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Thomas Richmond

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7/29/2007 5:28:34 PM
Thank you Branka for the invite. I want to share one of my storys, more like how i empliment my walk with my Lord Jesus.

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” (John 13:35 NLT)

We prove our faith in Christ, not by the rules we keep, but by the love we give.

Notice Jesus didn’t say, “Love me,” as proof of our discipleship. He said, “Love one another, and that will show the world you belong to me.” One of the best things we can do to reach our community for Christ is to love each other – that is, to love other believers.

Until the world sees the love of God modeled in Christian community, they’re going to have trouble believing it can ever exist. When we truly care for one another, we show the world a love so tangible and contagious that they can’t help but be attracted to it.

As the world watches, they’ll see us “…being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, intent on one purpose;” not merely looking out for our own personal interests, but also for each other’s interests (Philippians 2:3-4). The world is desperate for love and a sense of community, and we’re meant to be the salt (Matthew 5:13) that increases their thirst for the living water. (John 4:10) “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” (John 7:38 NIV)

Our love for one another shows the world our unity with the Father and also shows them that community requires unity, a oneness about the purposes of life. Jesus said, “I want all [my disciples] to be one with each other, just as I am one with you and you are one with me. I also want them to be one with us. Then the people of this world will believe that you sent me.” (John 17:21 CEV)

This means the influence of our congregations is not about attendance, or buildings, or programs. Our influence within the greater community is based upon our love for one another.

Isn’t it alarming, then, to think that we’re often known for what we are against, rather than what we’re for – and we are for the Good News of a love so “wide and long and high and deep” that it encompasses more than any of us could ever imagine. (Ephesians 3:18 NIV)

Our community of unity should reflect the faith we have in the love of Jesus Christ. Our congregations are meant to be points of love and light in the darkness of our communities. We’re to let our “light shine so that others will see the good” and praise our Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

People are less impressed with our words than they are with our actions of love for one another. Your love for other believers speaks about God’s love. How loud is your voice?  My Controbution Branka. Love Thomas. Disciple of Chist. Thank you for letting me share. God_bless you my friend.

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Bruce Macomber

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7/29/2007 5:39:50 PM

Well stated, Brother.

Blessings all around.

(The only promotion that matters!)

7/29/2007 6:00:52 PM

Hello Marilyn,

I am so grateful for your coming here and for so detailed observation about  these, sometimes complicated relationships, realized within our primary families. But mental/emotional/social habits gathered through our childhood and youth, we go to exercise  on the life stage and to show what we have really learned.

With your statement:

" Mothers and fathers, most of the time, do the very best that they know how to rear their children, That may not turn out too good and in other circumstances it may turn out very good!"

I absolutely agree. I do not accuse my parents for anything. I was speaking about my own faults that prevented me to start thinking and living differently.

Your life experience and strong and positive decision " live in the light of the world, with a positive mindset and with God at the very core of my being." is so inspired.

It is interesting that each opinion here opens another dimension of this topic. I cann`t wait to see our next circle ...

Bless you dear Marilyn,




7/29/2007 8:16:43 PM

Dear Terry,

I know how busy these days you are, and how great effort has been put on to come here, to contribute at one subject of  such great sensitivity. I cann`t tell you how I appreciate that.

Your thoughts and your opinion, as always, are so positive and encouraging. I would be so glad, if your time will allow you, to come back and see how  discussions were developed.

I honor you as a person who KNOW HOW SHORT LIFE IS, to tell us something more about full meaning that "playing necked". Something like background of your wonderful and inspiring thoughts.

Dear Terry I bless you and embrace you with love of my soul!



Judy Smith

4550 Posts
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7/29/2007 8:45:19 PM

Hi Branka!

Looks like you have a real winner here - I have to read through it  all and will be back tomorrow to add my two cents. - many even three!!  My eyes are wery from too much playing with two VERY energetic little ones and I will be thinking a whole lot clearer after a bit of shut-eye!

Blessings my friend!

