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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/26/2006 2:01:02 PM
Now we have three issues. Reasons for coming to Adlandpro. Could that be handled in anyway. When I seek out friends, would I want to know why they are here? Honesty in recruiting and maintaining healthy relationships here at Adland. Some very unhealthy relationships have developed and caused a lot of problems. Promises not kept....age old problem. Splinter groups. Should that be permissable?
Diane Bjorling

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/26/2006 2:10:58 PM

You have created a post that is not only worth reading, but should be as you said done with careful consideration, in how we word things etc. Problems we have had..of that there is no doubt..why?..that is the million dollar question...we are a global communityand in many ways we mirror what is happening in the world today...I find it amazing that we have among us so many brilliant people of diverse cultures and beliefs..and that in itself can and does create it mis communiction..not opening our minds to new ideas..being fanatical in choosing to believe in one thing..who knows..have we grown up enough to really can only hope....I for my best to listen with respect to what everyone has to does not mean I have to agree to just means that to any or all who  want to talk to me..deserves to be listened to with respect and along with that respect maybe I can either learn something new or say again with respect thank-you for this a solution..well to  me that sure does not maybe the beginning of the solution is called respect..a simple word that we do not use nearly enough..I  guess I am just one of the lucky ones..for in truth I have not had to deal with such problems..could it be because I will and do listen with repect??

My best regards



Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/26/2006 2:12:41 PM
Good topic but wrong title, s/b  something like"Refocus" or  something that  addresses the mission statement, goals, purpose, etc.  Troubleshooting sounds like a technical topic, althought that's not entirely misplaced here either.
My response now only replies to a couple issues you address,  and that is : "Do you think members need some guidelines and how can that be accomplished".

The guidlines are sufficent in my opinion, just not enforced to the satisfaction of some. Fairness, consequences, restitution and rehabilitation are all part of the life and justice, and could & should be applied here.

Have I ever wanted to leave Adlandpro and why? What made me decide to stay?
I think it's because some contacts here are very compatible and high quality but others are not. Yes, I've thought about pulling the plug a few times because of the fact that there has been little and few rewards for my efforts. You ask, "have I made a contribution or participated to someone's venture here? The answer is not yet because I've experienced credit card fraud a few too many times.
Good luck w/ this.  



Arthur Webster

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/26/2006 2:12:52 PM
Hi, Mary, I do feel that we are like minded in that we all know that the internet can produce the incomes that we want and Adland (to my mind) once provided a space where we could all explore the viabilities of different programmes by discussion. It was possible, for example, to ask direct questions of a promotor and anticipate a reply - this no longer happens to anything like the same extent. As an indication of the level of spamming that can occur within a club, I received today (Tues 26th Dec 2006) over 350 identical messages from 270 members - they all started "My good friend....... has allowed me to .....". The only differences in any of these messages is the name of the sender and the fact that over 100 addressed me as 'friend'.
Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: Troubleshooting-Situations in Adlandpro
12/26/2006 2:17:51 PM
Mistress Mary, Panda Lady

A wonderful discussion, very well laid out as only a teacher could do-find the common denominator then solve the problem.

My views on some of these subjects change with my moods-for that reason, I try to wait to post if something stirs and emotional response until I have cooled a bit.

I have come to realize that this is a great place to learn how to market. We can handle the newbies mistakes and watch them grow in confidence and competence.

I recently had the rewarding experience of addressing what I percieved to be a budding problem, addressing my response privately and seeing the person reflect and take a differerent course.

It was truly an "AHA" moment.

We all have opinions but there is never, in my opinion-any reason to be rude.

Thanks for doing this.

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