Yes, you are seeing right. Bizzy Blogz Community is an 'Entrepeneural Social Site'.
No fees for services that others are charging for.
Designed like MySpace and all MySpace tools and graphics work on our site.
Others are giving you an affiliate program so you can try and sell for them the same tools we give away to you for free. It gives those companies free advertising because those affiliates are trying to earn the pennies they will get paid. And then the affiliates spend it right back into the program just to use the 'advanced' features.
Not at Bizzy Blogz Community. Join for FREE TODAY!
Kenneth R Sword Jr
p.s. Bring friends, business partners and your downline.
====> UPDATE <====
Bizzy Blogz Community is teaming up with TGAMMFM Radio, an internet radio station with 2 million subscribers. We will launch the official date soon and all members of BBC will benefit from the daily radio coverage to those 2 million subscribed listeners. (TGAMM FM Radio is based in Baltimore, MD)