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Rich Houchin

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Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Decention
1/20/2007 6:31:09 PM
Thanks You Kathy.  That was very well stated.  I agree wholeheartedly.  Thanks also to Georgios for that wonderful video-clip that was great.   Makes you think.
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Decention
1/20/2007 6:32:06 PM
I hear you there, haven't walked in your moccasins but can relate.  I hope you can survive the garbage from the riff-raff.  Tomorrow's a new day and hope it will be a sunny one on the coast. I'm inland a bit still enjoy the sunset on the straight.
Did you see my video in my profile at
Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Dissension
1/20/2007 6:34:25 PM
Hi Kathy,

I have not been very active in the community since it began as I have been very busy. However I have been an Adland member since 1997 and when Bogdan created the Gold Membership I promptly joined. I think that was around 2002. That was the best decision I ever made.

So I don't know what is exactly going on with people causing problems, but from your post where you say "lets help Bogdan get established again" makes me think that someone is saying bad things about Bogdan and Adlandpro that could cause the site to lose credibility?

If so, I want to say that Bogdan is the most honest, respectable and trustworthy online marketer that I have had the privilege to be affiliated with since I first began online marketing in late 1996. It was early 1997 when I found Adland. Thanks goodness I did! Bogdan's site has helped me so much.

Bogdan is so well respected that I cannot see anyone causing him nor Adlandpro that many problems that he would have to re-establish. But, as I said I don't know what is going on here in the community. Overall, I think that no one can hurt Bogdan's nor Adlandpro's reputation. I have heard nothing but praise for Bogdan and Adlandpro on other online marketing forums, which are those that are outside of this community. So maybe it's just an in-community problem?


Everyday Business Online Sue's
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Dissension
1/20/2007 6:57:34 PM

People need to remember their personal boundaries, that's part of the problem.  It's too easy to get into daily conversations with peoples' online persona's ... I say "online persona" deliberately because most of us don't know each other in real life, therefore it's a big step to spill our private lives to another internet user.  Would we actually sit down as a group in real life at a coffee shop and blab to each other the way we do here? 

If there are problems that came from skype conversations, those should be handled the same way, or just let go.  Why are people bringing their skype problems into Adlandpro forums?  That's not an Adlandpro problem just because people became friends here. 

I'm surprised the other issue hasn't become a huge public thing yet...what other issue?  The amazing 443 votes for POTY, amazing 220 for one person, when not in any POTW election was there ever a total of 220 all together for all nominees.  Amazing!  This is an adult high school lunch room.  When does the food fight start?

I'll say it again, this is AD-LAND-PRO,  Advertising Land of Professionals? 

I'll quote that rap song from the 1990's..."Keep your mind on your money and your money on your mind...laid back!" 

Timothy Sullivan

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Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Dissension
1/20/2007 7:56:09 PM
I agree Kathy. It's the 10% rule. 10% of the people cause 90% of the heartache. I know their words may be ugly but ignore them, delete their posts, block them for the time being and get on with business. This is a very positive community we have here and occasionally we will have to deal with those getting out of hand because we don't hand them a million dollar check on a silver platter. Perhaps those who have gotten out of line will come back around and start being positive members of the community. While I don't know anything about the background of these incidents you know what they say..."Forgive and forget." Take care, God bless, and here's to our team success.