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Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 7:00:52 PM
Jonathon, I know it's hard to deal with. I spent a lot of years battling depression myself, but one day I discovered that sometimes God allows us to go through a dark valley so that we will depend on Him to lift us up again. If this is circumstancial, just try to keep in mind that it's temporary and will get better. If it's something you've been dealing with that doesn't seem to get any better and it's more of a long term problem, you may need to seek medical help. If they give you medication, you will need to take it for a while before you see a lot of improvement but it will come.
Mostly, give yourself time. Don't try to rush anything and let things work themselves out naturally. They usually do.
But try to get out of the house as soon as you feel able and get some fresh air and sunshine. That first step is hard, but it's worth it to get out and be with other people. There may be a day program you can attend that might help some. But do anything you can not to let it control you.

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Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 7:47:53 PM

Hi Jonathon,

My heart and prayers are with you.  I hardly ever talk about this in public, but if it helps you I will. I know all too well about the depths of despair depression can bring to ones life and those around you. When I was 30 I was hospitalized with it. My doctor tried numerous different anti depressants none helped me . I spent the next 10 years learning everything I could about it.

I read books, went  to seminars, took more pills, and still nothing helped me!One time I only weighted 87 lbs. I would forget to eat for days.

Than one day I read a very simple statement that literally changed my life and how I handle depression. We are what we think we are!!!  The chemicals in the brain respond to our thoughts just like our bodies respond to the foods we feed them.  I don't know if you are a believer in the WORD of G-d, but there are some powerful verses I learned to use to help me change the chemicals in my brain to help me deal with depression. Its says to think on things that are lovely. What do you spend your time thinking about , how awful things are or do you spend time thinking and being grateful for the things that are good in your life.

I do not take meds nor do I ever plan on doing so in the further. I still get depressed sometimes, but only when I allow myself to slip back into the poor , poor pitiful me mood of thinking.

If you take meds by all means take them if they help you. But, you have the power to control depression. Check your diet sometimes it is related to what you eat, caffine is not good for you if you are of the depressive nature. Foods that are processed are bad for you too the msg can be very harmful to anyone that has a personality of the depressive nature.

I am not a doctor, but I do know they only mask the symptoms of depression with meds they do not get to the root cause . In my opioion is the thoughts one harbours in the mind that causes depression.  

You will be in my prayers if you would like to contact me do so by all means. Just click on my profile and send me a message and I will share anything I can to help you..



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one
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Re: I need your prayers and advice
10/31/2006 9:48:00 PM
Overcome Depression by Changing Your Thoughts If there is one fact that religion, science and psychology seem to agree on, it is that the mind is indeed the most powerful force in the world. Yoga sages have stated that whoever can control the mind is indeed a powerful human being. Now Friends, The Greatest Teacher that ever lived once said: “As a Man thinks in his heart so is he”. What you constantly think of a situation is quite inevitably what becomes of it; therefore it is paramount that in any and every situation our thinking should be positive. That said, it is obvious that in coping with stress and dealing with depressive situations, one should make every step to think positively as perhaps the first weapon to combat negative challenges. Characterized by feelings of worthlessness, doubt, pessimism, if we allow depressive thoughts to constantly permeate our minds, they could actually gain the ability to diffuse into our speech and actions and consequently could aggravate the very situations and challenges one is facing that may be causing depressive thoughts in the first place. When dealing with problems arising from depression, the famous psychologist-William James has this cryptic quote to say: “Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking or challenging situation is the one thing that insures a successful outcome at the end” In no way does this mean that we should sit back and just expect things to miraculously change. It means we must change our thought processes about our situations first, perform the actions that will lead us to and keep us on the path to success at overcoming our challenges and as words, thoughts and actions have an effect on each other as factors, one is also advised to constantly speak positively about what challenges one may be facing. Combining all three factors will greatly help in making sure each component (most importantly our thoughts) remains positively tuned towards overcoming our depression. Hope these words of advice can help. Regards, Foras Article Posted by Foras Aje of Discover proven methods of Depression Treatment tips for success today at Kathy Hamilton/
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Re: I need your prayers and advice
11/1/2006 8:16:40 AM

Hang in there...

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Re: I need your prayers and advice
11/1/2006 10:35:29 PM

Hi Jonathan,

     I hope that you get the help you need for this. Clinical depression is a very real disease, but also very treatable.

    I will remember you in my prayers.

Your Good Friend


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