Hi Georgios,
In answer to your first question, yes, there IS a lot of mythology involved with global warming. One of the biggest myths of all is that we have as much affect on the planet as we would like to think. Our greatest affect is on ourselves; the pollutants that we continue to pump into our air, land and water are killing us, but not the planet. This planet is very resilient and has proven time and again that it can heal without any help from us.
Secondly, there is a lot of evidence (use the search terms "mini ice age" on Google) that suggests that we are, at this time, in a mini ice age that has lasted for over 600 years, since around 1400 AD. The scientific evidence for this includes archeaological evidence, geological evidence and records from that time. If you find this an interesting subject, you will find that information MOST interesting to go through. It is quite intriguing.
One of the reasons some scientists now believe that the plague known as the Black Plague was so bad in Europe was because of the sudden drop in temperature around 1400 AD that made it impossible to grow some common sustenance crops such as wheat and grapes in areas where they had been grown as far back as anyone knew. Those crops STILL will not grow and mature in those areas (like northern England, Scotland, and at higher elevations in Germany.)
If you look at global weather maps, you will notice that there are localized areas where the temperature seems to be on an upward trend. These tend to be in the high north and the extreme south. However, they are not across the entire north, nor are they across all of Antarctica. In the areas where these warm spots exist, the ice IS melting, but in many other areas, the ice (in glacial form) is actually accumulating.
There is quite an amazing example of how quickly this can happen just a few short kilometers from my house. The snow continued to fall MUCH later this year, and is still present at considerable depth over a large area that should be covered with blossoming plants and flowers at this time. At higher elevations, where the snow is usually completely gone by mid August, there will not be a long enough warm season for it to melt, this year. What we have is the beginning of brand new glaciers, and if the weather trend continues this way and becomes a yearly pattern, we will have many new and many growing glaciers over a very large portion of our mountainous province.
Earth went through such periods many times and survived.
I agree. There is much evidence to support such a statement. What this strongly suggests is that the whole system is cyclical and completely beyond our control. What we DO need to do, is to clean up the way we do things so that our air, water and land is clean and safe to use, and then learn how to live happily with whatever kind of climate we find ourselves in.
God bless,