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Thomas Richmond

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Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/27/2007 11:22:34 AM
So many folks these days are interested in Jesus, but are truly turned
off by organized religion. At least they are turned off by what they
portrayed negatively in the media and reconfirmed by many who they feel
mix politics and a self-proclaimed conservative religious orientation.
More importantly, how do we communicate with folks who are anti-church
so they know what the people of Jesus are really about? It seems that
so much of our language is defensive and protective and many of our
messages are focused on us not being corrupted by our culture. As a
workgroup of ordinary working folks in our congregation focused on what
they believed God was calling us to be as a church, one image emerged
that was striking and powerful. "We believe we are called to be God's
community front porch. If you think about it, Starbucks has become our
modern version of the front porch. We need to be something like that,
except be a place where folks can come to meet Jesus." While these
words are not a direct quote from one person, they are the clear
sentiment of the folks who introduced this concept and forever changed
the way we would view church.

However, a couple of objections were raised to help us think through
what was being said:

Why is this image important?
Isn't the idea of a front porch a bit archaic and not
understandable by those who are younger?

The answer to the first of these questions was pretty simple for anyone
who has studied culture. During the late 80's and early 90's, a
phenomenon took hold in modern American culture called "cocooning."
With air conditioning, automatic garage door openers, pervasive
television watching, long work days, and privacy fences, any sense of
neighborliness vanished. People began "Neighborhood Watch" programs,
but had to call neighborhood meetings to recognize each other by sight
-- while they might recognize their neighbors' cars, they didn't know
their names or even much of what they looked like. With a high price
paid for each square foot in a house, front porches became mere stoops
or entryways. People hungered for relationship and community. They
wanted to go where "people are all the same" and a place where
"everybody knows your name." Many folks had lost any sense of
neighborhood and it was important to many that they find it again.

However, we found that the second concern was legitimate. Most folks
under forty today don't really know about true porches -- big expansive
places to sit in the shade, visit with family, drink lemonade or iced
tea with neighbors, and wait for the sun to set and the house to cool
down before going to bed. But as we surveyed young adults, we found
that what the front porch symbolized -- a place of friends and family,
visiting and hanging out, a place to read or play the guitar and sing
-- was exactly what they knew they needed.

As we began to ramp up our ministry to local needs, this "front porch"
concept took hold and powerfully began to shape our identity. Yet
somehow, ironically, most of us missed the simple truth that this new
self-concept was really quite old and extraordinarily biblical.

We find these words as a summary statement of that remarkable first
Pentecost after Jesus' resurrection and Peter's famous sermon:

With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them,
"Save yourselves from this corrupt generation." Those who accepted
his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to
their number that day.
They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to
fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was
filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the
apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in
common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who
had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple
courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad
and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the
people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were
being saved. (Acts 2:41-47 TNIV underlining added for emphasis.)

Maybe this is just the image we need!

The public gathering space for the early followers of Jesus was in the
court of the Gentiles in the enormous outer court of the Temple (1470
feet by 975 feet in dimensions). In fact, they met in a covered portico
or porch along the 490 foot east wall of the Temple compound. This was
called Solomon's Portico (Acts 3:11; 5:12; cf. John 10:23). This was
the place of much activity, business, and general visiting by the
population of Jerusalem and visitors. Far from isolating themselves
from everyday life and everyday people, the early followers of Jesus
lived out their faith in the middle of everyday life in Jerusalem. This
remained true until many of their leaders were driven from the city (Acts

In an era when everyday folks were basically denied access to authentic
faith, Jesus' followers lived it right in the middle of them. They
didn't have to learn all the special traditions of the Pharisees, or be
rich and powerful like the Sadducees, or have the birthright of a
Priest or Levite, or separate themselves totally from societal
corruption like the Essenes (the ascetics who preserved what we call
the Dead Sea Scrolls). They could do their jobs, love their families,
call on Jesus as Lord, and admit their need for cleansing through
confession and baptism. Thousands did. And they lived out their life of
faith on the front porch of their culture.

Maybe this is just the image we need to remove the defensive,
anti-culture, retreat from society, and elitist thinking that threatens
many of our churches today? Hmm ... maybe that's too harsh a judgment
on today's churches ... what do you think?

And what do you think about seeing ourselves as God's front porch to a
culture hungry for Jesus and yet turned off by what they think churches
stand for?
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Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/27/2007 11:24:44 AM
Have you seen "God's Warriors" on CNN?
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/27/2007 11:59:05 AM
I have seen God's warriors on CNN , a consern to me, the believing in an Angry God, wrong interpretation of the Loving God we all know. Our God wounds but he also heals, lessons learned and lessons are blessed through that. Angry Gods do not. Its all in a matter of beliefs. Thank God for Jesus Christ my father whom i serve only. Thanks Helen.
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Jena Carver

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/27/2007 12:27:49 PM
I grew up as a ministers daughter and married a ministers son. While neither of us attends any formal church we believe in our own way. The reason we don't attend a formal church is we find most to be hypocritical. Perfect on Sunday and when you are donating or tithing they love you. But fall on hard times finacially physically or emotionally and they all disappear. I have a girlfriend that I attended a regular church with on a regular basis until she and her husband were told the baby they were pregnant with was going to be born with no lung tissue. The church members are still one year later ignoring them and treating them as if they were invisible. Not one member from the church showed up at the hospital while my husband I sat for 12 hours and then stayed with them until the baby died. No one checked on her no one called her except my husband and I. These were not just your average church goers either they were very active members of the church there for the raising of the new parsonage, running the fireworks booth and even moving there motor home near the booth and staying over night to ensure the churchs property. The church had a homeless program and one of the big things they did was to provide basic trial size toiletries to the homeless during one of their three pancake breakfast. This woman and I sat together for two weeks filling ziploc baggies with small soaps and toothbrushes and the like. THey loved her then but when she needed her faith and her church family to surround her with the same love she had given all of them they were no where to be found. Shortly after that the four of us stopped attending. Until religion goes back to the way I remeber as a kid then I will never return to a formal church but instead will surround myself with friends of like beliefs and continue living my faith my way. Thanks for the opportunity to explain my point of view\ Love mamajena
Jena Carver aka mamajena
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Whats Your Take on Religion??
8/27/2007 12:52:21 PM
This behavior in unacceptable! And should be treated with love and respect not only to the people involved Jena but to God whom there supposed to be serving and praising to. Organized religion is a farse and is praising to idols, i understand your situation and so does God but there are Christian churchs specailly Non-denominational Churchs that give the kind of heart Jesus gave us. As a teacher and priest of the International Churchs of Christ we are now getting back to the 1st century church that Jesus built for us to stand on, our organized ways of 30 years ago and just recently 6 years ago have changed for the good as some of our "so called" leaders were not pefect and will never be! We help those in need and weare commited to one another.  and our church site here in San Diego
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