Evo Presention On July 24 and 26 and Advice To Get Stared
This article is for EVO members, if you still not a member,
please go to Description of this group and get details about
this Evolation day or you can directly pre-register
for this Mega pre-launch starting from 15th July 2007.
click here to pre-register for the pre-launch
starting from 15th July 2007
Hello Friends,
What to do now Evolution Day Is In Pre Lauch New Name(uVme)?
So please read carefully so that each of us can
maximise our share.
First make sure to come to the presentions
Bring your friend, contacts, and other business partners
Were Doing Them every week for are Team
This will help build Strength In Numbers let help each
Evo Business Presention On Tuesday and Thursday July 24 and 26
When- 7am and 6pm Eastern Standard Time
Where- http://www.vwdconferenceroom.co.uk/
The Pre-Lauch of Evolution Day just Started The New Site Called uVme which means you verus me, the question
A rises as to how can you best utulise the best ways to build
your eVo, E-Play, uVme, organisation.
To start with we stick to our advice that "an ad a day will keep
you in play" on the following classified advertising websites:
And if there are good local advertising websites in your neck of
the woods, by all means, exploit them. In the Netherlands we
have marktplaats.nl and speurders.nl. We are sure that France,
Brazil, the Philippines, China, Japan and other countries have
their own equivalents. You will probably know that better than
we do.
We are also learning how to reach out into the existing social
networking communities by signing up and promoting ourselves at
sites such as APsense, DirectMatches etc. There are hundreds of
these social networks out there. Spread yourselves out. Not
everyone has to promote on MySpace, or YouTube, or APSense. How
do you find them? How about a search for "social networks" or
"social communities" or "game communities" on Google?
And keep inviting friends. If you regard eVo-uVme as an exciting and
fun opportunity for everyone, you should be sharing this with
your friends, and encouraging them to pass the word. Not
everyone has to become an affiliate, in the same way that not
everyone has to become a part-owner in a restaurant or a cinema,
but we can still recommend a good movie or a good restaurant.
Playing the occasional game is like the occasional evening out
to enjoy meal or a movie.
No previous experience is required to put our advice into
And no money is required.
Here and there you might encounter extra paid options, but in
our opinion, they are not necessary.
Also very important is to realise that pre-lauch just started from
now we are going to get hit by a second wave of signups. Great news for
those among us who have set out our fishing lines and fishing
nets. So be smart over the next two Month for the lauch. Make yourself visible on the traditional advertising websites and on the up and coming social networking sites.
Please Join My Evo Group At Apsence For Updated Info Also
To our continued success together,
Robert Phillips
Skype robertphillips71