Hi Nick,
Ouch, a whole big can of beans this one.
If we are all honest, and I hope we are, we all lose focus.
We are all different and have to find what works for us.
Why, for example does negative 'seem to' have more impact than positive when it comes to INSTANT IMPACT?
Clients come to me and say things like ''My father said that I was stupid the day I started school, I believed him and still do'' or ''I really believe that I am worthless, I always felt inadequate''.
How many people come to me and say ''I believe I'm special'' or ''From the first time my teacher said well done you are good' 'I've known it to be true''.
It's all about having something to blame or passing the buck or not taking resposibility. It's more complicated than that but it will serve for now.
What doesn't work for me, or at least so far it hasn't is to go around saying 'I know I'm special and I can have what I want' Terry Gorley has been giving us great ones every week and for some they work, they do for me now but I had to get to a point first.
You have got to research YOU. Look at all those famous guys who are heros and presidents and...etc How many screwed up? Good at some things not at others. How did you screw up? Did your mistake cause thousands of deaths in a war some place? Guess not? Start to realise that the chocolate bar you stole or the lie you told or when you sniched on your sister isn't a big deal. Corny but the best ones are WE ARE ONLY HUMAN. But then WE ARE NOT JUST HUMAN we are FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN WE THINK.
If you were to check all of the Adland postings and pm replies I've made you would find 'no time' and 'sorry, didn't have time' etc. You are not alone. Busy people on a mission fill their spare time as well. I still have to understand that vacation time IS PART OF THE JOB it's part of my family life and my business life. Not an extra.
So where am I going with this?
As Terry would tell you, 'You have to be happy with NOW. Really happy. Really happy with what you have and are NOW.' But don't just keep telling yourself that because you will only believe the little 'no I'm not' voice.
Make a list, make it huge.
My hands work fine, could I do more with them? Sure I could. What? Shake hands with everyone I meet, learn an instrument etc etc
Can I make people laugh, yes, how do I do that? Do they enjoy that when I make them laugh.
Do I make a difference in anybody's life?
On and on and on til you get bored and then some. Then start with something that you know is true. I AM THE BEST PERSON CALLED NICK IN MY HOUSE. I am unique (you are). I like some people and enjoy it when they like me.
These are simple uncomplicated statements but, what they do is to start to make you like you.
Even if you were a despicable murderer you could say 'I'm not all bad and I'm learning to be sorry.'
WHEN YOU LIKE YOU AND ARE HAPPY WITH NOW YOU HAVE CRACKED IT, you see never again will you be disappointed with you for not acheiving a specific goal. When you get there and are unfulfilled you are still happy with what you are. You set your new goal, likeing yourself, and you go for it. NOW YOU WILL SUCCEED.
It really is THAT simple. From then on when you tell the universe that you are doing something you'll believe it, not say it and try to believe it.
I hope this was not too long but I enjoyed writing it.
I expect results now.