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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/5/2007 12:43:53 PM

1:19:24 PM

Friday, January 05, 2007

Hi Tim,

   Your story is truly a touching one. 

   I am happy that you got to spend the quality time with your father this past holiday season. That was priceless--and you can keep that memory with you for the remainder of your life.

   Life here is precious with those you truly love, and we all must make the very best of it. For in it we are truly blessed with fond memories at the end of one's physical journey here on earth.

   Our faith keeps us strong at times like this--even though there is a momentary grief in the process of our loved one's transition from the physical to the spiritual realm.

   Take comfort my friend as I extend to you my heartfelf sympathy on this day. The Comforter will embrace you with His love and nourish you by His power and grace, and sustain you through this time of loss.  May God's rich and tender mercies be upon you this day. You are in my prayers.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful story about your father, we all can benefit from it if we take a few moments to pause and reflect upon it.


Leonard Haynes  

Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/5/2007 12:46:48 PM
Hello Tim,

I share your grief at the loss of your father. My father died years ago and I still feel the pain.

Thank you for sharing the story with us. May God ease your way through this most difficult time.


Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/5/2007 1:27:47 PM

Hi Tim,

SENDING PRAYERS, BLESSINGS AND CONDOLENCES. We too have lost a mother, grandmother and grandfather and know how you are feeling. May your beautiful story of your dad keep the great memories and his spirit alive in your heart. That's what we do. This loss will be felt for a long time, but it does get a little easier as time goes by and your heart will allow you to smile and remember the good times once again. Hug, kiss and love your mom and help her, she will need it most.  We send our love, hugs and kisses and pray for your loss and know that he is with GOD and all is good.

Love from The Walkers-Michelle, Wayne, Chevelle, Cam & Chassis.

Michelle Walker
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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/5/2007 1:43:12 PM


What a beautiful tribute to your father's life, Tim. After reading it and the many heartfelt responses here, I can't help but pray that both his journey and yours are made lighter by the expressions and prayers of your AdlandPro family.

God Bless and Godspeed


Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/5/2007 2:50:28 PM


   My thoughts and prayers go up for you today and in the days ahead. Its hard to let a loved one go, but since your Dad had God in his life you know he is in a much better place.

I pray that God will give you and your family the strength to press onward. God said he would not put more on us than we can bear. He also said, He would never leave us not forsake us.

Keep God close to your heart, and the rest will fall into place.



Rick Carver


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