in the most beautiful way to experience magnificent spiritual and soul learning, growth and understanding. When you do not take responsibility for your spiritual growth and evolution you lack direction, connection with yourself, understanding of your needs, blame others and wait for others to do your spiritual work, growth and evolution for you.

Other people are always present in your reality to assist, inspire, direct and reflect the truth of the Creator to you. However, to grow spiritually with acceleration there is a need to be centred in your core by surrendering to the guidance of the Creator, and from the intention of co-creating in harmony with the Creator; this is to take responsibility for your own growth.

The Question that Promotes Your Acceptance of Yourself

The question you can ask yourself is, ‘How can I co-create fulfilment and spiritual growth with the Creator and those around me?’ This question allows you to realize you are the core creator and manifestor of your reality and existence upon the Earth. However, you cannot do it alone, therefore co-creation is always essential.

It is also essential to recognize all creations first as an energy within you which takes form in wonderful and often unexplainable ways in your reality. When you recognize yourself, your creations, those around you and the Creator as energy you perceive your reality differently and realize that all energy is born from the Creator and wishes to experience connection in order to transform and create new energy.

When you surrender to the Creator and are willing to receive guidance, assistance and support from the Creator while realizing that your purpose is to receive the guidance and act on it in ways that inspire and fulfil you, you are stepping up to receive the new energy waves anchoring into the Earth to aid ascension, and are taking responsibility of your spiritual evolution.

Accessing Your Purpose in Ascension

When asking for guidance concerning the purpose, journey and experience of your ascension, you realize that moments of awakening and realizations of yourself and innerself offer to you the choice of diving into the light to allow miraculous experiences to occur or to remain within limitations of preconceptions.

When you choose to accept the light within your being and around you, you create a bridge between your physical reality and your spiritual being; this launches a transition process. Every moment of your existence as a human you are a spiritual Creator connected light being and consciousness inhabiting a physical body but often the physical body takes prime focus until a bridge between the physical and spiritual energy of your being is reformed and continues to be reinforced.

Awakened consciousness and inspired understanding of yourself seeps into your mind and awareness as a gradual integration. You will notice that awakening repeats itself in numerous diverse forms becoming more advanced throughout your entire life.

To dive into the light and to focus on creating a bridge of light between your physical and spiritual self takes place when you surrender to the Creator, opening yourself to receive the expanse of the Creator. When you choose to surrender and download or recognize the light of the Creator within your being, especially in moments of confusion, trouble or chaos, you are taking responsibility for your spiritual growth, co-creating and achieving your purpose, allowing yourself to progress along your spiritual pathway with ease and perfection.

An Experience and Reminder of Your Ascension Purpose

Allow yourself to sit peacefully content in experiencing your solid material reality, enjoy the experience of your body and surroundings, honouring energy in physical form.

When you are ready imagine a violet beacon of light manifesting at your third eye chakra, it captures your imagination. Explore the violet energy as much as you wish.

Imagine, sense or acknowledge that you dive head first into glistening violet light, enthralled by the freedom that has been given to you as your bathe in the violet light. Your body feels weightless, your emotions light enhanced, and your mind clear. You can swim effortlessly following your intuition and inner sense of direction through the light.

Turquoise light seeps into your expansive violet pool of light, enjoy the light and notice as red, blue and green light also integrates. Imagine, sense, acknowledge you wrap yourself in each manifestation of colour, there is so much to explore and discover. You find yourself diving into each color, vitality, freedom, energy and expansion are experienced, let your senses open to the light.

White peaceful light enters into your awareness with strength and holiness. You swim upwards and bathe yourself in the purity of the white light.

With your permission, a golden beam penetrates your central axis flowing down to the base of your being.
You are one with all that is the Creator, this is your destiny, your truth and your eternal existence. It is what you seek in every moment and now you are consciously experiencing it. Your mission is to realize that you seek oneness with the Creator in your daily reality and understand that each experience on the Earth offers you the opportunity to experience oneness.

Feel yourself shift back to your physical body, all that you have experienced drifts into your body creating a rose shaped energy at your heart center. You have achieved your greatest desire in the entire world and universe, to be one with all that is the Creator and the universe. You embody this eternally and can access it always.

In sharing this meditation experience with you I, Saint Germain, wished to offer you the idea that ascension is ever flowing, continues, repetitive in advancing extraordinary ways, fluid, ever evolving and ever inspirational. A feeling of being guided by a driving force that is beyond your comprehension will be coupled with an emerging wise certainty within your being.

In many ways, there are no stops and no time to step away from your pathway, yet a feeling of travelling nowhere fast will occur simultaneously. In truth, you are at every moment of your golden pathway achieving a greater connection and bridge between your physical and spiritual energies with an understanding of your purpose in your ascension process.

Remember that your physical reality is extremely important in your ascension process as it is your canvas for expression, experience and creation. It is a series of numerous expeditions of exploration within and around your being, accompanied with embodiments of consciousness and understanding that describe your ascension process and purpose.

When you create the intention to take responsibility for your spiritual growth you will allow the world of the Creator to unfold to you, experiencing with divine perfection and timing the magic, bliss, love and truth of the Creator within your being. Realising your purpose is easy, it is simply to express the Creator in beautiful, fulfilling and creative ways to support yourself and all.

I Am a light constantly guiding you,

Saint Germain

Read More from Saint Germain

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2018 9:26:17 PM

GaiaPortal 7-26-18… “Egalitarian movements are viewed in Higher Dimensional ways”

A new GaiaPortal.


Egalitarian movements are viewed in Higher Dimensional ways

Egalitarian movements are viewed in Higher Dimensional ways.

Flowerings of humanity are observed in great numbers.

Collapses of old paradigms continue until completion.

Risings of the Inner Light are accepted.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/29/2018 10:54:56 PM

A Message to Lightworkers – July 27, 2018

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this opportunity to speak with you again.

On this day of a rare Full Moon / Blood Moon / total Lunar Eclipse, we greet you and note the new beings you are becoming in the midst of these powerful and empowering energies.

We will say, that at this time you may not feel very powerful.

Old emotions, challenges, shocks, and traumas may be surfacing, from this and other lives you have lived, to be released into the ethers, as you draw from them only that which your higher self requires for your soul growth and well-being.

It is not a time, necessarily, for feeling that “all foes are vanquished” or that your Ascension process has just moved ahead in ways that will render your current challenges small and insignificant.

Certainly, that can happen, but the energies of this particular astrological period and alignment are not quite that of victorious breakthrough.

They are presaging that which is a breakthrough—that which is actively occurring, though not yet in viewwhich can feel more exhausting than exhilarating at times.

You will most assuredly see powerful shifts occurring in both your individual lives and in the greater community—these are already in process, as many of you have more felt than witnessed.

Photo by Lynne Newman

And you will most assuredly feel the effects of the energies of these shifts and outer occurrences, as they empower you to feel more and more of your own increasing claim to your sovereignty, to humanity’s claim to its sovereignty—its freedom and self-government, through Divine Government.

But at present, do not feel surprised or unsure if you are simply feeling enervated, perhaps a bit fuzzy-headed and unclear, and at times, overtaken by emotion you can’t explain or connect to outer events.

All is well. This is your path, as you have outlined it before your incarnation, and as it is unfolding in the Now moment in this Ascension process.

This cellular revision is occurring in these current energies because you are developing the Light body, taking on the christed or crystalline consciousness, and becoming what some are calling the homo lumens, leaving behind the restricted perspective and capabilities of the homo sapiens for all time.

In that context, all makes perfect sense.

The brain is reshaping, learning functions that engage the higher mind, the third eye chakra, the crown chakra—creating pathways to telepathy between all persons, creating portals to the higher realms, and into the immediate future, as well as the ability to envision the energy of a person or situation, so as to understand it etherically.

The heart-mind is learning to adjust to higher forms of understanding, as it opens and expands to take in the sacred nature of all persons, all forms of natural life, and all cultures, whether local or intergalactic.

The physical body is lessening its density, so that much food you have eaten in the past will be far too heavy and dense now—many are switching to liquid (though still highly nutritious) daily diets, and finding that that is working better for them, as they leave behind all thoughts of consuming animal products and refined foods.

The social self is needing some time to hibernate and retreat from others at times, as it reshapes and revises its needs and preferences, in relation to all the other shifts and changes.

And the etheric body is expanding and moving into a new and higher form of expression, finding its fluidity and expansiveness after eons of being confined to a smaller, denser expression.

All of this is occurring because of what you are becoming—because of who you already are on the soul level, and because of what your higher self is consciously co-Creating, not for only your higher good, but for the higher good of all you could possibly know and Love (and that is everyone).

And so we would say, dear ones, as these strange shifts and uncertain feelings occur, just allow them—hold them in your hand, these bizarre and awkward moments when time seems to freeze or disappear down a great stream, or when a thought or emotion seems to have a life of its own.

Just observe them, without passing judgment.

Cease to judge yourself on any level, for the heart-mind will not be able to comprehend that now.

It comprehends only the higher Love that you came forth asthat power you were born into, and which is the only language your soul prefers to speak.

When things become strange and unwieldy, find some way to express them—write down what you are experiencing, or pour your energies into art or music, or physical action.

But do not allow them to convince you that this is who you are, even in that moment, for they are not.

You are that great Light-filled Being who, answering the call of distress from Earth, came in over Her timeline many hundreds of times, not only to refine your own soul essence into higher frequencies, but to assist this planet in Her plea to be free of that which has imprisoned Her for so long.

And so, though we do not call you rebels (you are not rebels, as you have simply reminded Earth She belongs to Herself, and no one else), we call you re-Creators of a freedom which your human aspect has many times despaired of ever knowing.

For far from being a place to escape from, into some heavenly respite, Earth is now reclaiming Her place as a higher dimensional planet.

She rejoices with all of us at how beautifully your mere presence has moved these steps into increasing freedom into place.

And so She thanks you, as we thank you, for coming forward at this time, and standing so powerfully and so bravely throughout the process of the hardest thing of all—the Ascension from the third to the fifth dimension, while still in a body.

And at the center of what has been called nearly impossible, or a “miracle,” is your own high heart, bringing in the pure sounds of higher vibrational toning that billions of Angels are now singing, as they surround the very planet you came to assist.

It is so, that you need no saviors.

As co-Creators with this Universe, your higher Love and your soul’s own presence is all you (and Earth) ever needed.

Namaste, dear ones! We are always at your side.

Copyright 2018, Caroline Oceana Ryan

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/30/2018 12:21:45 AM

Daily Message ~ Sunday July 29, 2018

Galactic Free Press's picture

When you are emotionally triggered by another the first thing to ask yourself is what fear has been activated in you. Is it true? Is it a real threat? Is it even yours? Is it pertinent to today or is it old energy? Explore the fear and the emotions that drive it.

Then ask yourself what empowered steps you can take now to create beyond the fear based on who you are today. Your fears stem from a feeling of powerlessness. Your ability to shift into being a conscious co-creator will allow you to put that fear to rest and to navigate beyond it. It is this practice of self exploration and self guidance that will allow you to stay in a far more centred space during periods of energetic intensity. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/30/2018 12:22:58 AM

GFP Newsletter - 7/28/2018

will's picture

Once you have experienced something of the beyond, you cannot fall back. Nature has a certain law: you can go only forward, not backward.

Nature has not put any reverse gear in your consciousness.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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