Hi Branka,
I am awake now, just in awe of what you have brought us "from your shoes".
As recently as The Secret, and The Law of Attraction, we have been reminded that "We are ALL connected". Through energy, through our thoughts and what we put out there is what we get back. You said it this way in your last post:
"Every single time that a molecule of one substance combines with a molecule of another substance the result is a new substance never before seen by man. A new substance that we feel obligated to dissect and understand. This is the communion of eternity."
I come from the "school of KISS" (Keep It Simple, Silly). That is probably why I love the precise and simple quote "As a man thinketh, so is he", as Joe D so appropriately pointed out. Bravo Terry and Monica for your precise and simple contributions! After reading through all of this forum, I have to agree with Terry, that the topic has and will continue to take on a "multi-faceted, multi-colored" response in my eyes.
Don't get me wrong, this is a thought provoking topic! And, quite frankly, when things get this murky, they take on a negative connotation to me. I won't apologize for that either, because that is just me!! And, I AM who I am.
I spent a lot of time and energy discovering that and though I am a product of my parents and my family I am now a product of my own beliefs, my own values and I make my choices based on the now. The freedom I have to make choices is one I cherish. God asked us to love one another. That is what I strive to do every day, and by doing so, I discover more of a connection and communion in my relationships with friends and family and acquaintances than I have ever before.
Thomas said " Our love for one another shows the world our unity with the Father and also shows them that community requires unity, a oneness about the purpose of life." Well, I believe that if we ALL seek the oneness, that unity, that ability to turn the other cheek, and to love one another the way that we want to be loved, then we are creating for ourselves the best possible scenario for our lives.
The past is gone forever - I choose to live in the here and now. So let's all "Play - naked". Life is much too short to exert precious energy over things that we cannot change.
I think Neil Sperling should have heralded his poetry with a bit more fanfare than he did. Thank you Neil!!!!!!!

Let go - Experience the power of patience. Find the joy in letting go and simply enjoying life's journey! Learn to embrace the change and enjoy the calm in doing so. FOCUS ON JUST THE NEXT STEP and accept the unshakable faith that becomes yours. There is internal peace in loving one another. (BRAVO , my friend Neil - those few powerful lines NAIL this topic for me)
Blessings, Branka - great forum!!