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Ana Maria Padurean

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7/29/2007 1:04:01 PM
Hello Branka,

and  thank you Georgios for pointing me here. This is a very interesting topic with so many faces. In fact too many :-)

After reading Branka's article I had  a somewhat clearly-vague idea what to post LOL! After reading all the posts, hm... now I'm not sure what about to write. That is because every post brings up another side/aspect all of them being interesting, important and great to discuss.

Anyway, all of them have something in common: there is no relationship without EMOTION, whatever the kind of it LOL, and that is why it is very important to be EMOTIONALY MATURE! Unfortunately most of the time that is not the case!
Media, and mostly the TV with their constant manipulation of peoples emotion (which sells the best, and as so grows profits!) do not allow us to grow up emotionally health, steady and mature. (OMG, I'm loosing the thread again! - slipping to another direction :-) )

Your every relationship is a hologram of your life. You cannot hide your self-awareness, your maturity, your self-control, your commitment or your integrity. In every relationship you will show how well you can listen, communicate, initiate change, follow through and deal with problems.
Every relationship reflects your life values.
In every relationship decision, you express your communication skills, your commitment and your integrity. You cannot not express your maturity and emotional intelligence.

... and here we are at a roadcross again! I'm not too sure which way to go, so I decided (emotionally and intelligently LOL) to wain and see!

This is a bit of me with this respect for now! I very much hope I would be here to follow up with this!

Anyway, I'm keeping my eyes on you :-)

With lots of friendship,

7/29/2007 1:06:26 PM

Hello Branka and Friends

   Branka, I thank you for the invitation to this wonderful forum. Such a welcome relief from the daily doldrums of salesmanship and the next " Greatest Opportunity Of A Lifetime " mindset of the internet.

   To me, the word communion encompasses such a vast array of possibilities that the human mind cannot even comprehend such enormity.

   Every single time that a molecule of one substance combines with a molecule of another substance the result is a new substance never before seen by man. A new substance that we feel obligated to dissect and understand. This is the communion of eternity. There is an infinate number of existing substances that are continually joining together to create an infinate number of new substances. There can never be an end to this process thus we have eternity.

   With regard to the family structure, this very same process insures our eternity. Every single time that a Man and A Woman unite in procreation, an entirely new and little understood human being is created. A human being that has never been seen before by anyone. A human being that is similar in many ways to every other human being and yet so totally unique.

   So, from the simplest single cell life forms to the most complex of all lifeforms there is one thing in common. Eternity through the communion of life.

   Perhaps the trusest of all statements ever made is this. There is but one thing in the universe that every living being has in common with every other living being. That is that each is entirely unique and different from every other living thing.

    Baby Kaleb, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light.                    
  May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
             and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
  Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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  Visit the Billallys Pub network at:


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Juliana Bond

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7/29/2007 1:23:24 PM
Hello Branka,

Thank You so much for your personal invitation to this extremely interesting topic.

I had a very difficult childhood. I am the middle child of five.
From the moment I know that this will sound strange but, from the moment I was born my Father despised me.

I was a very poorly child as I was born with a lung condition and my Mother dedicated herself to looking after me. This riled my Father and he actually developed a jealousy of his own child.

This continued through-out my entire childhood. He was never 'nice' to me, blamed me for everything, scolded me for no reason and treated me with utter contempt.

In my teens My Father had a terrible industrial accident which led to the loss of use of one of his arms and at the same time my Mother developed agoraphobia. The roles reversed and I became my Mother and Father's carer.

Still our relationship was sour, he was never grateful, appreciative of my dedication. Even when I had my own children and was still caring for my parents too, he still treated me with contempt.

When I lost my Mother to cancer five years ago, my Father decided he didn't want to have any sort of relationship with me at all! I have tried to contact him but he refuses to speak to me. He even walked passed me in the street once and ignored me as if I were a stranger!

I have discussed this with my Brothers and Sisters who all have a regular relationship with my Father and they all agree that he has a deep-rooted jealousy of my relationship with my Mother, she was my best Friend.

I am strong emotionally and strong in character. I have a deep passion for the safety and welfare of our children and I think that my own experiences of neglect and emotional rejection, as well as being the Mother of an abused Son, has made me more determined to make a difference to the world our children are raised in.

Although I have suffered a lot of pain over this situation I am not sorry that  this has happened.  The pain and suffering has made me the person I am today.

Thank You for this discussion Branka, I will be back to read more...

With Love and Blessings

Juliana ~

Joe Downing

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7/29/2007 1:57:10 PM
Dearest Branka,

This communion of sharing thoughts on PLAYING NAKED because LIFE IS TOO SHORT is a fantastic idea.  This reflects upon your personal trait of being a fantastic thinker.  I know this for certain.  :)

The freedom Georgios speaks about seems to be the vehicle to much negativity in our societies.  Many want the freedom of choice, but lack the responsibility to chose wisely.  Is it so because their parents did not instill wisdom?  I cannot answer that and look to all of you for disclosure to many of these questions that have and will appear in this discussion.

I can vouch that my parents instilled into myself and siblings the virtue of working hard.  My father taught us to use our hands skillfully in providing service and necessities to our fellow humans.  He forced (now in humor, then in pain) us to "think" about things before we began.  At times that has cost me profit, but saved me from commitments I would later have regretted.

My sweet mother was the balance from my father's loving forcefulness.  She brought us the emotion of feeling those around us.  I remember her attempts to build great esteems for each of us.  Unfortunately (I believe), it created great conflicts between the siblings for the need to be the most approved child in the family.  We did not form long term bonding and thus the family is scattered about.

I can not explain yet why this turned out to be a positive for myself.  At an early age, I realized that being the most popular or approved person was not important to me.  I AM important to me by nature.  If I do not put food and drink into my mouth, I shall perish.  If I do not have good thoughts of myself, I shall have poor thoughts... then I shall diminish into a world of great despair and regret... maybe even to become hated!.  If I do not seek the best, I will have the worst.  If I chose unwisely, I will have nothing. 

Zvonimir speaks of the differences of the wealthy and unhealthy as the amount of sheep each person owned.  Cannot the poor decide to have many sheep?  It is easy to say yes, but it is not always easy for them to have the thoughts to help them choose to have more nor to be able to sacrifice until it becomes so.   Aha... thoughts!  Where do they really come from?  Is is the golden key to everything.

Our good friend Judy Smith PASSIONATLEY points out the quote "As a man thinker, so shall he be" by James Allen.  Mr. Allen also stated "All that a man achieves or and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts".  I think Terry Gorley best responded to this when she said...
I choose to be who I am and not necessarily a reflection of my parents, yet I AM that too!
Reading those words is like experiencing the first rain of a long drought.  How refreshing could that experience have been if not for experiencing the drought?  The same with our childhoods as Marilyn spoke about.  We all needed a basis to begin our lives.  We received them in many different forms and methods.  Would you be happy for the rain or be annoyed by it?  All we make a choice, but not all will be able to dance in the rain naked.

I look forward to the further discussions on this topic.  If you are not free enough to PLAY NAKED, then life will definitely seem like you have been SHORTED.

Blessings to all!

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Bruce Macomber

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7/29/2007 3:41:04 PM
Hi Branka,

Thank you for the invitation...again!

Now that I am in the right room, let me add one or two things to the mix.

First...a BIG HUG for Juliana...and prayers for reconciliation between you and your father. I go through life I view all things through the lens of God's Word.

One of the keywords I picked up on as I read the posts was 'reincarnation'.

My first thought was, this cannot be, as Scripture teaches: 

Hebrews 9

27And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

28So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

I will have to politely disagree with Marylin in one regard; God did provide us with a parenting handbook. The Bible is full of wisdom on the subject of marriage and family and on Wisdom itself.

There were some other comments I had in mind, but I have to run!

Thanks, again, Branka.

Blessings all around.

(The only promotion that matters!)


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