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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/8/2007 8:49:00 AM

My Dearest Tim

Thank you for your most eloquant words. 

The love of word, a gift from our mother. (and, forwarding your post; another mothering moment.  Thanks Mom) 

I will be happy to share dad's tales and stories of his 'habits'.  I hope to learn more this day, as we remember and say our final farewell to Dad. 

Rod and Jim, Dad's frequent laborers/apprentices', definately heard the most (besides Mom of course).  It could be a really thick book... like.... Dad not being able to pass a roadside sobriety test... after 10 years of sobriety (course some of us, never could walk a straight line!!).

I am greatful for this glimpse at your farewell  - Thank You Tim.  you did wonderfulf - as always.

I Luv You,


(Please pray for all who travel this week, that they may arrive and return safely to their homes.)

Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/9/2007 6:14:57 PM

God bless, Tim.

Very touching. Live your life as your Dad would want you to live. Youll have plenty of time for fishing when youre together again, like you said.

Love and best wishes,


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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/10/2007 2:52:17 PM
For any of you who don't know, Tracy is my sister.
I'm deeply grateful to her for putting us upduring Christmas so that we were all able to enjoy that last Christmas with my Dad.
What a blessing it was too that we were all able to get together again to say goodbye to Dad, as difficult as it was, we were again blessed.
We were able to renew ties with some relations that we hadn't seen in many years, and it reaffirmed the importance of maintaining that contact, because like the suddenness of Dad's passing, one never knows when it's time for any of us.
Thanks Tracy, for taking the time to express your thoughts here with all my friends.
I love you.
We will all be ok.

Your brother,

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/11/2007 3:31:07 AM

Hi Tim,

Thankyou for sharing part of your father's journey. My condolenses go out to you and your family. God bless you all with his spirit and give you all the strength you need at this time.

What a blessing that was to be able to tell him you love him. Such happy memories. Bless you Tim.


Mel R:) "Don't walk through this world alone"
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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
2/6/2007 5:39:29 PM
Hi, Tim just got your email, i am so sorry to her about your dads passing, i lost my dad of 82 years last feb 15th, he was like a brother too, you two must have been really close. what beautiful, Happy memories you too shared and have. i remember also being with my dad in his last hours, the peace to know everything is going to be ok, no more suffering, just a better place for him, to be, with god in heaven, and looking down to protect us. you didnt loose a Dad you gained an angel. God Bless and Peace be with you!-K:) ps i really enjoyed reading the tribute to your Dad. it was Beautiful. take a free nutri physical online today!, profit,now! never seen before!

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