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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/26/2007 11:44:19 AM

Bonjour Tim,


En lisant cette littérature, je découvre que la plupart des sujets qui reviennent souvent sont les même qui me taraudent l’esprit : je suis content car je ne suis pas le seul dans ce monde sous pression et globalisé.


 Depuis que je suis dans le Net, MA FORMATION et ENTREPRENDRE sont mes seules motivations. C’est une question de survie.


Je partage avec beaucoup de personne ICI, que la formation devient ce  phénomène agressif et viral. Je suis même tenté de dire que c’est la duplication, avec le marketing aidant, qui a réduit la FORMATION au niveau de sa simple expression  « INFORMATION ». Dans cette situation, tout le monde veut former tout le monde. Cette dictature globale de l’information est aussi potentiellement gagnante, ne l'oublions pas, car de plus de plus de novices découvrent l’internent chaque jour. C’est un marché comme tant d’autres.






     oooooooo Google ENGLISH Translation ooooooo



Hello Tim,

By reading this literature, I discover that the majority of the subjects which often return are the same one which taps me the spirit: I am happy, because I am not only in this world under pressure and globalized.

 Since I am in the Net, MA FORMATION and TO UNDERTAKE are my only motivations. It is a question of survival.

I divide with much of anybody HERE, that the formation becomes this aggressive and viral phenomenon. I am even tempted to say that it is duplication, with the helping marketing, which reduced the FORMATION to the level of its simple expression “INFORMATION”. In this situation, everyone wants to form everyone. This total dictatorship of information is also potentially gaining, do not forget it, because of more than more beginners discover intern it each day. It is a market like so many others.

 Thank you


J.v. Lewis

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/26/2007 5:37:17 PM

Joseph, how thoughtful of you to post those important things here for us to consider before we decide to work with someone!

May we all heed this carefully because there are so many who would rip us off without a second thought!


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John Stowell

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/27/2007 3:34:18 AM
Hi Tim,

As I class myself as a Newbie still, I find it hard to answer your question.

After some 5 seconds thought, ok, 15 minutes thought and experience over the past 18 months, I feel that Honesty is a bonus. But how does one know until one signs up and forms their own opinion.

I have believed many ads and found out after signing that it's just away of getting you to part with your money each month.

I know there are some honest ones out there and I have found one recently that is trustworthy.

So to answer you, then Honesty and the willing to Educate regularly is the important attraction for me.

Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/27/2007 4:30:37 PM

Re bonsoir Tim

Je crois bien qu’une erreur s’est glissée, par inattention, dans mon texte du 26Sept 2007.Dans la dernière phrase, il fallait tout simplement   lire:


 car de plus de plus de novices découvrent l’INTERNET  chaque jour.


 Au lieu de :


car de plus de plus de novices découvrent l’internent chaque jour.


        ooooooooo Google translation oooooooooo



I believe well that an error slipped, by carelessness, in my text of 09-26-2007 . In the last sentence, it was quite simply necessary to read:




 because of more than more beginners discover the INTERNET each day.


Instead of:



because of more than more beginners discover intern it each day.




Scott Reynolds

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/28/2007 7:48:12 PM
Hi Tim,

I look for truth first and formost. Sometimes hard to find in todays Internet Hype but definitely still out there.

Of course my main goal is to either save or make the most money possible, and like most people, want to do it the fastest and easiest way I can find.


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