Hello Mary,
You have started a very good topic here and one that I would really like to address! I hope that the things I write here are not thought of as me being negative because that is not the case! What I am being is realistic, and telling about things as I have seen them!
One of the first and major problems here in AdlandPro are a few cliques that are going on within the Community. A clique is not always a bad thing when it is just a bunch of like-minded individuals that have become very good friends that are creating a positive environment! Unfortunately, we have a couple of cliques in the Community that are not creating a positive environment, but rather a very negative one!
Those very same people that are in the clique(s) are known to the administration to be troublesome, but yet are left to continue on in the Community to cause more havoc and negativity. Now if you are a good member of the Community, or someone just coming to check out the Community, would you want to stay when all of this nonsense is going on? I don't think so...since even I had thoughts of leaving a couple of months ago! I have been a member here for 2 wonderful years, I love this Community and have no real desire to leave, but just think about those others as I previously mentioned!
Forum subject lines are also another problem here! Most forums are okay, but we do get some people posting some very controversial subjects, or write about things that are demeaning to certain races, cultures, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion. This is also against the rules of AdlandPro! Some do get deleted, while others do not, but not before some damage is already done and cause friction within the Community. We really need to have better guidelines I think, and if people violate them they need to be expeled from the Community, in my opinion, not just suspended for a couple of days!
I think that these two items are the main sources of the problems we have here in the Community! Of course they are not the only problems we have, but if these two things could get resolved I think we would see other things becoming resolved as well!
I thank you for allowing me to express my opinion on this subject, and once again, this is not meant to be negative! This is meant to be a positive solution to some very negative things going on in a great Community! I am sure that others will agree with what I have said since I have spoke to many about these very same issues.
I look forward to hearing what others have to say here...I will be back to read and respond to them.
God Bless,