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7/29/2007 10:35:05 AM

Hi Branka

Scratching the surface of given thoughts it is not possible to see how deep they are!

As by genetics we belong to both parents and this mixture brings us to something new to fight with new time-our time.Our inheritance gives us power to be used for coming time.Unfortunately a good deal of us are not capable to read and bring in use this power.

Neil mentions reincarnation.Does it exist?Was it given as an explanation at ancient time since nothing better could be thought and brought to new generation.Genetics is as old as Darwin.What was before?

Georgios mentions freedom.What is it?Can one do what he or she likes?If not hurting somebody else than perhaps yes.As soon as one touches into somebody's else life that one is hurt and you cannot hurt somebody else.This is no more freedom.Perhaps we can say freedom of movement where one is free to move in which direction one wants,or freedom of reading or some other kind of one direction freedom,but general freedom cannot exist.Once laws were written freedom is bordered.

Every generation tries to have more and better than their parents.Until our present time often more or better hardly existed.To clarify this I am giving all of you a simple example:

Until beginning of sixties in Bosnian villages difference between the most powerful and rich person comparing with poorest one was number of sheep which were every autumn send to low areas where there is little or no snow and in spring turned back to high mountains.A sheep was killed only for some special feast.In their houses were only candles which were not to burn long.Houses were small actually big enough for the whole family to sleep on the floor one to next each other(perhaps 30 to 40 square meters).Actually house had one big room for the family and one very small room for the goods to be kept(like sugar oil).Only the oldest male in the house had the key of this room.

Compare this to our children generation where elementary school kid has it's own mobile phone some even their own computers!


With this I will conclude and give more thoughts when discussion moves further

Zvonimir Rakigjija



7/29/2007 10:59:04 AM

Dear Zvonimir,

I wish to bless you for several reasons.

The first reason to bless you lies at the place of your birth, Zagreb, the capital of Republic of Croatia - one of the most beautiful towns upon Earth , the same town where has been treasured my dearest sister`s everlasting dream.

The second reason to bless you is of the same, geographical nature, Dubrovnik - town where do you live, one of the most beautiful towns at the Adriatic coast (I feel free to say: THE MOST BEAUTIFUL ONE).

The third and the biggest one reason to bless you is of the grammatical nature: there are only a few man to motivate me to use a capital letter mentioning Man, and amongst these a few - you are.

Thank you for coming here and for this incredible good contribution. You have opened really good and important questions. I need time to answer us from my point of view. I hope all our participants will offer us their opinion.

I`ll come back, thank you once more!

Have a great afternoon and evening and if you will pass by the coast, take one little stoun and throw it at the sea; it will remind of me, 17 years ago!



Marilyn L Martin

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7/29/2007 11:02:43 AM

Hello Branka,

Wow! What an interesting and thought provoking forum you have created here. You wish to discuss relationships and the negative and positives that can come of them within our families. Well, God gave us parents, but He did not furnish parents with a handbook on how is the correct way to raise that child. Therefore our parents are learning as they go along as to how they think they should raise us, and seeing that none of us are perfect we all make mistakes, and that includes our parents.

Mothers and fathers, most of the time, do the very best that they know how to rear their children, That may not turn out too good and in other circumstances it may turn out very good! As it is said, "We can not choose our parents, but we can choose our family." We have no choice who our parents are, but whether good or bad, they are the only parents we will ever have.

It sounds to me like you did not have a very good childhood, and I am sorry to hear that, but you have the choice to dwell on that issue forever, or to move forward and not to remain a victim. We can make our lives better and change the patterns we grew up with, and we can also get what we need from family in other people. There are many other influences in our lives as we grow up that can help us to learn good values, morals, and how to love one another outside of our own family. Teachers are an example of that, and our friends parents and family are also another example.

I personally do not desire to dwell on any darkness and negativity that may or may not have been in my life as a child. I choose to live in the light of the world, with a positive mindset and with God at the very core of my being. If we would all decide to do that and not dwell on the darkness we could all live a much better life. Life is what you make it...I choose to make it a good and positive life...learning along the way from my own mistakes and making adjustments from the errors of my ways. I am not perfect either, all I can do is to ask God to help me be the best person that I can be and live my life according to God's laws.

Thanks again for this very interesting forum, and I look forward to other topics that you come up with. Good luck to you on this new forum Branka!

God Bless You,

Love Marilyn

Marilyn L Martin
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Terry Gorley

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7/29/2007 11:37:30 AM

Dear Branka,

Such an interesting topic you have chosen and I wouldn't have expected anything different from you!

Thank you for your personal invitation and to Georgios for his note to come visit as well.

There have already been different aspects of your topic raised and to me it will take on the effect of a prism.  Multi-faceted, multi-colored ... ever changing in the light!

I AM ... I love it!  I live for now ... I choose to be who I am and not necessarily a reflection of my parents, yet I AM that too!

I AM alive ... I AM free in the sense I have the ability to make personal choices based on my values and beliefs.

I do what I do because I want to!

I bless you and embrace you with love of my soul






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Monica S

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7/29/2007 12:31:57 PM

Hello Branka,

Great new forum! Deep topic..

I have to say that I agree with Marilyn 100%.  Parents do not come with handbooks, and all humans make mistakes and errors.  We can choose to live our lives dwelling on the past, or we can choose to move forward with ambition.

I do believe that our past plays a part in who we are today. But I wouldn't say that the entity of who are is based on past.  We do have choices to make.. like the saying "Life is what you make it"


Live, Love, Laugh, Have Faith. :)







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