
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 9:01:49 AM
Good morning Kathleen!

Not to sound condescending, but you're just figuring this out? People don't want to read anymore, and haven't for a long time. It's too much like work. LOL. That's why talking web sites, podcasts and audio books are so popular.

That's why I don't use those things... I want people to read my information. If they don't want to read it, I know they're not serious, and I don't want to work with them. I think of it as a way of weeding out tire kickers.

Most people don't even read the crap they download from their favorite gurus; they just grab that almighty affiliate link and start slamming everyone they know with ads for it.

Don't be discouraged, just keep plugging away.


Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 9:12:20 AM

Hi Trina,

I've known for a long time that people don't read more than they think they have to.  BUT when I tell people not to post ads in reply to other peoples ads, they come back and say "Why did you delete my ad?  I thought we were friends." 

My forum description has been up there for several months and people respond like I just put it there that moment as an affront to them personally.

Then there are the people who act like those of us with large friends lists somehow just snapped our fingers and had a huge pile of friends fall from the sky. 

I tell people if they put in a 30-minute daily effort to do something, if they plan what they are going to do online before they get online, they will accomplish something.  It may take awhile but it will happen.  People need to make things happen for themselves, not toss out a random spamathon and whine about other people having a bigger friends list when they do nothing to advance themselves.

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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 9:19:20 AM
Hello Kathleen :-)

Unfortunately this is so very true! And now you had the proof; though I noticed same "behavior" in many other cases even if it wasn't quite as obvious! Some people think that they should be followed just because!....

Once, after deleting someones post I even got a mail ... some kind of:

 Cool Quotes & Sayings at

The only good thing in this is you can know persons better!

Wish you lots of wonderful people ;-)

With friendship,
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Valerie Clavin

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 9:38:48 AM

Hi Kathleen,

  I've also learned the hard way, not to send an ad with an invite to be friends. Silly me, when I first came here, I thought that was the right thing to do. Oh! Lots of potential friends did not accept friendship because of it. Can't blame them, all those pm's and notifications of ads,ads,ads. I had no idea them. I do now!! Anyway, The POTW gets you lots and lots of friend requests. and ads to go with the majority of them. Instead of just refusing friendship, I kindly cautioned them about ads with friends requests. ALL but one was grateful. That person sent me a  pM  about my being cool, after all they said this is Adland - right. I sent an apology as to the intent of my message not to be taken as bad but a heads up. I have't heard from them since. This person has a lot to learnn about networking!!!

Thanks Kathleen!


Valerie Clavin


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Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: Reading is Obviously NOT Fundamental in Forums?
10/3/2007 9:54:50 AM
Hello again...

That is why I moderate my forum. And, when I delete, or rather reject a post, I tell the person why I disallowed it.

Unfortunately, this keeps some people from visiting my forum. However, I don't mind. Those are the people who don't visit to read, but to spam. Again, it is a weeding out.

The only way to keep people from posting ads to a forum is to moderate it. Sad, but true.


Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
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