Hi Nick!!
That is quite a response to Steve!! I want to be around when you figure out what that is - what you have never done before, but if you do would put you out over the abyss so that that faith alone would keep you airborn.
I remember when posting in a forum here on Adland was crawling out on a skinny branck for me. I used to have a business coach who would keep pushing me to set goals, then bigger ones. There were times when I would write the goals down on a goal card, it would be something I really really wanted, and felt it worthy of being a goal, I just couldn't figure out how I was going to meet it.
I haven't gotten to the point where I climb out on the twigs yet!!! That would take the same kind of faith that will keep you airborn. I can't even say that all of the goals I have set have been met - and probably because the branches I am on are far too sturdy!! I will also admit that some of the goals that are still on the list have evoloved , or totally been removed and replaced.
And, the point, you ask? It's OK to change your mind. it's Ok for us to even second guess what we are doing, what we want to do, and where we are going. Perhaps we shall discover that our minds have indeed expanded - let's hope they have. Then let's hope that they won't go back to what they were. We just have to keep moving forward.
Hope I mad sense - i know what I meant to get across, just not so sure I have accomplished it.
Blessings, Nic!