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Re: I'm curious. Have you lost money online?
12/29/2006 6:38:10 PM
Lost money? My husband cringes at the thought!

When I was new to the net looking for ways to make money on line, I lost a lot! I was so gullible. If you showed me a picture of a million dollar home and a fancy red sports car and told me you earned it selling X product, I was in!

Ahhh, good times - LoL

It took me almost 10 years to educate myself at the School of Hard Knocks. Once I realized my passion, what made me tick and how to be a business owner, things fell into place.

In a crazy sort of way, I'm thankful for losing money. It enabled me to be the successful business owner I am today  :) 
Many Blessings, Tracy Layne Get Paid Cash DAILY to Advertise Your Site
Re: I'm curious. Have you lost money online?
12/31/2006 6:08:57 AM

For some people the Internet motto is

“You have to Lose some money to Make money”


The program that I am working now can be worked Online and Offline. In the late 80’s early 90’s many companies had no websites and it was all done via SNAIL MAIL.


Now everything is moving at lightning speed. I read a report about a Global Internet scam that by the time the attorney general found out they made over 15 million dollars.


Here is my number one rule: I got this info from here:   Great place to keep up with the Good Bad and thee UGLY scamers.


OK! Here is my number 1 Rule:

Looking at the supposed MLM or Affiliate Company’s Website.  First suspect clue would be no street or city address, worse yet, only an email address, no phone number.  Then look for the pictures + names of the owners/operators of the company.  Not having these on a Website is very suspicious and a good reason not to join.  Some wise, seasoned MLM distributors use   to look at satellite pictures of the size and location of a supposed Affiliate/MLM Company office.  If the Company address is a trailer house or home?  Run! LOL


I did a post in the Forum (Scams & Online Fraud) called:

Your **Critical** 11 Must Know Rules To Avoid Internet Scams!


Hope that after reading this many of you will be able to hold on to your money.


To your health and success


Robert C

Re: I'm curious. Have you lost money online?
12/31/2006 6:18:05 AM

When I first started on the internet over 10 years ago I really wanted to earn an income online and not knowing anything about the internet and what it really took, I got involved in a few opportunities that ended up being scams or to good to be true type deals, so I did lose a bit when I first started, but after time I learned that this is not the way to make money online.


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Re: I'm curious. Have you lost money online?
1/9/2007 9:28:32 PM
I tried 'Free Store' and also a another program (forget the name) that turned out to be only a promotional program for other programs. I think I was looking for something too automated in the latter. But I didn't really have time to do much with either, as my wife kept asking everyday, "Are you making money yet?"! Didn't exactly inspire a lot of confidence. That and I guess I don't manage my time well, that is, outside of my regular job, as a university lecturer. How much did I lose? Maybe a couple hundred of dollars over 2-3 months, so I chalk it up to a learning experience.
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Re: I'm curious. Have you lost money online?
1/11/2007 9:23:16 AM

Hey Linda,

I think everyone will be able to answer that they have "lost" some money online or in their entrepreneurial ventures.

A few years ago when I invested $3000 in a program and did not get any return from it, I "whined" to my husband that I "lost" $3,000.

He (being the wise one he is) reminded me that I can consider that $3,000 as seed money and that it will come back to me in other ways.

He was right.  When I changed my attitude and acknowledged that I was happy to have paid that $3000 (to one individual), everything changed. 

I began to receive nice sums of income from other programs and I tripled (at least) that investment within a very short time.

So, I say it's how we view the way we spend money.  We can choose to feel it is "lost" or we can choose to consider it "seed money."

Thanks for the question here!  I love you forums.

Many blessings.


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