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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2018 4:41:58 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 19, 2018

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Many of you experience both a fear of success and a fear of failure. Both stem from a fear of judgment.

The way to overcome both the fear of success and the fear of failure, is to anchor deeply into the energies of faith and trust. Everything that occurs serves you in some way, and the experience itself, regardless of outcome, is what your soul is seeking.

If you can understand that all of it is directing you to your next greatest match and your next grand adventure, you can settle into the deep acceptance that opens the door to peace and truly living without fear. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2018 4:44:12 PM

Master Sananda via Natalie Glasson: Ascension Period of Self Realization

Audio version. Video version.

As you create an intention to follow and develop your spiritual pathway of awakening and remembering your truth, so you will move through levels and layers of ascension training. Each period of your ascension pathway will focus you upon different areas of your body, thoughts, emotions, spiritual self, continuing until you have a deeper understanding and knowingness of yourself.

Your ascension journey and the levels or periods of growth and awakening you move through are unique to you and personal to the desires of your soul. Humanity as a collective will move through layers and periods of ascension awakening and growth. This will also influence your ascension pathway and experiences. It is most likely that you are evolving beyond the lessons that humanity as a collective are exploring and embodying.

However, this will influence you by returning your focus to old wounds and habits which have been resolved but may need attention at a deeper level or simply require you to confirm that the energies are no longer present within your being.

Confirmation plays a big part in the ascension process. You are often being guided to energies that have been resolved, healed or transformed in order to confirm to yourself the growth and understanding that has been made. It is also a way of ensuring that all energies connected to the previous growth or awakening are balanced, harmonized and aligned before you move forth to explore a new dimension of yourself.

Confirmation is always given to you by the divine. Evidence is often desired by lightworkers and yet difficult to realize or discover. Confirmation and evidence are not the same. The Creator is always offering confirmation to you of your evolution and appropriate ideas or pathways. These are given in symbols, synchronicities and signs as well as through your intuition. Evidence, if given, would take away your power and free will.

The Challenges Ahead

The ascension period that many lightworkers are moving through now is known as a stage of self-realization. It is true that each step of your ascension is focused upon self and Creator realization. However, the energies pouring into lightworkers at this time is guiding a deep and intense observation of self. The energies anchoring are activating lightworkers in a way that their separation with self and the Creator may be emerging to be observed, released and healed.

Any belief of separation with self or the Creator can manifest in experiences of lack, suffering, pain, chaos, being unsupported, unloved, unsafe, rejected and so forth. It can also result in emotions such as anger, fear, anxieties, insecurities, uncertainty, worries, depression, grief, as well as experiences of lack of trust and faith. In these experiences of separation with the Creator or self, you are being invited to discover your truth.

Beneath the experience is a powerful life shifting and self-affirming realization which is waiting to be acknowledged. A realization which will fast-track you forth upon your spiritual pathway, allowing you to connect with new dimensions of yourself and know your truth with greater confidence.

The challenge in this stage of your ascension is not as you might think – to endure how your aspects of separation with the Creator manifest in your reality. The challenge is to comprehend and remain focused upon your self-realization, understanding that there is a jewel of realization waiting to emerge within any experience that seems to separate you from the Creator and your divine self.

The purpose of this stage of spiritual growth is to remain observant rather than to plunge into any form of separation that manifests in diverse ways. Observe that a deeper understanding or insight about yourself is emerging which will create greater experiences of fulfillment, while also meaning you will no longer experience the separation energy with the Creator of your current situation.

You may wish to ask yourself two questions. These questions can be used in any situation, experience, emotion or thought form:

What form of separation with the Creator or myself am I energizing and manifesting now?

How can I dissolve the separation and realize my eternal infinite oneness with the Creator in this situation?

These two questions will serve you in observing and realizing your inner self and the core of any situation rather than engaging in the drama which leads you deeper into the experience of separation.

The energies of ascension downloading into lightworkers that are ready to realize and see themselves through the eyes of truth will hold, support and carry you forth with ease and perfection. You are being wholly supported and guided in mastering this stage of ascension. It does not mean that challenges will arise. It simply means that you will be invited to observe your reactions and the energies or thoughts you choose to create from.

A blessing of self-realization is that you will embody a tool, habit and pattern that allows you to move through your spiritual growth and earthly reality with ease, joy and fulfillment. An additional blessing of self-realization is that you will discover and form your own unique way of connecting within your being, recognizing the difference between truth, illusion and drama, as well as learning how to heal and positively shift your reality for you to experience fulfillment.

All the wisdom, knowledge and understanding is within you. To say to yourself that you do not know what to do, where to begin or even how to achieve your self-realization is an illusion in itself. You have everything you need within you, there is simply a need to be willing to observe and accept.

Self-acceptance is one of the greatest healers and a sure way to reveal of your truth.

Keys to Self-Realization

· Take a step back and observe your inner feelings and thoughts as well as the outer manifestation in your reality.

· Ask yourself the two questions I, Master Sananda, supplied you with to determine the separation with the Creator you are empowering within you.

· Contemplate how the core energy of separation you have discovered has influenced your current situation and whether it has created similar patterns in other areas of your reality. Try to discover as much as possible whether the separation with the Creator you are empowering is causing other patterns, habits, situations or experiences in your life. Realize that as you heal the energy you are aware of, so other areas of your life connected will heal.

· Call upon the Ascension Energies of Self–Realization and myself, Master Sananda, to support you and download into your being, filling you with light, love and healing vibrations.

· Imagine the core of the energy of separation with the Creator you have discovered as a symbol, in a certain area of your body or being.

· Invite the Ascension Energies of Self–Realization and myself, Master Sananda to penetrate the symbol of your separation with the Creator and to anchor the quality or energy you received as an answer to the second question of how you can realize your eternal infinite oneness with the Creator in this situation.

· Allow the symbol to transform into a new symbol within you of oneness and unity with the Creator in this situation, feeling the support and love of the Creator. When the symbol has transformed, allow yourself to radiate the new light of unison and being supported by the Creator into your entire being and reality. Feel the energy grounding deeply into your being and reality.

Simply calling upon the Ascension Energies of Self–Realization and myself, Master Sananda during meditation to download into your being and support your deeper connection with yourself and awareness of all that you are. It will aid you in receiving insights, healing and knowingness to support you in remaining balance and aligned in this stage of ascension.

With joyful love and truth,

Master Sananda

Read More from Master Sananda

Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2018 4:47:38 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/18/2018

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The ocean is not far away, Leena. But your ego is a frozen block - it needs melting. Love melts it, fear makes it more frozen, trust melts it. All that the people who are trying to find themselves have to do, is remain melted and allow the river to move on its own. You should not be the guide; the river needs no guide. Its very nature is to reach to the ocean. It is not an effort, it is its intrinsic quality.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2018 4:49:28 PM

Truth in Dreams

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Beloved, you have heard Me say that life in the world is all a fantasy. You wouldn’t mind this idea at all if the fantasy you live in could be made of a real-live fairy tale fantasy. You wouldn’t mind a life of Fairy Godmothers and Princes with golden coaches and dreams of the highest, and where you regularly get swept off your feet in a world where dreams, of course, come true before your very eyes.

You are not exactly asking for Paradise – more the sort of thing where if you must ride a subway every day back and forth to work, you could ride a subway where no one would have to stand and be crowded, and, where, as a matter of course, riding the subway could be a quiet delicately well-mannered treat, and, before you know it, a princely figure helps everyone off the subway and sincerely wishes everyone a good day.

Is this asking for too much? A subway where there is no noise or dust or anyone hungry, and there is no rushing – only a serene kind of life that rises to the occasion. Oh, yes, there would be the singing of blue birds and no need for trash receptacles, and no one’s feet would ever hurt, and no one would have to stand up and hold onto a strap, for every gentleman graciously gets up and offers you his seat.

I am aware that you are not asking for Heaven but rather for a polite fantasy where everyone is a lady or a gentleman, and dreams come true once and for all. You wouldn’t mind some of this or a lot of this.

Certainly, you are also aware you have had such moments in life when you were serenaded, and when you were secure that you and life truly were meant for each other, where traffic jams and hornet nests and pesky flies do not exist and no one’s feelings ever get hurt, and where there are no such things as headaches or upset stomachs or feeling ill at ease and long wondering how you ever landed on Earth as if Earth is all there is to life, and when the day would come when you would never feel off-kilter again. Is this asking for too much?

If fantasies are imagined, could it be that they actually are lived somewhere, and everyone is exactly where he wants to be and no one misses his train or gets off a boat without anyone to greet him, and school is a happy place for children, and all is well with the world?

In this case, you would like to sign up.

Meanwhile, there are some good movies and books to read and good people to meet and good times to be had and love to look forward to here and there, where trains do run on tracks, and there are good things to think about and marvel at, and you are here. You understand that I say that anything is possible, and you are perfectly willing to see some of this great stuff. You would gladly wait in line and accept all possibilities of happiness and joy and to know that love is unqualifiedly King, and that you and everyone are eligible.

Meanwhile, you are grateful for nighttime and sleep even as there are those times when you might rather wake up somewhere else where you could know for a fact that you and I are holding hands, and where you know you will see Me before your very eyes, and know for a fact that all is well forever and forever and anon.

Sweet dreams, Beloved. Oneness is. You and I exist in Oneness. All grace and tribute to you in life and love abounds, and all is just as you knew it would be.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/19/2018 5:56:25 PM

What to expect from the energy of the summer/winter solstice

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the energies of the winter/summer solstice now streaming heavily upon you, many of you will now begin to feel urged to once again move toward manifesting your dreams and desires. Many of you have felt as though you were stuck within a holding pattern that left you feeling unmotivated, uninspired and for many quite physically tired. As we have said time and time again, there is a time for integration and there is a time for acceleration. You are now entering a period to rapid acceleration. This is what we would like to further discuss at this time.

For some of you the thought of rapid acceleration may seem daunting, however there are still very many others who will welcome this period as they will be delighted to once again feel inspired, motivated and even compelled to begin to take the steps necessary to ground their dreams and desires here in the physical. For many of you, you will find that very large chapters are closing at this time, however with every proverbial door that closes another one is soon to open. Galactic cycles, collective cycles as well as individual cycles are in the midst of coming to a close; which of course will welcome new cycles, patterns and energy to begin.

As you all have passed through a strong integration and release period you are now ready to once again move forward. We do realize that it may seem as though you are continually met with similar obstacles that you cannot seem to escape, but we assure you, you are releasing in a much greater capacity than you currently realize.

Several months ago we encouraged you to choose your dreams and targets wisely as there will soon come a time where you will see your thoughts and focuses manifest into form in the not too distant future. We said

“We remind you to choose wisely what you wish to plant, as you will find your harvest to be stronger and larger than years before. If you wish to plant your desires you will witness your dreams come to life. Do not let your fears get the best of you because you do not see how your dreams could possibly manifest, we remind you, things are not what they seem to be. This is why we say, plant your seeds wisely, for in a few months time you will reap the harvest of your seeds.”

The time has now come. You will begin to see the beginning manifestations of all that you have tirelessly worked on in the beginning months of this year. For those of you who have worked diligently on releasing all that no longer serves you, you will soon reap the benefits of carrying a “lighter” load.

Though you will likely begin to feel the sudden bursts of energy, insights, motivation and determination that seemed as though they had escaped you these past several months, we would like to remind you that force is not necessary in order to manifest your dreams and desires. Certainly effort is still required though force will only further delay what you wish to create. When you feel the urge to force the outcome that you wish to manifest, remember to take a moment, step back and allow for the path of least resistance to be presented to you.

You will witness the seamlessness of divine timing and synchronicity in your lives. We encourage you to keep your minds and your hearts open to the boundless opportunities, blessings and gifts that will soon be presented to you with greater ease than ever before. This is to be expected. Place your trust in yourself, in your ability to create all that you have dreamed of.

We encourage you to place your feet upon the path to creating the world you have yearned to live within. A full leap of faith is not required; all you must do is begin to take the first step to creating your dreams. And so we remind you, believe, allow and accept.

We hope that we have served you in some way.

In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides

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- Dr. Taryn Crimi

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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