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Neil Sperling

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Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
6/30/2007 11:29:45 AM


Glad you found the information valuable. I'ld love for you to take my "Value Purchasing exercise" in another of my threads.

Hope to see you return and add your input to my forum..... not just this thread!

I have other stones cast for you to peek under too!


Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/3/2007 8:25:42 AM
I review this information myself - hope it helps you!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil SPerling MB
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/5/2007 6:31:54 PM
Boy am I late or what?? lol . I have read this as well, thank you Neil for your great response to these attributes to this people persons way of living on line. Very impressive. I take everyone with a grain of salt most of which is just by me saying the first word and with there reply or response , then i take it from there. Your average person here and elswhere are basicly the same in the way they come across, either with business? or if they just want to write a post? words can hurt and words can heal even more so when online. Thanks for the info my friend. God_bless you. Thomas R.
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Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/5/2007 7:59:19 PM
Hi Neil... First of all, l want to say thanks for the great information contained in your post. Personally, I think I have some of all in me! :-) It is interesting to try figuring out which one is more like me... and think this will be a good tool to use when meeting clients/customers for the first time so that I can know better how to help them succeed. I relate well to people upon meeting them...then later the relationship cools off and settles down. Guess that's a lot like marriage! :-) Thanks again, Neil, for your interesting post. Chris
Chris Hollis Skype: chollis.73 Join Me on Facebook:
Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/5/2007 8:32:51 PM

I hope you and Judy don't mind, but I had to cpoy and print your posts so I could study and think on them a spell. I am definitely "analytical" most of the time, but lately the "driver" has been showing its ugly head more than I would like.

My biggest problem is how to recognized each trait in others. The driver is making it difficult to take the time to learn. I find myself more and more just wanting to get on with it. I guess maybe I have gotten to the point that I'm done analyzing and want to just go SOMEWHERE!
the "Hillbilly Gardener"