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J.v. Lewis

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/28/2007 11:19:26 PM

Hello again, Tim - and everyone!

After having read through this complete thread, I realize that this is my third time to post here so maybe I'm taking up more than my share of the space but I just want to say thanks to everyone who has taken their time to give us valuable information!

This has been and is a very good topic that helps all of us know exactly what people are looking for when they come here!

One thing I have noticed over and over again is people saying, "Look at me!"  "Look at what I have to offer!" which in effect is saying, "I don't care what you have!" "I'm not the least bit concerned about you or what you are offering, it's all about ME!"

Well, they [or we] , because I'm not innocent either, are not that obvious about it, but if we are always trying to market what we have and never look at what the other person has to offer we are all just spinning our wheels getting nowhere!

What has made this topic in this forum work so well is you people who have taken the time to express what, in your opinion, we should all be doing to help one another succeed and I appreciate you all very much!


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Donna Zuehl

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/28/2007 11:57:17 PM
Hi Tim, This is a good topic and I enjoyed reading all the responses. When I think about joining a new membership, I want something that is free or low-cost to join. I do not want to have to recruit a lot of others in order to make any money. Personally, telephone conferences, online conferences, live training etc. do not appeal to me at all. I want to be able to access training at my own pace and whenever I have time available. Written training through websites, PDF's, or email are preferable. I do not like audio training either, as a lot of the voices of those doing the training grate on my nerves after a few minutes. I also do not want someone calling me on my home phone to give me a sales talk or a pep talk. That is why I am interested in INTERNET programs. I do like free ebooks or free autoresponder training that I can read at my leisure. Another important factor is getting information on how to develop a website, how to upload ebooks to that website, how to set up an autoresponder, how to set up a payment processor, etc. In other words, detailed instructions on "how to" actually do everythiing. Just a few thoughts from a relative newbie! :) DonnaZ
Tim Southernwood

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IMPORTANT stats from something COMPLETELY different!
10/1/2007 11:47:39 AM

First let me thank every one of you that took the time to participate in this informal poll. Even though there were only a few respondants I was able to get a lot of useful information, and make a few pointed observations. If you've read through all the posts as I have, I'm sure you have found a few surprises.

I hope you will all take advantage of this very useful information, whether you're a membership site owner, a soon to be membership website owner, or thinking of joining a membership.

Here is a very general condensation of the responses:

What I look for:                        Number of responses:   

Free - Low cost to join                5

Recruiting required                     Y=         N= 1

Live Training                              Y= 3      N= 1       

Written Training                          Y= 2      N=

Recorded training                          1

Daily "nuts & bolts training               6

Support                                        4

How to "step by step"                     3
autoresp. Websites. Uploads
pay setup

Honesty, trust, integrity                  3

Products                                       2

Comp plan / income potential            2

advertising exposure                       1

Languages                                    1

"handicap" access                          1

Community                                    1

Opportunity/timing                          1



There were 14 individual responses from 21 posts, and 332 views.

Now, there a a few observations one could make from the above number of responses vs views. First's seems eerily similar to broadcast mailings these days, so people might take note that on an Advertising Forum, as with email advertisements, your response rate is going to be in the 4-7% range. I suppose I could try some split testing with a better subject line but I think I might tick a few people off and lose a few (and besides, I already know my response rates here in Adland are pretty much in line with Industry Standards)

As far as the actual responses, because of the relatively small numbers it's difficult to really make more than a few observations, and perhaps a couple of assumptions.

First, it's obvious that Training is first and foremost in many minds, and that's an interesting indicator. I see most sites advertising just this kind of thing but with the responses I'm wondering about the quality or the EFFECTIVENESS of some of those training plans..


Is it that people join a site expecting to be Trained, as in "hold my hand, walk me through this, teach me how" kind of training (and the responses seem to indicate a general trend in this direction)
The live training aspect is important to people, as we are social creatures, but I think also because it's easier to gain an understanding sometimes, and the ability to reflect that understanding (or seek correction) immediately that is so important to us.
On the other hand, in large groups or conferences, you might find that people are intimidated by the group and will be afraid to speak out, so smaller and more familiar or intimate groups of people (perhaps even at a similar developmental stage) is more condusive to participation.

Next is the desire for Support. I myself know how important it is to me in getting a speedy response to my problems, because in this competitive arena, ever moment wasted is opportunity gone. We don't want to wait for the answer if something's not working.
And how important are first impressions when someone's taking a chance on joining a new (at least to them) site? Probably no less than the first impressions when you meet someone face to face.
I think even though it's a cost, webowners must consider this factor very carefully and find ways to make a speedy response to any questions or problems.

The Honesty, trust, integrity elements are also of note (not surprisingly) probably due to the fact that so many people have joined a site with expectations that were not met, so they have developed very cautious attitudes when considering an opportunity.

That products, opportunity/timing, and compensation plan took a back seat, to me was a bit surprising, but the numbers are so small and the information so sketchy, that I can't make many observations on this, but I do have some opinions:

First would be that people are concerned with what products they are dealing with, but probably the overriding factor (besides being a bona fide quality product) is saleability. Can the product be sold for a decent return. Funny enough takes a back seat to training and support, so perhaps one could assume that people might be willing to sell anything decent as long as effective training and superb support were available.

Second, and this one surprised me, that comp plan and income potential would rate so low, and I'm not sure what to take from that.

Third and last of my observations is my surprise that Opportunity/timing would rank so low because that is something I would rank fairly high. The saying "first to market" is important because it's so very true. So too is being in a system early, because that is where the majority of the opportunity lies..when it's fresh and new. People are much more inclined to join a fresh attractive site than they are something old and seen a million times.

So there you have it.
A very simple little exercises in the power of surveys and just asking people a few questions, and how much valuable information you can get from it. I hope you've all enjoyed it :-)



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Terry Gorley

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Re: IMPORTANT stats from something COMPLETELY different!
10/9/2007 6:26:25 PM

Hello Tim,

I made it to your forum, however late for your informal poll.

I read all the posts and found them to be very interesting.

I had been there done that many times until I came up with what I thought would be a fun, easy and inexpensive way for anyone to create an incredible income for themselves.  It is incredibly easy and inexpensive, yet some people still have a problem with it.

Some of the problem has to do with perception.  What is low cost and affordable?

I have used the words "Financial Freedom" which is entirely possible. I believe Financial Freedom is a concept many don't understand because they don't believe it is possible.  That it is a Dream and something only the rich can attain.

I believe we are a society that has lost its ability to Dream.  I believe we are a society that has become too dependent on our government.  

I believe success is not only for a select few.  

I believe in order to attain our desired success we must be able to SEE the possibility.  To KNOW the possibility is real.

I'm here to Make A Difference ... one person at a time ... $5 at a time

To Success For All






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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
10/9/2007 8:54:12 PM

Hi Tim,

I'm also late with responding, sorry!   Business opportunities should be run by people who have been in marketing for a long time, especially from the perspective of being a customer.  Understanding what people want and how they feel is more important than being a math wizard or expert web designer.  Also, a good opportunity should cover your cost with only 2 or 3 personal sign-ups, it shouldn't take more than that, and definitely shouldn't take a multi-level pile of people under you to cover your costs "someday".  It should be do-able within a short time with only 2 to 3 personal referrals.

Also, the administration should be open to suggestions, and know how to be polite.  I quit something earlier this year that I had no intention of quitting until the administrator responded quite rudely to a suggestion I made.  Then I told everyone I knew not to join his program.  Not only did he lose me, he lost a lot of potential sign-ups that may have joined through other people in the future even if they weren't going to join through me that month.


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