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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/20/2018 9:23:24 PM


Gillian MacBeth - Louthan ~ The place of mirrors

As the memory of what was, seems to drift like a dream in the morning mist, we continue to move quickly down the corridor of time. We are being ushered into light sequences that swing both ways. Down hallways that never end into a place that is not seen by the average Joe. All of humanity has seen and felt the alteration as we walk the trail of confusion, praying it does not turn into a trail of tears

We all scamper like rabbits, our little furry feet going as fast as they can. Not getting anywhere and exhausted by all the effort it took just to get this far, so we seek safety and respite. Time continues to brush past us like a gust of wind, not asking our permission as it continues to extend itself, like a man-o-war jellyfish. Life pushes us into a corner of seemingly limited choices but alas that too is grand illusion, a holographic projection of a possibility, nothing that is fixed in time. Time has shifted as has many land masses, earth continues to let us know she means business. New land is birthed old land is altered as Longitudes and latitudes dance to an primeval beat. Leylines and phase markers are off line. An actual gearwheel in time is felt as the worlds walk into new octaves of Light.

We all still organically walk to the beat of the old drum however worldly perceptions are enhanced and we see in and out of time like an observer, as concealed glitches present themselves like instant replays with a dash of Groundhog Day. Seeing between the worlds is powerful and masterful and demanding. One must hold tightly as time doors are opened and promises present themselves in a new collection of colors. The unexpected becomes predictable.

This summer asks us to delve down the rabbit hole of self and see what our soul is made pushing us into all facets and fractures of self in all longitudes and latitudes of light and life. Mirrors are a portal of transport to places that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The place of mirrors that lives within comes to reveal what needs to be seen, loved and healed. Time doors open and close faster than the blink of an eye. Truth and time are individual, and do not present a singular vow.

That which has appeared emptied now becomes full, freeing itself from past outline and definition. A transferal of realms occurs escorting you into the nexus cornerstone where time and space are encountered. All limitations are transmuted in this expanded version of reality. Do you have the courage to leap open-eyed into this fluid point of possibility? Your vessel of eternal self is being purified for the expanded energies and truths that seek a chalice. Relax into the Shifts, look them in the eye seeing with the wisdom of a thousand guardian angels. See beyond what you see. Each situation has a million outcomes. From this point of wisdom create from your heart.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2018 6:10:17 PM

Daily Message ~ Thursday June 21, 2018

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We wish to congratulate you for arriving at this sacred day so markedly different than you were at your last solstice. Your solstices serve as energetic save points, if you will, that lock in your progress. This opens up a brand new platform for you to create, explore, and pioneer from for the second part of your year. The speeding up of your enlightenment process is clear to see when you reflect on how much has been achieved in such a short period of time.

This is a time of great celebration, for your up-levelling opens up even greater potentials and possibilities for both you and your planet moving forward. Take a moment to reflect and wonder at all you and your brothers and sisters of light have achieved by so diligently working on your own growth and expansion that also serves the whole so beautifully. You are doing a truly magnificent job. We salute you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2018 6:16:28 PM

Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn: Solstice June 2018 and the Lion’s Gate 8/8 2018

The Sacred Year of 2017/18 is drawing to a close, and the Wave of Light Codes and Energy that was released at the Lion’s Gate of 2017 reaches a climax at the June Solstice of 2018. Beloved Ones, it has been a powerful journey as the Waves of Light and Water Codes are activating more and deeper levels of transformation on your Planet.

The ongoing waves of transformation that you have felt, especially since March of this year, have all ben part of a single Wave of Light that was released from the Great Central Sun/Galactic Center at the time of the 8/8 Lion’s Gate in August 2017.

By now you will know that in Quantum Physics, light can be experienced as a particle and as a wave. That means that a singular “event” can be experienced as “waves” from within a Time/Space continuum.

So, throughout the Sacred Year, you have experienced waves of transformative Light and Water Codes. These Codes have been transforming and expanding your Light Body and cleansing and activating your Physical Body. The Diamond Light Codes contain the information that activates your multi-dimensional Light Body Grids, while the Diamond Water Codes cleanse the “water” of which you are constituted and brings clarity and luminescence to your Physical Body as a prerequisite for activating your New Earth Diamond Body Template.

Beloved Ones, in this past year you have dived deep within yourselves to ever deeper layers of consciousness. Here you have encountered the very deep layers of the Divine Feminine, those aspects of Soul and Spirit that guide your physical incarnation on Earth.

In your deep journey, you have encountered the Divine Feminine as the “Lady of the Lake,” and she has handed the Sacred Sword Excalibur to the Divine Masculine. In so doing, she empowers the Divine Masculine to stand forth and create, without struggle or aggression, but simply in the Flow of Divine Love.

We know that so many of you feel exhausted by the struggle to survive on Earth. We say that this is now over. As you connect with your deep inner Divine Feminine and allow the Masculine to take the Sword of Truth that cuts through all illusion, then you will be empowered to create your path without struggle. Your Reality will simply manifest around you according to your desires and needs, as is specified in the New Earth Diamond Body Template.

In many ways, the Ancient Sirian/Egyptian history of Isis and Osiris teaches the same truth. It is Isis, the Divine Feminine, that must empower Osiris, the Divine Masculine, to an act of magical creation in order for the New to be born in the form of the magical child Horus. It is Horus who banishes darkness and creates the Age of Light.

You are no ready, Beloved Ones, to participate in this deep and shining communion of “Sacred Marriage.” Within you, the Twin Flame energies of the Divine Masculine and Feminine are coming into alignment and Harmony and Empowerment! At this moment, the New can be born as a Sacred Testament to Divine Love and Harmony on Earth.

So, within each one of you, the inner Twin Flame union gives rise to empowerment, magic and the experience of the beautiful New Earth.

At the Solstice, you will feel the power of the influx of Diamond Light and Water Codes as your Soul, Body and Spirit create this wonderful merger or Sacred Union known as “Sacred Marriage,” where all aspects unite to express Divine Love, Creativity and Compassion.

As you embody and embrace these powerful energies, be sure to take good care of your physical body as it becomes acclimated to these powerful new frequencies and vibrations.

The Next Wave : The Planetary New Year and the Lion’s Gate 2018

And so, Beloved Ones, you arrive at the Gates of a New Cycle and a New Sacred Year. The Planetary New Year commences on the 26th July, after the “day out of Time” on the 25th July.

This is the moment when the Lion Portals open and a new and more evolved Time Spiral is made possible and can be created for the next Sacred Year. At this time it is essential to keep your personal vibration high and clear, cutting through all illusions and focussing only on Love and Harmony.

Do not allow anyone or any event at this time to pull your down into fear and anger, for these emotions will keep you at a low frequency and prevent you from reaching into a higher level of consciousness. Remember to be Light and for your heart to be as light as a feather as you float up to higher levels of being in the New Cycle.

After the Fall of Atlantis and the loss of integrity in Ancient Egypt, the connection to the Sacred Lion Portals and the Sacred Lion energy was lost. Humans were cut off from this knowledge and time spirals became “timelines” and they were locked into illusion and falsity and manipulation by those with dark hearts.

Now, at the dawn of the New Earth, you are given the opportunity to reconnect with the Royal Lion Guardians and to create within the Sacred Spirals of Time and Manifestation in complete Clarity and Integrity.

As you approach the 8/8 Star Gate, or Lion’s Gate, the Guardians of Light are waiting to conduct you through the Portal to higher levels of consciousness and creation.

As you honor the Past and the Future, represented by the Royal Lions of the Gate, you are intensely focussed on the NOW as the place of Creation and Manifestation.

At this time too, a new Wave of Light will be released from the Great Central Sun to power this new Time Spiral of New Earth Creation. It will be the brightest and most powerful Wave of Light yet to embrace the Earth, and it too will be experienced as Waves of Transformation and Creation in the Sacred Year of 2018/19.

This New Time Spiral will give you the opportunity to create and manifest your dreams. Many of you have felt major changes in this last year in your work, relationships and home energies. All of this has been a “letting go” in order to position you in a new place from which you may create your New Earth dream.

We wish you Light, Joy and Power as you create your new Path of Love in the Multi-dimensional New Earth Reality.


If you would like to learn and experience more about the Lion’s Gate and the incoming energies and light codes, you are invited to join us for a 5 part online webinar series for the Lion’ Gate. Please click here for more information and to sign up.

If you would like to learn more about the Diamond Codes, you are invited to purchase Celia Fenn’s book on the subject.

You can read Celia Fenn’s book “The Diamond Codes : Light Information for the New Reality,” available in E Book or Print format, for a better understanding of the Diamond Light Codes and how you can work with them.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2018 6:18:56 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/20/2018

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I do not teach morality at all. Morality should come on its own accord. I teach you directly the experience of your own being. As you become more and more silent, serene, calm and quiet, as you start understanding you own consciousness, as your inner being becomes more and more centered, your actions will reflect morality. It will not be something that you decide to do, it will be something as natural as roses on a rose bush. It is not that the rose bush is doing great austerities, and fasting, and praying to God, and disciplining itself according to the ten commandments; the rose bush is doing nothing. The rose bush has just to be healthy, nourished, and the flowers will come in their own time, with great beauty, effortlessly.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/21/2018 6:22:34 PM

Matt Kahn: Emotional Forecast for June 2018

As we celebrate the welcoming of a new solstice, we enter into a new phase of our journey more emotionally cleansed than ever before. Maybe you feel more so wrung out than cleansed at the moment, but with time, you may come to see the brand new beginning that has opened for you.

Perhaps ramping up over the past several months and hitting its crescendo this past weekend was a movement of energies that truly highlighted the theme of spring cleaning. Similar to the renewed space we feel in our homes when parting with things that no longer serve us, the past few months has acted like a mid-year life review for souls incarnated on Earth.

Whether aware of it or not, this mid-year life review is where many souls meet with their team of spirit guides to determine whether their earthly self is ready to advance to the next chapter of expansion. Most importantly is deciding who are the people to move forward with that are the best-suited for your journey ahead. This is not as much as a pass or fail, as it is a decision of fierce compassion. While a child is eager to advance to higher grade levels, it would be cruel to place a child in a more advanced environment of learning than they are ready to face.

As a result of this mid-year life review, it would be no surprise if you find yourself either opening up to brand new relationship possibilities or questioning the benefits of previously-established bonds. There comes a time in every journey, where with no blame cast towards any character, we simply must go our own way, in order to be who we are destined to become.

If you find yourself re-evaluating who is in and who is out throughout your inner circle of influence, you are acting in accordance with the conversations had in the ethers between your soul and spirits guides.

Particularly with yesterday’s energy signature, Sunday was referred to by the Universe as the “Day of Reckoning.” It symbolized a moment in time where souls decided how fast, how slowly, and how deeply their earthly self was ready to step forward into the next chapter of evolution.

Knowing it isn’t just a matter of the gifts each chapter offers, but recognizing how much work has been done to further embody and ground the light of our soul with greater alignment toward acting out the choices that honor our deepest core values.

Throughout this brand new beginning, there are renewed waves of flow, synchronicity, and miraculous orchestrations of grace revealing how profoundly the light is working on behalf of those who serve the light in the most dedicated and faithful way.

Whether you are finding the strength to close old chapters, feeling the loss of ending relationships, sensing renewed hope for the welcoming of new bonds and opportunities, now is the time to focus on aligning with the light as consistently and deliberately as possible.

The anchoring of light is the internal and external spreading of well-being, no matter the process of transformation you are in. Whether life feels like it’s falling apart, or finally coming back together again, in order to serve the light at full capacity, we cannot wait for outer circumstances to shift before we permit ourselves to shine.

To help you align with the light with joy, simplicity, and ease, please consider the following tips:

1. Light brightens in moments of gratitude. How many times a day can you pause and find something or someone to be grateful for? If unable to be grateful, simply pause 5-10 times a day and declare: “May all beings be blessed with gratitude and may it begin with me.” Whether you are able to find evidence in your own life or remain faithfully dedicated to offering this prayer, you are simultaneously raising your vibration to the frequency of grace while creating waves of energy that assist others in healing their heart.

2. Light is attracted to praise. Whenever we praise ourselves or others for the things done right, we are instructing the light to pour more of our spiritual essence into our physical bodies. The more our spiritual essence occupies space in our bodies, the more well-being we experience on all levels. Whether desiring resolve from a healing crisis, craving a fresh new start, or simply ready to bring old reoccurring dynamics of conditioning to an end, simply take time to praise yourself and others for what is right.

Take the time to acknowledge the gifts others embody, even if it’s a gift of always triggering the deeper layers of healing that ensure you are progressing forward in your journey. Praise is a celebration that only occurs in the Here and now. Instead of projecting praise into the future once all the pieces of your plan have fallen into place, the energy of praise invites you to enter present moment time as someone who lets yourself and others know they possess a deeply fulfilling higher purpose in life that is unfolding with perfection just as we are.

In order to detox from the patterning of our human conditioning and transcend the limited beliefs and view points of 3D consciousness, the energy of praise escorts us into the light of unity through a 4th dimensional corridor of time, as we embrace moments where the gift of praise is given.

3. The light supports expressions of honesty. While many energetically sensitive beings are afraid to be honest out of a fear of hurting another, as a result, they often live in disempowered patterns of codependency. When this occurs, they are unable to follow their hearts desires until other people are ok with their personal decisions.

Opposite from a Narcissist, who only care about their wants, needs, and desires, even at the expense of others, those who are energetically-sensitive are so preoccupied with care-taking, they often live as faithful supporting characters in other people’s movie, instead of playing out the starting role in their life’s feature film. When you authentically follow your heart, you may in fact experience the hurt of others, as they are equally redirected toward their souls highest destiny.

Whether they interpret this redirection as a form of rejection is determined by how much of their core wound remains to be healed. Even when we feel guilty or shameful for how bad other people feel when speaking our truth or following our hearts, it only serves to unearth deeper layers of core wounding that each moment in time helps to clear. Speaking your truth is not a judgment against another or a desire to spiritually correct anyone for any reason.

It is an opportunity to become more in-tune with what is most meaningful for your life by evaluating the choices your heart urges you to make. Whether with fear or courageously aligned, each decision serves to move you beyond the conditioning of each core wound, so you may embody the light that awakens the world as one.

May we be gentle with ourselves, forgiving of others, and respectful of a world taking a giant leap out of the dark ages of object consciousness and into new horizons of interconnected heart-centered intelligence.

I am here loving you through each hardship, but as of today, may we wait no longer to get this party started. We are the light. We are born fueled by spiritual purpose and we now step forward to usher humanity into the grace of accelerated times. Some won’t be able to hold the frequency but they only venture as far in their journey as they were destined to go.

No matter the circumstances of your journey up to this point, how brightly are you willing to shine — right here, right now?

Our time has come. Love Revolution unite!

All For Love,
Matt Kahn

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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