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Kathy Hamilton

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Some one is Talking Smack causing Dissension
1/20/2007 5:05:32 PM
Hello my friends,
As my daughters who are teenagers use the term people are talking smack about others,How slang is that??  How slang that people think they can say bad things against others and cause dissention  where ever they go.As Angels of the internet I hear and see all.I cannot allow dissention  to be in my home or any other home.I am referring to this Adlandpro community Is my home like many other communities are all my home.You know we all have dirt on someone and theres always someone who has dirt on us But as long as you are in my home for those who want to challenge me lets do it, I will win,There will be absolutely no dissention  among anyone here.It has gone on long enough, we are the good guys no more hate, no more decention. no more hostility. Some one has to take back our community and bring it back to what it use to be.John Sanchez and I along with afew others back at the beginning turned this community into a wonderful place,no one even really thought to hurt any one, now I am saying this is Bogdans playground and I will not have anyone disrespect what he has built and worked so hard to achieve.Adlandpro is a 7 wonders of the world,It is not pond scum like some like to refer to.
Adlandpro is an amazing place, it is a magical place, where dreams are made from.

My 2 daughters did a homework assignment on domestic violence that they wanted to bring to adlandpro to share a message to you parents but because It would hurt some for now it is not appropriate. but my daughters are very insistant in getting a message out.
There brothers have opened accounts because they now want to be a part of this community to help me watch over Adlandpro, they want to be knights.
They agree that enough dissenion  has happeneded. Lets bring it back not let people rob there joy,

Adlandpro is the best place on the net
Lets help him, Bogdan  get established again, lets get his links passed out, lets encourage others to upgrade, show support of this community. Let there be no more forums going up around this community that will hurt anyone,if theres forums that will hurt others tell some should not be aloud.I will not allow Bogdans dream to get destroyed I know Bogdans vision and passion on his creation here.
This is a great place everyone get  back to helping one another.
Where is the love????
For those who believe in a GOd, he is watching,

Thanks I just wanted to vent as I see terrible things going on.We would all prosper more if we were for eachother instead of against eachother.

learn to stand as one.
Kathy Hamilton/

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Larry Blethen

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Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Decention
1/20/2007 5:10:31 PM
hello are right we need to work together and make this the best...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Carla Carey

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Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Decention
1/20/2007 5:13:12 PM
Hello Kathy,
I couldn't agree more, this was an awesome community when I joined and I'd it to stay that way!
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
La Nell !

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Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Decention
1/20/2007 5:20:06 PM
Hi Kathy, :-) Yes, I agree with Carla. Thanks ,LaNell
Re: Some one is Talking Smack causing Decention
1/20/2007 5:44:01 PM
Truth and honesty always prevail and the one that do not live by this watch out because you know who you are and what you have done and we are not going to let this go on any further

There is only one truth and thats it so if you are not living and breathing it daily you will not have a leg to stand on and to lie and decieve people will cost you I promise you and we are now back and we are not going to let you run us out of this community so you can have your world of deception to pray on innocent people that have good hearts here it is now over for you here you should all just go or face your pasts

You have taken this way to far and you are in our prayers daily and we pray that you will be forgiven for all you have done and we have nothing but the complete and utter truth behind us so there is only one out come that will prevail
I hope you are ready to put it on the line we are and so our great friends here at adland and all our other communities and who we are speaks for its self and everyone know we are the angels of the internet and Our intent is pure and unselfish and we always help others anyway we can

And we have helped some of you out there and you have turned on us well your justice is in the wind you made your bed by what you have done now it is time for you to lie in it because those of us who live to the truth can not be silenced or hurt by your deception

YOu know we have been here for you and helped you and you turned on the hand that fed you and supported you and there is a cost that you will pay mabey not today mabey not tommorow but I give it to the powers that be and bless you all daily and hope you will let the truth back into your hearts

you all know who you are out there and how you have behaved so god is your witness not I so live with your self
were back

god bless you all



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