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Your **Critical** 11 Must Know Rules TO AVOID Intenet Scams!
12/5/2006 5:55:34 AM

I joined for free with a gas program during their pre-launch and a month later was asking me for my checking account number so that I could do money transfer.


The one thing that kept me from doing business with them was that no where on their web site was onwners name address or phone number to contac them just incase.


So, I never upgraded. 3 months later all hell broke loose and many people lost money. So, Rule number One here was applied to me, and I was very happy to know that I had the common sence to STOP and wait.


So, here are simple Rules for you to keep in mind.


1. SIMPLEST PUSH BUTTON INVESTIGATION: Look at the supposed MLM or Affiliate Company’s Website.  First suspect clue would be no street or city address, worse yet, only an email address, no phone number.  Then look for the pictures + names of the owners/operators of the company.  Not having these on a Website is very suspicious and a good reason not to join.  Some wise, seasoned MLM distributors  use “” to look at satellite pictures of the size and location of a supposed Affiliate/MLM Company office.  If the Company address is a trailer house or home?  Run!


2.  PUSH BUTTON AFFILIATE OR MLM INVESTIGATION: Go to the Internet and enter the following into one or two of the major search engines:


A. The MLM Company's name (owners too) and the word "scam". Go through two pages!  Look for  forum - message comments for legitimate complaints (see D below).


B. Then do the same for "complaints, lawsuits, and news articles archived on search engines.


C. Also check the name of who registered the Website domain of any new company claiming: exciting,   amazing, incredible, proprietary, never seen before in the universe, revolutionary, products, services or technologies! Check for the domain lookup. Companies with wonderful offerings would work on a project for more than 3 months. Smart legit executives register domain names first! 


D. A warning on MLM due diligence for Affiliate OR MLM Researchers!  There are sad sites and forums that are unfairly negative toward all Affiliate - MLM - Network Marketing companies.  Ignore these "Affiliate MLM Bashers" and only look for appropriate information.




A. The next time someone approaches you about a “Hot Opportunity” download the tool bar from and look at the Alexa rating which shows web traffic.   This is a great web tool


B. If you look at Quixtar or Mary Kay,  two of the largest older MLM companies,  you will see they rank 6,000 and 7,000 those are top rankings.  If you look at which is a booming 3 year old new company they rank 26,000 which is excellent.   This MLM Watch Dog site ranks around 45,000 which is considered real good.   Affiliate marketing follow the same pattern with Amazon king of Affiliate programs at 2.  If you look at an affiliate program I just put up online I am very happy with Alexa rating of 340,000 after just 45 days and we are at about 150 working members. 


C. A lady asked me to look at a 5 year old company that she said was “Hot”.... the ranking was 386,000.  That my friends, is down in the mud for a 5 year company!  I put the lady down as deluded or hyped!  If she had told me it was 45 days old I would have said 386,000 = ok. The lower the number the more traffic to the site. This isn’t a perfect measurement but one that can quickly and usefully sort out hype vs. truth.  Basically if I have a rating on of 340,000 with 150 members after 45 days, the 5 year old MLM Company with a  386,000 rating is dead,dying or done!


4. NEXT AFFILIATE OR MLM DUE DILLIGENGE RESEARCH:  Go to the Better Business Bureau (new window) Website for the city where the MLM-Network Marketing Company is located.  Some are free, some charge $2!   You are looking for the number of complaints the BBB has NOT resolved. If there are over 3-5, hold off joining, it very well could mean problems.


5.  FOLLOWING RESEARCH:  Check with the Attorney General in the state where the company is located.  Be very brief with your email or phone call and stick with asking, “Affiliate or MLM Company XXX is located in city in your state, do you have complaints against Company XXX?” A complete list of Attorney Generals is in  MLM WatchDog DUE DILIGENCE & COMPLAINTS Library.


6.  WATCHOUT FOR:  An email solicits you to a "HOT" Affiliate, MLM, Party Plan or Network Marketing Company!


A. Look for exclamation marks and capital letters used to lend legitimacy or urgency!  Beware of disclaimers such as “this is not a pyramid selling scheme or scam” (legitimate offers don't contain such claims). Don't believe promises of fast wealth.


B.  If you feel, see or hear "Get Rich Quick!” Run! If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is! MLM - Network Marketing takes some work, like any good Home Based Business.


7.  RUN FROM A COMPANY TAKING ONLY MONEY ORDERS OR CHECKS: Only use a credit card that will accept charge backs.  Returns? Honest companies allow refunds within 60-90 days (6 states require a year)!


8. AFFILIATE MLM, PARTY PLANS & NETWORK MARKETING COMMON SENSE:  Don’t let the money over-excite you!  Use the products or services being sold first!  If they excite you, then look at the money.  You should try sharing and selling the products/services to test them out.  Spending some money to test a company and their offerings is a wise thing to do.


9. DON'T SPEND OVER $500 TO START:  See the FTC Warning below this article.  There are also approximately 21 states that say this should be the maximum to get started in any business opportunity (not just MLM).  Two states say it must be kept under $200.  Following the advice in #6 should not cost over $500.  See the LATEST Federal Trade Commission (FTC) warning below.


10. READ THE FINE PRINT IN THE AFFILIATE OR MLM CONTRACT: These are the Enrollment Agreement or Terms of Agreement plus Policies and Procedures.  These all together are a business contracts, enforceable in a court of law. The Distributor Rights Association says they shouldn't be over 15 pages long.  Don't sign if you don't feel comfortable about the contract.  See for warnings about companies violating contracts.


11. COPY THE PAY PLAN AND ASK QUESTIONS:  Then find an expert to analyze it. 

    A.  If it only pays for signing up new people and not sales of products/services - run!

   B.   There's a copy of my MLM Compensation Pay Plans Book on Amazon.  Search for my name by author - Rod Cook. No, this is not a shameless promotion for my book. My book is the only one with big pictures, diagrams and detailed to help both the new person and expert.  MLM Watchdog ethics let me say it's a good book!  Plus my book has a whole chapter on avoiding Pyramid Schemes.


Now for the perfect business opportunity


Here is the GOOD KICKER. This is a $10 per month program that has the potential to earn you well over $10,000 per month in just 5 months.


Go here now and try the on line income calculator


This company is listed number 37 in the

Inc Fortune 500 company Magazine.






To your wealth, health and success

Roberto AC



Sammy Hale

291 Posts
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Re: Your **Critical** 11 Must Know Rules TO AVOID Intenet Scams!
1/4/2007 8:20:56 PM

WOW! What a great piece of information, Roberto. Thank you so very much for this. God bless you.

Warm regards from Texas,

Sam the MAX Get paid for reading emails, $10.00 bonus for signing up! Come visit
Re: Your **Critical** 11 Must Know Rules TO AVOID Intenet Scams!
1/10/2007 10:26:20 PM

Hi Sam


I’m glad that you like the post. Every one that is an online networker needs to join Mlmwatchdog because we need to know who are the scammers, and for that I am grateful for mlmwatchdog they really keep track of many of the things that are happening in this Industry.


 Now for the perfect business opportunity


 Here is the GOOD KICKER. This is a $10 per month program that has the potential to earn you well over $10,000 per month in just 5 months.


 Go here now and try the on line income calculator


 This company is listed number 37 in the


Inc Fortune 500 Company Magazine.




 To your wealth, health and success


Roberto AC

Natalya Restivo

703 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: Your **Critical** 11 Must Know Rules TO AVOID Intenet Scams!
1/10/2007 10:44:54 PM

Hi Roberto,

Thank your for your post. This is a very good information for people who want to start a real business.

I checked out your web site and bookmarked it, as unlike many similar web sites, it contains a lot of useful information.

I heard that MLM system will create 10,000,000 new millionaires by 2010. So, we should hurry up:-)

I will check your book, as I believe that it should be good.

I would recommend also R. Kiyosaki's The Business School. Very inspiring!

Wishing you much success,



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