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Re: Scraping Ice in May!!
5/11/2007 5:08:23 AM

Hi Dave,

the elections are over here, so one would think that the hot air at least would diminish, but now we are in glorious Spring weather.  However, having finally got the garden under control (whips and mowers help I find), now I have been astonished to find the apples are starting to appear!  Now these are due in September in this neck of the woods people.  We have an amaing crop of new pear trees (not seen last year), the strwaberries are out, the cherries are going mad, and the plums as ever - berserk.  Sidetrack to a question - how can women forget a stack of plum jams made last year?  My wife did, and I discovered them when sorting out the shed.  Lubbly-jubbly - I love her jams!

Back to the plot.  Now the only thing of any moment is the fact that poor old Scruff has been de-nutted, put to the alto section of the choir - etc., etc. Now that couldn't really have made all the difference - could it? Could it? Wasn't there something about butterflies wings in South America making a difference?

Beats me, but then again all experts do.  Back to Scruff for a moment - according to the notes given by the vet we should expect:  Him to be sleepy, have a poor appetite, and be generally p---ssed off with life for a few days.  Sounds fair enough, and I am sure that would definitely have applied to me under the circs.

So what happened?  Lively as a cricket, starving hungry, ready to take on the world!

It's Global Warming wot does it, guv!


New website!   This is a free service folks and great!

The Poster Online for all you Poster fanatics!


Norm Clark
Re: Scraping Ice in May!!
5/11/2007 5:10:41 AM
y'know - I really shouldn't post these things when I am sober - look at all the typos!  Sorry about that - I think having AIDA crashing into my left ear-drum had a detrimental effect!
Norm Clark
Gerri Decher

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
5/12/2007 2:05:42 AM
Hi Dave,
I was doing some research on a totally different subject to global warming, one thing led to another and then to this page.

Strange Weather's Loose Link to Global Warming

Remembered your thread and so have popped on over to post it here. I will when time permits spend some time having a gander, in the meantime you may find some clues from it.

Oh, just for the record, it is a beautiful tropical balmy autumn day here in north Queensland Australia....normal.
Cheers, Gerri

Dave Cottrell

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
5/12/2007 2:45:08 AM
Hi Gerri, Thank you for that link. It is most interesting, indeed. There's a lot more information from many sources, and no one source gives the full picture, as opinion plays a large part of the package, too. God bless, Dave
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
5/12/2007 4:32:29 AM

Hello Dave,

Thank you for pop-ing up. I did not realize there is so big and informative topic on 'Global Warming'. In regardless of and apart from my opinion, this topic gives lots of stuff to get information and to search and make a research. It took me some time to read through all post.

There are some questions we have to think of.
Is it really a myth behind global warming?
Are there things happening by us, around us, above us?
Do we have the right information?
Can we do anything about that?
Does earth have any defending weapons?
Are the other solar objects affect and influence on earth?
Are we going under?

Is there life outside earth controlling this?
Is it an artificial problem or a creation tendency?

The earth has many ways to react and defend itself. We are destroying the earth in our knowledge and we are not doing anything to make things better, therefore we see all strange things happening. Few days ago there was a big global conference on this subject with the best scientists present. Their common statement wasn't the best.

Here are some known facts on Global smelting.
Statement 1
The Ice and the glaciers are smelting.
Statement 2
The ozone hole is much bigger over South East Europe.
Statement 3
Bigger industrial pollution changes % of oxygen and ozone
Statement 4
Seasonal temperature difference after 1970.
Statement 5
Seasonal temperature difference after 1970.
Statement 6
Secret strategically activities by USA, Russia and China
in ionosphere and stratosphere are changing and
destroying the ozone filter
Statement 7
The tropical forests, the chest of earth are reduced
Statement 8
The water reservoirs under Sahara are decreasing
and the desert in Sahara is increasing
Statement 9

The global water reservoirs are decreasing.

When we discuss a subject like this we must have good knowledge on magnetic, fields, solar energy flow, cosmic rays and their centers, planets placement, etc.
Mathematically we are giving a hand to the propulsive factors that can make this part of universe uninhabited. The deceases now are more complicated, some of them depend on sun. The scientists are doing a good work but they can't follow the rhythms.

My personal opinion is that there is no myth behind global warming. We will go through a short but very hot period. Everything shows that we are going to a colder period, where short warming periods appear just temporary. At this moment a short warming period just started. Remember also this. The Mediterranean is a big washing machine and still the waters from Atlantic are running in, so they do from the Black Sea. We will have problems but next generation will feel this warming period more as a thread and that is what we call "global smelting", because the real results will appear in 20-25 years from now.

Earth went through such periods many times and survived. Life turned back to DARK ages (not the known religious "dark age"). Some of them are known as the big flood, the lost continents, etc. The poles are moving and we cannot do anything. In his desperation man will try to use his "weapons" as the Atlanteans did and the result will be the same as for the Atlanteans.


Sorces: The news and my interest in this subject
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