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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 6:05:24 PM


When our loved ones leave us, we are grieving about the loss. But deeply in our souls we know that we have wonderful memories about days we shared with them. And these memories will warm your heart and fill it with joy later.

My deepest Condolences to you and your family.


Flag of Sue Ouimet

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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 6:06:34 PM
Please convey my sincere sympathy to you and your wonderful family.

Suzanne Ouimet
Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 6:09:04 PM

Hi Tim,

Thank you for sharing a touching episode of your life around your late father. It helps to remind me of my own Dad, who is now coming to be 75 years old this year. Thanks be to God, my Dad is still very healthy and fit for his farming actvities.

Warmest regards,

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Flag of Kevin Goodrich

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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 6:19:29 PM

Heart-felt condolences, Tim - Great job with the memorial obituary that honors the life of your dad. Keep the torch lit.


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Re: My Dad My Brother- Joseph Ronald Southernwood - July 23,1929 - Jan 3,1007
1/4/2007 6:25:34 PM

Bonsoir  Tim

 Believe me, TIM ! I the need of you to speak to you in this end of the year. But like, by the accident of Dr., our weekly meetings became impossible, then you were the only one with whom I did not wish the good year.
I ask you then to excuse me if I did not arrive to do it .it were written that in the place of my best wishes I present to you my condoléences for the death of your valorous DAD who still lives in you….
Would be ensured, TIM, of my sympathies.
The life is thus made. It continues everywhere…

   Crois moi, TIM  ! J'ai épprouvé le besoin de vous de te parler en cette fin d'année.Mais comme, par l'accident du Dr., nos rencontres hebdomadauires devenaient impossibles, alors tu as été le seul à qui je n'ai pas souhaité la bonne année. 

   Je te demande alors de m'excuser si je ne suis pas arrivé à le était écrit qu' a la place de mes meilleurs voeux je te présente mes condoléences pour la mort de votre valeureux PAPA.Il vit en toi....

 Sois assuré , TIM , de mes sympathies.

  La vie est ainsi faite.Elle continue partout...





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