I'm glad that you asked this question also, my name is Taylor and if you ask me if I know what I am doing, I can honestly say nope, but I'm learning!!! I joined SFI when it was new and I lost alot there. I finally cancelled. I wasn't amused with them, the upline was no help and they sold my information. I was getting magazines and junk in the mail right and left. Also, with some of the survey companies they really don't pay, and that is right up there with the surfing companies. I lost quite abit there. I spell my name differently upper case or lower case to see which company is selling my information. I had one that signed me up for a telephone service which was sent to my spam box. I thank god I look at spam as it said I had 24 hours to cancel it. This is the second time this one has happened. Someone also sigend me up with an online credit union, and tried to transfer funds from my paypal and my bank into the credit union. I was livid.
Currently I am with fortebuilder/New Vision and I like the company. They first came out with Vemma and I monitored them for over a year, but that was there only product and I am allergic to it, so I didn't join. When they came out with Forte' and Fortebuilder along with a lot of other products that I do use I signed up with them. My upline has been true to their word and built my first success line and that of my pre-enrollees. I know that in the online world marketers are always looking for leads, which is the hard part of this business, so I certainly appreciated their help as they know where to get the leads. but I did receive a royalty check from them and I was impressed.