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Nick Grimshawe

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OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 6:17:46 PM
Hello friends,

Of late I have been in a very reflective mood. I tend to get this way when things are not going quite the way I planned them. Life loves to throw the odd curve ball your way on occasion, just as a test to see if you are paying attention.

I also get this way when there is growth and change going on inside of me.

Both events seem to be happening simultaneously.

So on my walk today, with the dogs, my thoughts roamed far an wide.

Thoughts like: are I going in the right direction, why is it taking so long?, why am I always fretting about time?, how do I share more?.

I realized that I haven't fully understood the "Law Of Attraction." Here I am obsessing about a lack of time, and of course I am getting what I ask for even less time to do what I consider first things.

Which brought me to the thought about the job that pays the bills. I want to get rid of it so I can focus on creating and sharing on a larger scale. I am not alone in that desire judging by all the people on line attempting to make a living at internet marketing.

My very next thought was, OH MY GOD what if I'm doing this all wrong?

By wanting to rid myself of my J.O.B. am I not just perpetuating my employment?

What would be the proper way to approach that situation using the Law of Attraction as your guide?

In spite of having listened to those tapes a hundred times in my car, I wasn't sure what my correct attitude should be! And if I'm not attracting my next (self employed job) what the heck am I really attracting.


How many more people out there have the same dream I have, find themselves in the same  situation?

So before I start writing a series of article which I'm thinking of entitling, My Confession About... time, doubt and money, I thought I would open up a forum on this subject an see what other people think.

What is the best way to attract yourself out of a job into the world of your dreams.?


Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Joe Downing

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 6:38:50 PM
Hello Nick,

You asked for the secret to everyone's desire.  To acquire what they do not have. 

I just had lunch with a friend today who was in despair. He has been doing the same thing for 15 years.  Today he was frustrated because his income is in a decrease.  It happens every year.   He is an avid student of Robert K (Rich Dad, Poor Dad).  He has been diligent about creating small asset businesses.  He spends lots of time talking to folks about Rich Dad's philosophies and playing the game.  He is passionate about these things.  He wants to have a total asset driven income.  No more commissions.

I asked him this question, "What are you doing with your spare time to move you forward to achieving this dream?"

His answer after a couple of minutes of silence... "Nothing".

Recently, I started a thread A Journey in Search of Articles of Success and some of these things were discussed: dreams, activity, focus, attitude, etc.

The first Article of Success that we identified is one called The Slight Edge Philosophy.  The basic philosophy is this...

Whatever you do or don't do, there will be a result. 
To have the result you want, you have to do the right things to cause the right thing to come to you.
It is as easy to do as not to do.

I think it was Shakespheare who said....

To be or not to be... that is the question.

I hear you Nick.  These voices haunt us all until we get it as Terry and her husband stated in the second Articles of Virtue.

I believe the best way to attract what you want is to follow focus on this key.

PHILOSOPHY > Attitude > Actions > Results > Quality of Life

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
Nick Grimshawe

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 6:53:17 PM
Hi Joe

Thanks for all the info. I will definately follow up on your forum. I hope I didn't sound like I was in dispair. But I was posing the question to get other people's feed back so I could get a better understanding of mind set specifically around "The Job".

I guess I've got to stop doing that: putting brackets around job.

You know how you listen to something 16 times then bingo, on the 17th time through the penny drops. The Law of Attraction is  a little like that. I have been practice alot of what I heard, but occasionally you catch yourself out and say"wait a minute, there's one of those thoughts!" These thoughts are so automatic you often don't spot them for awhile.

It takes constant self examination to spot all the traps along the way.

We are all here on a journey of learning, that never stops.

Keep reading, listing and talking.


Nick Grimshawe Subscribe for Free at
Helen Smith

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 7:26:39 PM

Hi Nick,

Thank for the invitation!

In my opinion we have all asked that question, however for me personally the key has been presistence, and focus!

It's ironic that your invite has come at a time when I have been doing some reevaluating also!  In one of my training classes one of the steps is: WHEN I AM NOT GETTING THE RESULTS I WANT, I WILL REEVALUATE AND TRY A DIFFERENT APPROACH!

I have been offline for a bit now, and have just started again with a different approach. 

By the laws of the secret it will work, as I am calling the success into my life!

Be blessed.

Helen Smith

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: OMG What if I'm doing this all wrong!
7/26/2007 7:47:38 PM

Hi Nick,

Ouch, a whole big can of beans this one.

If we are all honest, and I hope we are, we all lose focus.

We are all different and have to find what works for us.

Why, for example does negative 'seem to' have more impact than positive when it comes to INSTANT IMPACT?

Clients come to me and say things like ''My father said that I was stupid the day I started school, I believed him and still do'' or ''I really believe that I am worthless, I always felt inadequate''.

How many people come to me and say ''I believe I'm special'' or ''From the first time my teacher said well done you are good' 'I've known it to be true''.

It's all about having something to blame or passing the buck or not taking resposibility. It's more complicated than that but it will serve for now.

What doesn't work for me, or at least so far it hasn't is to go around saying 'I know I'm special and I can have what I want' Terry Gorley has been giving us great ones every week and for some they work, they do for me now but I had to get to a point first.

You have got to research YOU. Look at all those famous guys who are heros and presidents and...etc How many screwed up? Good at some things not at others. How did you screw up? Did your mistake cause thousands of deaths in a war some place? Guess not? Start to realise that the chocolate bar you stole or the lie you told or when you sniched on your sister isn't a big deal. Corny but the best ones are WE ARE ONLY HUMAN. But then WE ARE NOT JUST HUMAN we are FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN WE THINK.

If you were to check all of the Adland postings and pm replies I've made you would find 'no time' and 'sorry, didn't have time' etc. You are not alone. Busy people on a mission fill their spare time as well. I still have to understand that vacation time IS PART OF THE JOB it's part of my family life and my business life. Not an extra.


So where am I going with this?

As Terry would tell you, 'You have to be happy with NOW. Really happy. Really happy with what you have and are NOW.' But don't just keep telling yourself that because you will only believe the little 'no I'm not' voice.

Make a list, make it huge.

My hands work fine, could I do more with them? Sure I could. What? Shake hands with everyone I meet, learn an instrument etc etc

Can I make people laugh, yes, how do I do that? Do they enjoy that when I make them laugh.

Do I make a difference in anybody's life?

On and on and on til you get bored and then some. Then start with something that you know is true. I AM THE BEST PERSON CALLED NICK IN MY HOUSE. I am unique (you are). I like some people and enjoy it when they like me.

These are simple uncomplicated statements but, what they do is to start to make you like you.

Even if you were a despicable murderer you could say 'I'm not all bad and I'm learning to be sorry.'

WHEN YOU LIKE YOU AND ARE HAPPY WITH NOW YOU HAVE CRACKED IT, you see never again will you be disappointed with you for not acheiving a specific goal. When you get there and are unfulfilled you are still happy with what you are. You set your new goal, likeing yourself, and you go for it. NOW YOU WILL SUCCEED.

It really is THAT simple. From then on when you tell the universe that you are doing something you'll believe it, not say it and try to believe it.

I hope this was not too long but I enjoyed writing it.

 I expect results now.



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