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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 5:49:33 PM

I'm sorry to hear about your lost and I send you my deepest condolence. Take it one day at the time and you will make it.

Jean paul Quenneville

Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 5:56:15 PM

Hi Tim,

Thanks for sharing your story about your dad with us. It was very touching and brought back memories of my dad. May God be with you and your family during your time of bereavement. If I can be of any assistance, by all means let me know.

Thanks and May God Bless,

Roosevelt Barnes


Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 5:57:06 PM
Dear Tim, On one hand death is not unexpected, yet when it comes loss appears first in line to test our feelings. Fortunately, loss is not the only feeling we have so here is a another feeling I'd like to share. Some of the stars we see in the sky died millions of years ago and yet we still see their light. So it is with some people. Their spirit will shine on in spite of their passing. The pain of loss will diminish, but not the light. Thank for sharing your loss, allowing me to hopefully ease some of your grief, and so my good man, your father's light now lives on within you as will yours in the people you share your gifts with. Peace be with you and may love and light be part of your legacy also. Brian
Best Regards, Brian Hack Listen for Pleasure Read for Clarity Write to Prosper
Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 5:58:37 PM


I am sorry for your loss, but on the other hand I am joyus about the relationship that you had with your dad.

It took me forty some years to get my dad to say I love you son.  It was not that he did not love I and the other kids, it wasan't manly for a man to tell another man that he loved them.

You mentioned that through the Grace of God and AA, if your father you enjoyed a double relationship, not only was he your dad, he was also your brother in Christ!


James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 6:00:14 PM

Tim, My Deepest Condolences to you & your Family! I know your pain all too well!! My Precious husband just passed away on Nov. 9, 2006 of Kidney Cancer. I cannot tell you the pain and heartache that I feel! The emptiness, the loneliness, the sheer shock of my whole world just having been turned upside down!! Only God can Help us now!

Damaris P.Y.

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