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Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: Team UVME Updates Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/22/2007 8:38:41 AM

(UVME UPDATE) Uvme Presentions Being Held Daily Monday Thur Friday


This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a

member,please go to Description of this group and

get details about this Evolation day or you can

directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting

from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

There will be a live web conference and presentation on the uVme business, including the pay plan, every week day 2pm Time (EST) in the uVme online conference room.
There are only 200 "seats" available on a first-come, first-served basis, so log on as early as you can to make sure you get one!
When you arrive at the login page, simply enter your full name and location, for example "John Smith - U.K."
If it's your first visit you may be asked to download a small plug-in.
PLEASE BE PATIENT! If you are experiencing problems, go to "First Time Users" in the help section below:
Please remember this technology is owned by a third party and not UVME. In the rare event of a server problems please try again in 5 - 10 minutes.
Robert Phillips
Uvme Team Leader
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Person Of The Week
Re: Team UVME Updates Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/22/2007 8:41:43 AM

(UVME UPDATE) USA - uVme Roadshow - 19th, 20th and 21st September 2007:


This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a

member,please go to Description of this group and

get details about this Evolation day or you can

directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting

from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

New York City - USA
19th, 20th and 21st September 2007
Venues to be announced soon
More dates and cities also coming...

Check your back office for more details

Americans are joining uVme in the tens of thousands, so there's no surprise when we say...
expect the rooms to be FULL.
Eric Avery - VWD Head of Development and Support will present the uVme Business Opportunity followed by a fast start workshop.
Joining Eric will be the "dynamic" Parvis Parvizi (Independent associate), who will share with you how, in just a few weeks, he has built a team in excess of 39,000 members! Not to be missed.
Robert Phillips
Uvme Team Leader
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Person Of The Week
Re: Team UVME Updates Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/27/2007 6:15:57 AM

(UVME UPDATE) Uvme Update Have you used the uVme Prospector yet?


This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a

member,please go to Description of this group and

get details about this Evolation day or you can

directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting

from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007


It's Robert again from you're uVme upline.

I've just logged in to my uVme back office
and seen that my uVme team has grown again
and now stands at over 2000.

I know this is going to earn me a fantastic
income when uVme goes live, but this email is
not about me, it's about YOU !

How can YOU get 3000, 8,000 or more into YOUR
uVme team to get YOU earning a fantastic income
when uVme goes live later this year?

Easily !

Have you used the uVme Prospector yet ?

It's very effective and very easy to use.

Simply log in to your uVme back office at and click on 'Prospects' and
then 'Add Prospect'

Simply copy and paste the Name and Email
Address of you know into the
Prospector and the rest is automatic.
(How many email addresses do you have in your
Outlook address book ?) You may have 10, 20
or even hundreds of potential prospects
waiting to be contacted!

Remember, it only takes one or two of the
Prospects that you've entered to start building
their business and your team will grow also.

And don't forget to tell your friends and
workmates. Give them YOUR uVme web address and
if they join, they're in YOUR uVme team.

This is a SERIOUS Financial Opportu.nity and
YOUR Success is in YOUR hands.

Very soon, you could also have thousands in
YOUR uVme team and all it takes is a little effort.

Have you used the uVme tools ?

Click on 'Marketing' in your uVme back office and
use all the available Marketing Tools.

Use the Banners in your email signature. (There's
even full instructions how to do it)

Download the Pay Plan and understand how YOU can
make an income by building your uVme team.
Show your friends how they can do the same.

There's even Movies, MySpace layouts and Mobile
Ringtones, all provided to get people talking
about YOUR uVme website.

Read the News !

Click on the 'News' link to get the latest on uVme
and try your hardest to get to one of the Road Shows
that are taking place globally. More events are 
constantly being added worldwide. If there isn't
one in your country just yet, think about who you 
know in other places that could go to one in theirs
 - and invite them.

Use what YOU are comfortable with!

If you're into Blogging, Texting, Instant Messaging,
emailing, telephoning or whatever! Use the medium
you are familiar with and
comfortable with to spread
the word about YOUR uVme website.
If you havn't tried out the internal Instant Messenger, then
please do. It's being upgraded all the time, and if you can
see me or any of your other upline there, please send a

Dedicate some time EVERY DAY. It doesn't have to
be much, 30 minutes, 1 hour or a couple of hours,
it's up to you.

It's YOUR Business and YOUR Financial Future that
will benefit from YOUR efforts.

Remember, uVme is still in pre-launch. You are in at
the beginning and there's loads more to come. Building
your team is not difficult and having a large team
underneath you when uVme goes live could change your
life forever!
You've been given a tremendous privilege in having
your own F.R.E.E. biz site, so please don't waste it -
time waits for no-one!
Don't forget that there is an online meeting every day - Mon - Fri at 7pm GMT+1
Check your countries local time at 

It's the place to be if you want to fully understand the
unique marketing plan, and see how it will triple the income
of any other plan out there!And of course it's also an online
Roadshow for members who can't get to an offline one.
I hope this helps and gives you a few ideas of how to go
forward and make a BIG difference to your life.
If anyone needs any help, please just ask.
I'm sending another group email very soon with information
about online meetings to better suit the Eastern parts of the
globe plus Australia and New Zealand - so please watch this
Robert Phillips
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Person Of The Week
Re: Team UVME Updates Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/27/2007 6:17:43 AM

(UVME UPDATE) uVme Update - Who Do YOU Know in the Eastern Sectors of The World?


This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a

member,please go to Description of this group and

get details about this Evolation day or you can

directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting

from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007


It's Robert Phillips 

Here's the news that everyon*e in Asia, the Far East ,
Australia and New Zealand have been waiting for!

A chance to meet and talk directly with other successful
members - at a more suitable time!

 Neil Verlander, VWD's top affiliate (and your upline) has
opened a new meeting room at It will be
available from Friday and is a place where you can visit without
a specific appointment or by prior arrangement; arrange a group
conference or simply drop in and see what's going on. You could
even have a 1-2-1 chat with Neil, especially as he will probably
be in the room most days between 9am - 12 noon UK time GMT+1
- and arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time for your
more serious prospects.
These times should suit many different countries, so check
your local time at and drop by to say
hello very soon. If you email me to say when you're
f.r.e.e, I'll join the room too.
And don't forget! Who do you know who lives in Eastern time
zones who would like to know more? Give them the room link.

Beta pre-launch is NOT just about testing out the systems
as the weeks go on, it's also about taking the opportunit*y
to become educated and informed, so that when the main
launch takes place, YOU will know everything you want to
know about the system, the games, the pay plan and most
importantly - just how you can capitalise upon it and be

But the very nature of beta testing can also be a
frustrating time, especially as the network grows and some
new members possibly don't always get the help and support
they would like from their sponsors. If that happens, please
email admin and find out who your uplines are, and make
contact. You could even test out the evolving Instant
Messenger. If you can see me there, please say hello too.

If you really want to be kept up to date over the next few
important weeks, then put 30 minutes to one side and come
to the daily meetings at at 7pm
UK time GMT+1 or visit Neil's room above.

You recently made the first important step of pre-registering, so
now take the next one and find out what is really happening
with this brilliant opportunit*y - and BE READY for the main
Autumn launch.

Here's to our mutual success. 


Robert Phillips

Flag of Robert Phillips

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Person Of The Week
Re: Team UVME Updates Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
9/4/2007 6:45:07 AM

(UVME UPDATE) Uvme Presention Held On Wednesday 5th By Co-Founder Tom Brodie:


This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a

member,please go to Description of this group and

get details about this Evolation day or you can

directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting

from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

I have a VERY IMPORTANT uVme announcement , so
please read this email in it's entirety.

On Wednesday 5th. September at 2:00pm EST there is
a very important, live, online uVme presentation, hosted by
Head of Marketing Mark Davies.

Why is this so important ?

Well, for this presentation, one of the co-founders of UVME,
Tom Brodie, will be participationg, and he'll have some very
important news to share.

So, what do you need to do ?

There are only 200 "seats" available on a first-come, first-served basis, so log on as early as you can to make sure you get one!

1. Simply go to
approximately 20 minutes before the presentation is due to start.
(If it's your first time watching the presentation, you have to download a
small plug-in)

2. Log in with your Name, Country and then add 'V'
eg. I would log in as - Robert USA V(you've only got 15 characters
but if you can fit in your surname as well, please do)

Why put V?

This is so the presentation hosts and myself can recognise
that you are in our group. When you pre-registered, you joined one of the
most successful and active groups in VWD. Your upline includes Neil
Verlander (VWD's first and only Senior Director), Gigi Field, and
Maureen Bell, all extremely successful marketers. Why ? Because they
help and support their downline (you and me)!

Be there !!

Log in to the presentation, enter your name, country and V
and see how the unique uVme Opportunity and Pay Plan can change your life in the months to come.

You joined uVme to make some
not let this SERIOUS opportunity pass you by.

This is a Very Important Presentation that you really
should not miss.

Myself, and the hosts, including Tom Brodie, know that
everyone who attends are serious about building their incomes with

Are you one of them?

YOU are privileged to be invited to this
presentation, so please do not miss the opportunity.

Write it down NOW and place it in a prominent position,
perhaps on your computer screen, so you do not forget !

See you there on Wednesday. Check your time at -
If you are serious but your time zone stops you attending,
you can always skype me for an update.

Please remember this technology is owned by a third party and not UVME. In the rare event of a server problems please try again in 5 - 10 minutes.

Robert Phillips
Uvme Team Leader
skype robertphillips71

PS. There are other conferences going on all the time, go to to see when the next one is.
You can log in the same way to see how it works. Test it out
now, so that you know you won't have a problem on Wed.


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