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Neil Sperling

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Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/6/2007 5:26:41 PM
Thomas - Glad you dropped in.... So you take everyone with a grain of salt - what if they are more like pepper?

Thus I brought you a salt and pepper shaker... enjoy!

Love Light and Laughter


Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/6/2007 5:33:49 PM

Hi Neil,

This is quite an interesting insight. I must admit I am not so much conscious about all these type of people. As usual I find it quite a dilemna to define myself based on your subject, because I am a bit of all the four types.

Anyway, after a quick check with my system, this is what I am I think.

Underlined in Blue,  8 out of 10

Underlined in Red,  5 out of 10

Underlined in Green,  6 out of 10

Underlined in Violet,  5 out of 10

Oh well, no wonder I am in a real muddle. :) :) :)

Great!!!! Many thanks for sharing this with me. I will always remember to have them in my holster from now on.

By the way, I love the juggler in one of your links.

All the best. Warm regards.


Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/6/2007 5:37:53 PM
Chris -
So you say getting to know people is like being married... interesting.....

There must be a way we can begin each day with all "old" freinds,  as if each new day is our wedding day and the honeymoon is about to begin.

the Quote "Forever forward" - with our thinking, may hold a key!

What do you think?

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/6/2007 5:50:05 PM
Lyndell -

Glad you dropped in and revelaed by your post that you are more analytical than any other trait..... LOL

You even said "the driver rears it's ugly head" ... which would mean to me that you are 100% Analytical to the point where stepping into the driver characteristic "to get things done" is unpleasent to you..... but you do it "knowing" that the thinking time must give way to action sometime.

Great comment my friend.... thanks for sharing!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Four types of people and how to work with them
11/6/2007 5:53:02 PM
Rosie - Thanks for dropping in and leaving a post.

yes = "learning and using" the info are two differetn things - That's why I find I review this stuff myself - even though I wrote it from memory - I still neglect to use it all the time....

Love Light and Laughter