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Flag of Robert Phillips

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Re: Team Evo Updates And Come Join Are Team Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/1/2007 9:28:11 AM
This article is for EVO members, if you still not a member,please go to Description of this group and get details about this Evolation day or you can directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

Hello All,
I am sending this email out with a schedule of meeting times for the next few days. Make sure to save this email!!!! Send this email out to everyone in your downline, to everyone on your contact list, Address Book, List of leads...whatever you have and get them on a presentation!
These presentation calls are awesome! They explain uVme very well, the compensation plan, how it all at the end you can ask any questions that you may have to top people in the company! This is a great tool to use to build your business and for you to gain more knowledge as well.
On Wednesday  August 1, 2007 -  
2pm EDT  with Mark Davies - Head of Marketing
On Thursday August 2, 2007 
7am EDT with Neil Verlander - Senior Group Director
2pm EDT with Neil Verlander - Senior Group Director
6pm EDT with Neil Verlander - Senior Group Director
Click on the following link to download the Conference Room;
Every night @ 10:00 EDT
Wednesday August 1 
6:30am EDT -
Thursday August 2
4:00pm EDT
Sunday August 5
4:00pm EDT
Okay, these are the times for presentations for the rest of the week. If I find out about any other ones I will let you know.
Robert Phillips
uvme team leader
Flag of Robert Phillips

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Person Of The Week
Re: Team Evo Updates And Come Join Are Team Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/8/2007 3:42:10 AM


This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a member,
please go to Description of this group and get details about
this Evolation day or you can directly pre-register
for this Mega pre-launch starting from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

Hello All,

These presentation calls are awesome! They explain uVme very well, the compensation plan, how it all at the end you can ask any questions that you may have to top people in the company! This is a great tool to use to build your business and for you to gain more knowledge as well.


On Wednesday August 8, 2007 -

2pm EDT with Mark Davies - Head of Marketing

On Thursday August 9, 2007

2pm EDT with Neil Verlander - Senior Group Director

6pm EDT with Neil Verlander - Senior Group Director

Click on the following link to download the Conference Room;


The link to get into the Conference room for these calls;

Every night @ 10:00 EDT

Every Wednesday

6:30am EDT -

Every Thursday

4:00pm EDT

Every Sunday

4:00pm EDT

Okay, these are the times for presentations for the rest of the week. If I find out about any other ones I will let you know.


Robert Phillips
uvme team leader

Flag of Robert Phillips

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Person Of The Week
Re: Team Evo Updates And Come Join Are Team Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/9/2007 6:26:17 AM

uVme Road Show now coming to London, The Netherlands and Belfast

This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a member,
please go to Description of this group and get details about
this Evolation day or you can directly pre-register
for this Mega pre-launch starting from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

The uVme Business Road Show is now coming to London, The Netherlands and Belfast!

Dartford and Manchester were "packed-out successes". The rooms were
full with Associates and guests, and many were asking about future

Well, it's up to you... If you find enough people to attend, we will
put them on for you. If you want us to come to your town, simply ask.

So many people asked about LONDON, The Netherlands and Belfast that we
decided that it had to be done. See below for our first Road Show dates
in all three locations.

Presented by Eric Avery, VWD Head of Development and Support, these are
sure to be great events, with the rooms packed with excited Associates
and prospects. You can bring as many prospects as you like, and it
costs nothing in this pre-launch period, so there is absolutely no reason
to miss them.

... "Foam hands" also welcome!

These events are designed for all uVme-registered members to introduce
their guests to the uVme pre-launch business. The events will be fun,
informative and will give you the chance to meet and exchange views with
other successful uVme members. As it's GRATIS to attend, they are
bound to be popular; so if you want a good seat, do arrive early.

Following the 45-minute business presentation, there will be a
45-minute Fast Start Workshop: How to use the tools, building your pre-launch
prospects, and most importantly, making money and understanding the most
awesome… uVme Pay Plan.

See below for more details of the venues and start times. Keep a look
out every day for more dates in your uVme back office.

As these are "chargeless" events, please confirm your attendance by
sending an email to giving your name and the number of
guests you expect to bring with you.

Calling all uVme Leaders…

If you would like a Road Show Event in your city, in your country,
notify us. You will need to help out too, by making sure that we can fill
the room. If you can do that, send an email to and tell
us your name, where in the world you live and how many people you would
expect to attend the event. Then we can work together to make it

Sunday, 12th August 2007 - Birmingham (Central) - England
Holiday Inn, Smallbrook, Queensway, Birmingham, B5 4EW

Starts 11am (doors open 10:45am) to 11:55am: Business presentation,
followed by a break and a 45-minute Fast Start Business Building

The Holiday Inn Birmingham City is located adjacent to Birmingham New
Street train station and just eight miles from Birmingham International

======= NEW DATE ===========================

Tuesday, 14th August 2007 - Central LONDON - England
Hesperia Hotel, 2 Bridge Place, Victoria, London, SW1V 1QA

Starts prompt 8pm (doors open 7:30pm) to 8:45pm: Business presentation,
followed by a short break and a 45-minute Fast Start Business Building

The venue is next to Victoria Main Line Railway Station.
Leave the station from the Platform 1 & 2 exit; the hotel is opposite.
This venue has excellent links via the London Underground Tube Network,
making it simple for Londoners to attend.

======== NEW DATE ==========================

Thursday, 16th August 2007 - Hilversum - The Netherlands
Amrth Hotel Lapershoek, Hilversum, Utrechtseweg 16, 1213 TS

Business presentation starts 7:45pm (doors open 7:30pm) to 8:30pm,
followed by a short break (30 minutes) and a 1-hour Business Building
Workshop from 9:00pm-10:00pm.

Hotel Lapershoek is an excellent venue for you to introduce your guests
to uVme. It's easily accessible and offers plenty of parking space.

======= NEW DATE ===========================

Sunday, 19th August 2007 - Belfast - Northern Ireland
Park Plaza Hotel, Belfast International Airport, Belfast, BT 29 4ZY

Starts 11am (doors open 10:45am) to 11:55am: Business presentation,
followed by a break and a 45-minute Fast Start Business Building


Thursday, 23rd August 2007 - Scotland - East Kilbride - Scotland
Holiday Inn, Stewartfield Way, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G74 5LA

Starts 8pm (doors open 7:45pm) to 8:45pm: Business presentation,
followed by a short break and a 45-minute Fast Start Business Building

The venue is just seven miles from Glasgow city centre, and close to
the motorway network.


Kind regards,

uVme Member Support

p.s. Sweden, Norway and the USA ... coming soon.

Flag of Robert Phillips

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Flag of Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Team UVME Updates Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/14/2007 7:49:08 AM

How do you make money with uVme?


This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a member,
please go to Description of this group and get details about
this Evolation day or you can directly pre-register
for this Mega pre-launch starting from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

We have created a powerful, unique business with which you
can earn money in several different ways. As you build your
team of players, you can also create a team of Associates to
boost your earnings even more. You can earn:

 Game Revenue –each time a game is played, you get paid
 Fast Start Bonus –for each personally sponsored Associate
who becomes "active"
 Instant Pay –you get paid instantly
Power Pool Revenue Share –8% of company turnover
shared out with you
 100% Matching Bonus –gives you a matching income
from every one of your personally sponsored "active" Associates
 Group Generation Bonus –3%-5% commission on
seven "generations", with dynamic compression
 Infinity Bonus –up to 3% commission on even deeper levels


Robert Phillips

Flag of Robert Phillips

Flag of 1540 Posts
Flag of Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Re: Team UVME Updates Sign Up Free With ME Or One Of your Friends
8/19/2007 2:40:00 AM



This article is for Uvme members, if you still not a

member,please go to Description of this group and

get details aboutthis Evolation day or you can

directly pre-register for this Mega pre-launch starting

from 15th July 2007.

click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007

Hello Team This Is Your Upline
Sponsor Robert Phillips

If you need any help please contact me thur skype
user name robertphillips71

One Post A day to theses ad site will keep you in play

And if there are good local advertising websites in your
neck of the woods, by all means, exploit them. We are
sure that France,Brazil, the Philippines, China, Japan
and other countries have their own equivalents. You will
probably know that better than we do.
We are also learning how to reach out into the existing
social networking communities by signing up and promoting
ourselves at sites such as APsense, DirectMatches etc.
There are hundreds of these social networks out there.
Spread yourselves out. Not everyone has to promote on
MySpace, or YouTube, or APSense. How do you find them?
How about a search for "social networks" or
"social communities" or "game communities" on Google?
Sample Advertisements to Use
Subject: Join a Business that is Growing 4x's Faster
Then The Internet

uVme is a fast-moving and unique business that
combines three of the most exciting phenomena on the
This market is so powerful, it’s growing four times faster
than the Internet. It’s NEW, VIBRANT, DYNAMIC, and
above all else, it’s FUN. And you can join today and it
won’t cost you a single penny.
Your Link Here

Subject: The Birth Of An Exciting New Business...The
Next Evolution!

We have created a powerful, unique business with
which you can earn money in several different ways.
As you build your team of players, you can also create
a team of Associates to boost your earnings even more.
You can earn:
* Game Revenue – each time a game is played, you get
* Fast Start Bonus – for each personally sponsored
Associate who becomes "active"
* Instant Pay – you get paid instantly
* Power Pool Revenue Share – 8% of company turnover
shared out with you
* 100% Matching Bonus – gives you a matching income
from every one of your personally sponsored "active"
* Group Generation Bonus – 3%-5% commission on
seven "generations", with dynamic compression
* Infinity Bonus – up to 3% commission on even deeper
The online games business, although already massive,
is extra special right now because of the timing. Timing
is critical in business, and this market is emerging as
the next evolutionary step in online entertainment. Join
now for FREE and be part of the next revolution.
Register now to get your free site, so you
can start establishing a business that can explode
when the games go live.
Your Link Here

Subject: Join Opportunity That You Will Have
NEVER Seen Before!

uVme has been started by a company called VWD...
they are not a new company. VWD has 5 years proven
success, has paid out $10 million to date, they have
offices on 4 continents, and have a proven successful
business model. VWD is about to do it all again...with
This is a unique moment in time! History is being
made...and YOU are right at the very start of an
Internet and networking revolution! People are joining
uVme at a rate of one new person every few seconds...
that is Phenomenal! Right now the networking world is
looking and joining! Right now YOUR network or list
could be looking and joining! Do you want your downline
to become your upline??
So, what is uVme? uVme will be the first company EVER
to launch a business that combines 3 of the most
powerful and exciting markets on the Internet. We are
combining Online Skill Games, Social Networking, and
Network Marketing all into one business. That is
AWESOME and unheard of until now!
What will it cost you? NOTHING! You can start to build
your uVme business FREE of charge from today! This
means you can be ahead of the game when the games
go live in September! So, get started today and join!
Your Link Here

Subject: uVme..One in Ten People You Know Are Joining

Join the next revolution..uVme! A fantastic new biz
opportunity that has combined Games of Skill, Network
Marketing, and Social Networking all into one! uVme has
made it very simple to join and get involved! Join now
for FREE and then start building your uVme business.
Timing is everything and YOU are at the right place at
the right time...JOIN NOW!
Your Link Here


The Evolution Revolution is Coming
Well it is here and it is now known as 'uVme' and, as
I mentioned in all of my communications, it brings
together for the first time:
* Social Networking
* Online Gaming Entertainment
* Network Marketing
* And a solid Compensation Plan
Your Link Here

Also when joining you get the following:
#1: Your very own ready-made uVme web site and back
office to control and manage your business.
#2: Integrated, web-based instant messenger that also
acts as live support.
#3: Games platform with over 24 games for players to
choose from.
#4: Social networking and friendly challenge site design.
#5: Tell a friend automated email sender.
#6: Promotional videos and information you can
#7: Downloadable promotional films and DVDs, web
banners, links, and more.
#8: Exclusive web log and RSS feeds.
#9: Online prospector with viewable eprospects and
a group genealogy.
#10: Ground-breaking news and broadcasts.
#11: Online events, road shows, support and training.
Once again, I've done my duty and reported on this
marvelous little fun filled package, now however, the
rest is up to you.
It's still a great time to jump in and join 'uVme' !
Your Link Here
FUN awaits.... see you inside...
Your Name Here


Subject: New Community Gaming And Much More! We Are
In Pre-launch

uVme has been in Pre-launch now since July 15th! We
will be going live in Autumn during the month of
But what is uVme?? Well here's a reminder....
Look around you online now, and what do you see?
Blogging, social networking, casual gaming, video sites
and income opportunities.
Your Link Here
uVme is a combination of them all plus so much more -
it's going to take the international networking market
by storm, especially the USA, Asia and the East.
It's a unique entertainments, casual games and social
networking platform that will far surpass the features of
sites such as YouTube, MySpace, FaceBox and will have
so much more - and of course also pay you handsomely!
It will be a World first!
Your Link Here
July's pre-launch will not only give you the opportunity
to beta-test the system without any financial
investment, it will also allow you to build a network
ready for the Autumn launch. The new data capture
pages are awesome.
You'd be mad to miss this, don't let it be another
missed opportunity.
Timing is everything, and those people taking
advantageof what's on offer NOW, will be far ahead
of the game
Why not message me soon and ask me all about it?
Skype ID: Your ID HERE or Yahoo Messenger ID:
It would be really nice to talk to you.
Have a great week
Here's to Our Success,
Your Name Here
uVme Team Leader


The uVme opportunity is not your normal run-of-the-mill
MLM opportunity.
There are 3 powerful elements that have come together
to create the uVme

1. Social Networking
2. Casual Skill Games, or family entertainment /
recreational games.
3. Multi-level Marketing (MLM) - with a powerful pay
Your Link Here
uVme is about:
• Building a social networking community - just like
"YouTube" or "MySpace"
• Allowing members of the community to socially
• Having fun and being entertained on the casual
games platform that has
been added to the social networking site
• Giving ordinary people the ability to generate a
monthly passive income
from the massive growth in both social networking
and online casual
Like any social networking site, everyone can join for
free, and use the social
networking tools. This will allow us to populate the site
and grow the community.
You do not have to commit financially to the MLM
option until Grand Opening in September. You have
all the time until then to receive updates and i
nformation and evaluate the opportunity, so you can
make an informed decision come September. You can
not ask for more!
Your Link Here


There is a revolution taking place on the Internet
right now...
That’s making fortunes for a select few...
While you work, they play...
And while you sleep, they make money: USD$164
every second...
of every minute...
of every hour...
of every day.
It’s YOUR turn to get a piece of the action…
position yourself in front of three of the fastest-growing
business trends in history!
* Discover a market growing four times faster than
the Internet.
* Three of the most exciting phenomena on the Web.
* The growth is worth the equivalent of USD$412 every
second of every hour of every day.
* Learn how having fun, being entertained and social
networking can earn you money!
* Why there are 60 million downloads a month from
this sector and increasing exponentially.
* Find out why "Fortune 500" and "Blue-Chip" companies
such as Sky TV and MTV Networks want a piece of
the action.
* Be one of the first to learn how this powerful
business, using a simple system, can earn you a
Register for FREE (with no obligation) to get instant
access to more detailed information………….click HERE
Your Link Here

Your Name Here

Title: Have FUN and GET PAID!!

Position yourself in front of 3 of the fastest-growning
business trends in history
Pre-lauching July 15th for an autumn lauch Pre-register
Now –
100% Free - Don't miss Out
Your Link Here
Subject: The New Generation is here...... FREE To Join !

uVme is free to join and is in pre-launch at this time
and is scheduled to launch in September 2007.
This is being advertised as going to be bigger than
anything on the net today because it combines three opportunities in one. They are a Online Games
(Not gaming or gambling), Entertainment, and Social Networking. If you do not belong to uVme yet and
would like to join please go to Your Link Here
Key elements are:
* It has a Global Audience.
* It is part of the Largest Growth industry in the World.
* It is part of a market that includes social networking,
blogs and online games.
* It has pay plan that has never been seen before in
* Run by a massively successful company with a long
track record.
* Has it's own company for development of software. *
It is not a form of gambling, it is an exciting form of
online skill gaming.
Now although online games are mentioned, it is the entertainment industry we are involved with. If you
haveever wanted to get involved at the very beginning of a business opportunity one that will change the
World of network marketing forever then you owe it to yourself
to take a look at uVme.
* There are fast-start bonuses.
* Power Pool Revenue Share.
* Generation Bonus.
* 100% matching bonus.
* Promotional bonus and Pays instantly!
Plus more!
This is without a doubt a unique time with a unique
company, unique product and a unique pay plan. We
are at the leading edge, ahead of the wave and YOU
are in the right place at the right time. What you do
with this information is up to you. This is a first mover advantage so don't miss it!
Sign up for your Free Website here: Your Link Here
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.



uVme is a fast-moving and unique business that combines three of the most exciting phenomena on the internet: ONLINE GAMES, SOCIAL NETWORKING WITH INSTANT LIVE COMMUNICATION, and Social Marketing. This market is so powerful, it's growing four times
faster than the Internet. It's NEW, VIBRANT, DYNAMIC, and above all else, it's FUN. And you can join today and it won't cost you a single penny.

The online games business, although already massive, is extra special right now because of the timing. Timing is critical in business, and this market is emerging as the next evolutionary step in online entertainment.

It's about to explode.

The market today (2007) is approximately worth $164 USD per second ($5.2 billion USD annually), and in the next 156 weeks is expected to grow to $412 USD per second – of every minute of every day, and growing. For more on the market, click HERE

Get AHEAD of the GAME before the GAMES GO LIVE
Your Link Here

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