Hi Mary,
This is a great topic and really thought provoking. I believe that "managing our expectations" is an integral part to this subject.
The first thing that comes to my mind is that Adland best resembles the average "community" Chamber of Commerce located in Any Town, State/Country. But Adland is Global making it even more complex!
Looking at a single chamber, however.............a Community Chamber of
Commerce is all about people coming together with a common cause, and
that is predominately about advertising a business.
Protocol: It's about HOW they advertise their business that determines their success.
Social functions (community spirit) are provided by most chambers to
enable people to socialize and get to know each other better. It
is a simple matter of exchanging business cards. It's about MAKING FRIENDS, not SALES! Our Adland forums do a great job in this respect.
#1 Think for a minute that you are at a chamber event and 3 people are "in your face"
constantly trying to SELL you their product/service. What is your
reaction? Yes, you probably want to leave or move to the other
side of the room. (Luckily, on the Internet, you can just delete them)!
# 2 What about the business professional who offers you his/her
business card, and says, "if you ever need window coverings, please look me up." Will you contact that person when you need their product? You betcha!
Adland is no different, but as in any "community," we all need to manage our expectations, seek our own level of water, and simply remember we have a delete key!
The best suggestion I could make is to put a graphic image on every Adland page saying, "Remember the Golden Rule."
That's it for now...........I am sure I will think of more!
Cheers, Jill