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J.v. Lewis

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/26/2007 12:27:35 AM


I'm glad you mentioned support because that is exactly what you will find when you sign up for your own free silver system at you are never alone there unless you just refuse to use the online training sessions that are there on a daily basis by many trainers who give us their time and effort voluntarily!

Veretekk is an old and large system that has been around now for 10 years and is still being upgraded continually. Only the ones who get into the training sessions can even begin to understand how to use such a powerful system effectively.

I agree with you, Michael, support is very important!

Something I didn't mention is the ability to record the training sessions so that if there is something we miss during the live training session, which is accomplished with an enteractive group, you can always get it from the recording!

I appreciate the opportunity to add what I can to this forum and hope it will benefit many!


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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/26/2007 12:29:08 AM

Hello Tim,

I look for what kind of things can benefit when it comes to the exposure factor.

thats what I look for.

Targeted areas of Exposure.

Kathy Hamilton

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Diane Bjorling

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/26/2007 12:50:48 AM
Hi Tim....
I have been watching your post ...very inventive and good subject
I hope you dont mind me adding my thoughts.
I so agree that training and support is needed, but I do believe it should be done in a down to earth matter.  Far too often I have witnessed training that was so far over most people's heads, they get lost  and give up. The training should also be practical, for example did you know that many people collect stuff on the hard drive but have no way to learn how to upload them to another site..go figure!
Then there are the conferences that are supposed to help you learn, but end up...  either saying the same thing over and over again or it has little to do with training, more like a pep rally. Quite frustrating.
Keeping the membership within the financial ability of the average person is also important.  It will bring the person in to see if they like what is being offered. I have seen those programs where they will promise this or that..but you end up paying and paying over and over again.
Lets see, what is the product?..Is it of value...can it be used for other things..too often  I have seen sites that say.."look at me"  see what i have..and then you find out...seen it before... talk about feeling gyped.
How often do we see programs being promoted that do not help you to learn how to promote.  They say they do but they really dont  I guess that should be included in the training, but to me, it should be a separate entity as it is a subject to itself.
Thanks for letting me just ramble here...loll...need coffee??

Have an awesome evening and thanks again for a great topic.

Peace and Light to You

Diane Bjorling

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/26/2007 10:26:14 AM
Hi Tim:

Round 2 apologies for posting twice, but I got to thinking more on this question and realized that I had not completed my thoughts....guess I should have had the coffee....loll....
Here are some observations I have made about a lot of membership sites.  It would be interesting to see how others think on this and I hope it helps.
1.  In many of the membership sites, I have noted that in the beginning there is a good support sytem, but then it breaks down once it has grown to a certain point.  To me that is because the owner or owners have not thought enough about the groweth of the membership and have nothing in place.
2.  Most membership sites don't support different languages.  This is just a fact.  Considering that this is the "world wide net", it is my opinion that this should be looked at as the norm rather than the exception.
3. Number 3 actually ties in with number two.  It is something that many will nod their heads at, but do little about.  To put it simply, we need to start recognizing the needs of the deaf and the blind.  More and more of our deaf and our blind friends are wanting to work, just like the rest of us at home, getting that piece of the pie.  As you well know, video streaming has become such a powerful tool for fun and advertising.   This is all good and dandy, but what if you can't hear it or you can't see it, then what good are they?   Most membership sites will get annoyed if this is even brought up as it is an expense.  There is no doubt they are right, but consider please, the value of such a program to everybody....what a thought.   I know of a few programs that are breaking the barriers, but to my knowledge not a proper membership site...I could be wrong though.  You and I have had many talks on these things which has challenged me to think things through, this being one of them....loll..yep!
I really am unsure if this is what you were looking for, but I will say that this type of question/poll is very productive in getting people to think of what they would like to see in a membership site and I do hope others will visit here and write their thoughts.

Have an awesome day Tim and keep up the good work

Peace and Light to you...again

Diane  :-)

Tim Southernwood

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Re: Now for something COMPLETELY different!
9/26/2007 11:22:21 AM

First I want to thank everyone that took time to post their comments. It was much appreciated :-)

You know though..I have to shake my head in wonderment because although 154 views of this forum occurred since the posting, only 13 comments, and three of those were

Is it a sign that Marketers are just too busy to participate in a simple exercise such as this, or is it a matter of insecurity, or maybe even apathy?
I suppose it's even possible that to some the topic wasn't all that interesting, and there wasn't any obvious "WIIFM" for them to participate.
On the contrary though..I see this forum and others like it as great resources of "survey" type information. What better way to adjust your offerings to the market than by finding out from the market exactly what it's looking for??

Topics indeed for another forum I

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

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