you know what? after having gone through efforts to generate cash and stumbling upon websites such as these, the ones that PROMISE big money, you must realize as I do now, that these are just individuals scamming to get your money. When they put a high price tag on a website and or even one that shows small denominational amounts paid to you, you can pretty much rest assured that these people are paying for advertising, roping people in such as yourself and leaving you high and dry. I have absolutely no faith whatsoever in ANY site that promises to pay me big bucks. No faith at all.
I think through it all the only two companies that did right by me were the site (although their minimum orders are pricey in my book) and the melaleuca company team sites. These are PRODUCTS companies. Not some type of company that is rolling on dough only. I dont believe them, nor should you. Save your money, save yourself, save your mental anguish.
Deal with reputable companies if you have this need to run an online business. The other stuff is crap. Even those government sites offering grants - there IS no such thing. Grants are given only to nonprofit organizations.. and what are we all here for? Some profit right? That is why if we allow ourselves to get sucked in on someone elses website and/or plan or system or program we deserve the depressed state we feel once we find we've been let down.
Think people! You cannot trust people and or these idiotic websites. For the most part you can know for sure that these are created by an individual or group of individuals who eventually skip town after they took your money.
These sites are considered ponzi schemes.. and well, they really are. There is little or nothing you can do about the scam after it's done. What you can do is not get involved.. wait things out - all bad things come to an end rather quickly. Dont feel you're losing out on money that really isnt there anyway. It's all a scam. Here is what they do to you - you join, you pay or upgrade, then you're told to promote.... now some of you probably have good avenues for promotion.. you may see stellar service in that area and you opt to go full force promoting something that you just paid for. Before you know it, the site owner did not come through and cannot be found.
I say, join things that cost you nothing. Join things that cost you something when you are getting a product in return and you feel it's a good deal.
I am sick to death about ebooks.. they are lame as lame can be. There is not one ebook out there that has made a light come on in my head. The stuff I've read is stuff I inheritantly knew anyway.
WAKE UP and stop falling for these scam sites.
Thanks for your post - hope all can appreciate mine.