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Nick Sym

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/28/2007 1:23:56 AM
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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/28/2007 4:50:38 AM
Hello Thomas,

Usually I do not post in forums with this kind of topics! Though I feel this one to be really interested in my believes rather than inoculating me their ones (I do not mean to be offensive toward no one)

GOD and even JESUS is living much more in each others heart than in any church (in communist eras Religion wasn't seen with good eyes by the regime, and they left us  very few time and opportunities for going to church) So, I was raised and educated by my grandparents and they always taught me about GOD's parenting upon us (I hope this sounds OK in English) I think GOD is not GOOD and most of all is not BAD. He is much more a PARENT! One do not need any special place to cherish our parents, and ... I better stop with this here as its a bit complicated for my English at this hour LOL
The only thing I would add is that I don't think that everything what's happening to us is GOD's will or hand; some times there are but most of the time we are the ones responsible for our FORTUNE, due to our CHOICES and ATTITUDE. Invoking God's will for everything we do or taking decisions in His name I consider to be a pure and simple RUN AWAY OF RESPONSABILITY or worse - FOOLING POOR PEOPLE spreading dust into their eyes.

I hope it may be seen the real meaning of my thoughts and words here. In case you think this is not the case or it might be any danger to be taken else than please just delete this.

With friendship,
Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/28/2007 4:59:55 AM
Quite Honesty Thomas. You know that from another forum on here that I am constantly searching for the truth. If you visit the forum and about 10 pages back from the last post, you will that I posted 2 Christian Links in there, with a comment that I normally do not post Christian links in forums.
When you have time and the desire to have a look at those links?
I will have to say that I agree. Personally and this may come as a surprise, but I believe that Satan influenced the first churches that were made in the name of Christianity and is still doing so even now. When we read and re read the bible, with  prayer and careful reading, we can see the way Jesus acted and the message he gave up for out life. When we look at Religion I believe we can use the word, Man Made. Interesting that you mentioned, The Dead Sea Scrolls as they confirm the OT and parts of the NT. They also list extra books that were not included in the modern day Bibles as we know them. Religion as many see it. They look at not only Christianity but all Religions. What do they see? Corruption, Lies, Wars, Killing, Mass Murder, right through the ages and often done, In the name of God. The worse genecide ever in out world, was done in the name of God to the Native American Indians, when white man travelled from Europe to the Americas.
Is it any wonder that the word, Religion, has a bad name. Look at how many Christian Churches there are in the world? There are hundreds and the worst religion for people saying I am right and you are wrong, is Christians.
Trinitarians say the Oneness faiths are wrong and vica versa and so the arguments carry on. The sad part about all of this, is that thousands of who were once Christians have left the Christian Church they belonged to and gone to Wica and such like, Earth based Religions. Really the only way this can be healed is by showing Love and respect to all and as a Christian, showing the Light to all we know. Then if people we know see ua as humble, caring, loving people, who let the light of Jesus Christ, shine from within us, then we have a chance of un doing  the fear, hate and negative thinngs that have taken place, in the name of Christianity for Thousands of Years. Keith.
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/28/2007 10:54:49 AM
Thank you Keith my native brother, the israelites remember the dark ages and it was then these murders and killings were happening when God was showing how powerful he is when someone doesnt listen to his words, God made Satan as an angel but was condemed when he supplied evil to Eve in temptation. Thank God for Moses and Abraham, so many heros of the Bible i look up to, even though these men had there own defaults just like you and me they still kept there Faith in God. You dont have to to me about the white man and the indians that is something im still struggling with in my own heart and that bad history will not go away just like the slaves of yesterday will not unless we have the guts to change and to do God's will. Yes i did take a look at those links of yours and yes they are interesting, so many here have given me so many views of what they like to show me and i appretiate the offeres and the gestures, i also appretiate you Kieth for your help in someways as it pertains to my own struggles.  I set this forum up for a purpose, one that is helpful and yes intrieging by ones standards of Faith. Another way of learning is by asking how you feel and not by what you heard. Life today is not the life of yesterday. The term "pressing on" is to reach that Goal, well that Goal is heaven and thats where i want to be.
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/28/2007 11:07:08 AM
Deaest Anamaria, how dare i delete your feedback on God. Thank you for your openess and your understanding that God Is a Parent to all of us. We know what the right to do is but we dont do it so God gives us struggles to overcome, to think through, to lead us in his way to becaome closer to him. Learning tools of God is obeying his Word. Your a Parent? do you teach your children what is right and wrong? you do right! Same with God. The more we get to know God the easier life becomes. Thank you for our comments i do appretiate them so very much. God_bless you. Enjoy your day my friend.
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