Hello Neil :-)
This is so very good for anyone Discouraged! ...and it's so easy to get DISCOURAGED, when one DREAMS upon fairy tales, like " get rich, quick, while sleeping"!!!! - being as easy as 1.2.3 LOL
This is written in so many places on the Net, that perhaps, finally one ends up believing in them! Many of them are at their first attempts of "do it yourself, for yourself" and they all comes to the belief that they won't have to work so much on it!
I'm telling all these because I've seen so many persons of this kind, and what amazed me most was the fact that many of them were even ones "with head on their shoulders"?! The only trouble was that they started "to do what they knew, without knowing what they do" - hope this comes out in English as in Romanian LOL!
This post of yours is like a breath of fresh air for anyone who is willing to start any kind of business, regardless it is on or off line; and in my opinion, even without being necessarily MLM! It is true which ever way we look at it!
Thank you for reveling your SECRET for free - even without asking for an email address :-)
Wish you all the best of success with your plan, and everything else you dear to dream.
With friendship, Anamaria